Unlocking the Power: Lucario's Best Moveset for Brilliant Diamond


Discover the best moveset for Lucario in Brilliant Diamond! Maximize your battles with this powerful Pokémon's top moves.

Lucario is one of the coolest and most powerful Pokemon in the world of Pokemon. Its appearance alone is enough to intimidate any opponent, but what truly sets it apart from other Pokemon is its moveset. In Brilliant Diamond, Lucario's moveset can make or break your battles, so it's important to choose wisely. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the best moveset for Lucario in Brilliant Diamond.

First and foremost, one of the best moves for Lucario is Close Combat. This Fighting-type move is incredibly powerful and can deal massive damage to opponents. However, it does come with a downside - it lowers Lucario's defense and special defense stats. But for those who prefer to play offensively, Close Combat is a must-have move in Lucario's arsenal.

Another great move for Lucario is Aura Sphere. This special Fighting-type move never misses and has a high critical hit ratio, making it a reliable move to use in battles. It also deals massive damage to opponents, especially those with high defense stats. Plus, it's a great option for taking down opponents who are resistant to Lucario's other moves.

One move that may surprise some trainers is Swords Dance. This move may seem like an odd choice for Lucario, but it's actually a great way to increase its attack power. With each use, Swords Dance raises Lucario's attack stat by two levels, making it a formidable opponent. However, it does require careful planning and timing in battles, as it leaves Lucario vulnerable to attacks while it's raising its attack stat.

If you're looking for a move that can deal damage and heal Lucario at the same time, then Drain Punch is the way to go. This Fighting-type move not only deals damage to opponents, but also restores Lucario's HP by half the damage dealt. It's a great way to keep Lucario healthy during battles, especially if you're up against tough opponents.

Another move that can help Lucario stay healthy in battles is Roost. This Flying-type move allows Lucario to restore half of its maximum HP while also removing its Flying type for the remainder of the turn. This can be incredibly useful against opponents who are strong against Fighting-type moves, as it allows Lucario to use other types of moves without being weak to their attacks.

For trainers who prefer to play defensively, Protect is a great move to have in Lucario's moveset. This move allows Lucario to avoid attacks for one turn, making it a great way to stall for time or scout out your opponent's moves. It can also be used in combination with other moves, such as Swords Dance or Roost, to give Lucario an advantage in battles.

One move that can catch opponents off guard is Nasty Plot. This move raises Lucario's special attack stat by two levels, making it a formidable opponent in battles. It can also be used in conjunction with Aura Sphere or other special moves to deal massive damage to opponents who aren't expecting it.

If you're looking for a move that can hit opponents with different types of attacks, then Hidden Power is the way to go. This move can have different types and power levels depending on the individual Pokemon, making it a great way to surprise opponents who may not be expecting certain types of attacks from Lucario.

When it comes to dealing with opponents who are resistant to Fighting-type moves, one of the best options for Lucario is Earthquake. This Ground-type move deals massive damage to opponents and can hit multiple targets at once. However, it does require careful planning and positioning in battles, as it can also damage your own Pokemon if they're standing too close to the opponent.

Finally, one move that can give Lucario an edge in battles is Extreme Speed. This Normal-type move allows Lucario to attack first, regardless of its speed stat. It's a great way to catch opponents off guard and deal damage before they have a chance to strike back.

In conclusion, Lucario's moveset in Brilliant Diamond can make all the difference in battles. Whether you prefer to play offensively or defensively, there are plenty of great moves to choose from. From Close Combat to Extreme Speed, each move offers unique advantages and disadvantages that can help you come out on top in battles. So be sure to choose wisely and train hard, because with the right moveset, Lucario can truly be a force to be reckoned with!


Lucario is a popular Fighting/Steel type Pokémon that has been around since the fourth generation. It has a unique ability called Steadfast, which increases its speed when flinching. Lucario is a versatile Pokémon that can be used in both offensive and defensive strategies. In this article, we will discuss the best moveset for Lucario in Brilliant Diamond.

Lucario's Stats

Before we dive into the moveset, let's take a look at Lucario's base stats:

  • HP: 70
  • Attack: 110
  • Defense: 70
  • Special Attack: 115
  • Special Defense: 70
  • Speed: 90

As you can see, Lucario has high Attack and Special Attack stats and decent Speed, but its defenses are lacking. This means that Lucario is better suited for an offensive role rather than a defensive one.

Physical Moveset

If you want to use Lucario as a physical attacker, here are some moves you should consider:

  • Close Combat - A powerful Fighting type move that has 120 base power. The downside is that it lowers Lucario's Defense and Special Defense by one stage.
  • Iron Head - A Steel type move with 80 base power and a 30% chance to flinch the target.
  • Bullet Punch - A priority move that has 40 base power and always goes first.
  • Earthquake - A Ground type move with 100 base power that hits all Pokémon on the field.

This moveset allows Lucario to hit hard and fast, but be aware that Close Combat comes with a drawback. You may want to pair Lucario with a Pokémon that can heal its lowered defenses, such as a Chansey with Soft-Boiled.

Special Moveset

If you prefer to use Lucario as a special attacker, here are some moves you should consider:

  • Aura Sphere - A powerful Fighting type move with 90 base power that never misses.
  • Flash Cannon - A Steel type move with 80 base power that has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense.
  • Psychic - A Psychic type move with 90 base power that has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense.
  • Shadow Ball - A Ghost type move with 80 base power that has a 20% chance to lower the target's Special Defense.

This moveset allows Lucario to take advantage of its high Special Attack stat. Aura Sphere is a must-have move for any special Lucario, as it is one of the most powerful Fighting type moves available.

Mixed Moveset

If you want to use Lucario as a mixed attacker, here are some moves you should consider:

  • Close Combat - A powerful Fighting type move that hits hard on both physical and special sides. The downside is that it lowers Lucario's Defense and Special Defense by one stage.
  • Stone Edge - A Rock type move with 100 base power that has a high critical hit ratio.
  • Ice Punch - An Ice type move with 75 base power and a 10% chance to freeze the target.
  • Thunder Punch - An Electric type move with 75 base power and a 10% chance to paralyze the target.

This moveset allows Lucario to hit hard with both physical and special moves, but be aware that Close Combat comes with a drawback. You may want to pair Lucario with a Pokémon that can heal its lowered defenses, such as a Chansey with Soft-Boiled.

Item Choices

Now that we've discussed the moveset, let's talk about item choices. Here are some items that can be useful for Lucario:

  • Life Orb - Increases the power of Lucario's moves by 30%, but also causes it to take recoil damage.
  • Fist Plate - Boosts the power of Lucario's Fighting type moves by 20%.
  • Expert Belt - Boosts the power of Lucario's super effective moves by 20%.
  • Leftovers - Gradually heals Lucario's HP each turn.

The Life Orb is a popular choice for Lucario as it boosts the power of its already strong moves. However, be aware that the recoil damage can add up quickly. The other items can be useful depending on your strategy.


Lucario is a versatile Pokémon that can be used in both offensive and defensive strategies. Its high Attack and Special Attack stats make it a formidable opponent, but its low defenses mean that it is better suited for an offensive role. Whether you prefer a physical, special, or mixed moveset, there are plenty of options available for Lucario. Combine it with the right item and it can become a force to be reckoned with in battle.

Understanding Lucario's Type and Stats

Lucario is a Fighting/Steel type Pokemon with the ability to Mega Evolve into Mega Lucario. Its base stats are 70 HP, 110 Attack, 70 Defense, 115 Special Attack, 70 Special Defense, and 90 Speed. With a relatively balanced stat distribution, Lucario can excel in both physical and special attacking roles.

Best Moves for Physical Attacking Lucario

Lucario's high Attack stat makes it an ideal physical attacker. Close Combat is a must-have move for any physical set, as it provides a powerful STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) option that can KO most opponents. Bullet Punch is another great option that can deal with Fairy types and other Steel types that resist Close Combat. Swords Dance is a setup move that can boost Lucario's Attack to terrifying levels, making it a formidable threat.

Best Moves for Special Attacking Lucario

Lucario's impressive Special Attack stat allows it to function as a special attacker as well. Aura Sphere is a powerful STAB move that bypasses accuracy checks, making it a reliable option. Dark Pulse is another useful move that can hit Ghost and Psychic types. Flash Cannon is a Steel-type special move that can deal with other Steel types that resist Aura Sphere.

Mixing Up Physical and Special Moves for Lucario

A mixed set can catch opponents off guard and allow Lucario to hit a wider range of targets. Close Combat and Aura Sphere provide powerful STAB options, while Dark Pulse and Flash Cannon provide coverage against common threats. Hidden Power Ice can also be used to hit Ground types, which resist both of Lucario's STAB moves.

Balanced Moveset for Lucario

A balanced set can allow Lucario to function as a versatile attacker. Close Combat and Aura Sphere provide powerful STAB options, while Swords Dance can be used to boost Lucario's Attack. Substitute can help Lucario avoid status and set up a free Swords Dance. Extreme Speed is a priority move that can pick off weakened targets.

Utility Moves for Lucario

Lucario has access to several utility moves that can support its team. Roar can force out opponents and prevent them from setting up. Toxic can wear down bulkier targets, while Protect can scout for opponents' moves and stall for time. Heal Pulse can heal a teammate's HP, making it a useful option in doubles battles.

Best Choice for Lucario's Mega Evolution

Mega Lucario gains the ability Adaptability, which increases the power of its STAB moves to terrifying levels. Its base stats also receive a significant boost, with its Attack stat jumping to 145 and its Speed increasing to 112. Mega Lucario's best moveset revolves around its signature move, Close Combat, which becomes even more devastating with Adaptability. Bullet Punch and Ice Punch are useful coverage options, while Swords Dance can be used to boost Mega Lucario's Attack to insane levels.

Synergizing Lucario's Moves with Its Ability

Lucario's ability, Inner Focus, prevents it from flinching, making it an ideal Choice Scarf user. With a Choice Scarf equipped, Lucario can outspeed most threats and hit hard with its powerful moves. Alternatively, Lucario can use Life Orb to boost the power of its moves at the cost of HP. This can make Lucario a glass cannon, but it can deal tremendous damage before going down.

Coverage Moves for Lucario

Lucario's moveset can be adjusted to provide coverage against specific threats. Stone Edge can deal with Flying types, which resist Lucario's Fighting and Steel moves. Earthquake can hit Fire types, which resist Lucario's Steel moves. Hidden Power Ice can deal with Ground types, which resist both of Lucario's STAB moves. Crunch can hit Ghost types, which are immune to Fighting moves.

Adjusting Lucario's Moveset for Competitive Battles

In competitive battles, Lucario's moveset should be adjusted to fit the team's needs. A physical set with Close Combat, Bullet Punch, Swords Dance, and a coverage move is a solid choice for offensive teams. A special set with Aura Sphere, Dark Pulse, Flash Cannon, and a coverage move can provide excellent coverage. A mixed set with Close Combat, Aura Sphere, Dark Pulse, and a coverage move can catch opponents off guard. Utility moves like Roar, Toxic, and Heal Pulse can support the team in various ways.In conclusion, Lucario is a versatile Pokemon that can function as both a physical and special attacker. Its balanced stat distribution and wide movepool make it a formidable threat in battle. By understanding Lucario's type and stats, choosing the best moves for physical and special attacking sets, mixing up moves, creating a balanced moveset, using utility moves, choosing the best Mega Evolution, synergizing moves with its ability, selecting coverage moves, and adjusting its moveset for competitive battles, trainers can maximize Lucario's potential and dominate their opponents.

Lucario Best Moveset in Brilliant Diamond: A Point of View


Lucario is a popular Fighting/Steel-type Pokemon that has been a fan-favorite since its introduction in Generation IV. It is known for its high attack and special attack stats, as well as its unique ability, Adaptability, which doubles the power of moves with the same type as the user. In Brilliant Diamond, Lucario can be a formidable addition to any team with the right moveset. However, choosing the best combination of moves can be tricky. In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of Lucario's best moveset in Brilliant Diamond.

Lucario's Best Moveset in Brilliant Diamond

Lucario's best moveset in Brilliant Diamond would be:1. Close Combat - a powerful Fighting-type move that deals massive damage but lowers the user's defense and special defense.2. Aura Sphere - a special Fighting-type move that never misses and deals damage based on the user's special attack stat.3. Swords Dance - a non-damaging move that raises the user's attack stat by two stages.4. Vacuum Wave - a priority Fighting-type move that always goes first and deals damage based on the user's attack stat.

Pros of Lucario's Best Moveset

- High Damage Output: With Close Combat and Aura Sphere, Lucario can deal massive amounts of damage to opponents.- Versatile: Lucario can handle both physical and special threats with its mix of physical and special moves.- Priority Move: Vacuum Wave allows Lucario to go first in battles, giving it an advantage over slower opponents.- Boosted Attack: Swords Dance can raise Lucario's already high attack stat, making it even more powerful.

Cons of Lucario's Best Moveset

- Lowered Defense: Close Combat lowers Lucario's defense and special defense, leaving it vulnerable to physical and special attacks.- Limited Movepool: Lucario's movepool is limited, so it may struggle against certain types of opponents.- No Status Moves: Lucario's best moveset does not include any status moves, which can be a disadvantage in battles.

Table Comparison

| Pros | Cons || --- | --- || High Damage Output | Lowered Defense || Versatile | Limited Movepool || Priority Move | No Status Moves || Boosted Attack | |


Overall, Lucario's best moveset in Brilliant Diamond is a combination of Close Combat, Aura Sphere, Swords Dance, and Vacuum Wave. While this moveset has its pros and cons, it can be a formidable addition to any team if used correctly. Lucario's high attack and special attack stats, as well as its unique ability, make it a versatile and powerful Pokemon that can handle a variety of opponents.

Lucario Best Moveset Brilliant Diamond: Closing Message for Blog Visitors

Thank you for taking the time to read our blog about the best moveset for Lucario in Brilliant Diamond. We hope that the information we have provided was helpful and informative, and that it has given you a better understanding of how to use this powerful Pokémon in battles.

As we have discussed throughout the article, Lucario is a versatile Pokémon that can be used in a variety of ways depending on the moveset you choose. While there is no one correct moveset for Lucario, we have provided some suggestions based on our experience and research that we believe will help you get the most out of this Pokémon.

Whether you are a seasoned trainer or just starting out, it is important to remember that building a successful moveset for your Pokémon requires careful consideration of not only the moves themselves, but also the type matchups and strategies you will be using in battle.

We encourage you to experiment with different movesets and strategies to find what works best for you and your team. Remember, what works for one trainer may not work for another, so don't be afraid to try new things and think outside the box.

Additionally, we recommend keeping an eye on updates and changes to the game that may affect the effectiveness of certain moves or strategies. As with any game, the meta is constantly evolving, and it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and developments.

Lastly, we want to emphasize the importance of having fun and enjoying the game. While winning battles and building a strong team is certainly rewarding, at the end of the day, Pokémon is all about having a good time with friends and exploring the world of Pokémon.

Thank you again for reading our blog about Lucario's best moveset in Brilliant Diamond. We hope that you have found it helpful and informative, and that it has inspired you to try out new movesets and strategies in your own battles.

Remember, whether you are battling with Lucario or any other Pokémon, the key to success is practice, patience, and a willingness to learn and adapt. Happy battling!

People Also Ask About Lucario Best Moveset Brilliant Diamond

What is Lucario?

Lucario is a Fighting/Steel-type Pokémon that was first introduced in Generation IV. It is known for its unique ability to sense and manipulate aura, making it a formidable opponent in battles.

What is a moveset?

A moveset refers to the specific combination of moves that a Pokémon knows and can use in battle. A good moveset is essential to maximize a Pokémon's potential in battles.

What are the best moves for Lucario in Brilliant Diamond?

Physical Attacker Moveset:

1. Close Combat: A powerful Fighting-type move that deals high damage but lowers the user's defense and special defense stats.

2. Bullet Punch: A priority Steel-type move that is perfect for finishing off weakened opponents.

3. Crunch: A Dark-type move that deals damage and has a chance to lower the target's defense stat.

4. Earthquake: A Ground-type move that hits all opponents on the field and deals high damage.

Special Attacker Moveset:

1. Aura Sphere: A special Fighting-type move that never misses and deals high damage.

2. Flash Cannon: A powerful Steel-type move that deals high damage and has a chance to lower the target's special defense stat.

3. Dark Pulse: A Dark-type move that deals damage and has a chance to make the target flinch.

4. Dragon Pulse: A Dragon-type move that deals high damage and has good coverage.

Mixed Attacker Moveset:

1. Close Combat: A powerful Fighting-type move that deals high damage but lowers the user's defense and special defense stats.

2. Aura Sphere: A special Fighting-type move that never misses and deals high damage.

3. Dark Pulse: A Dark-type move that deals damage and has a chance to make the target flinch.

4. Bullet Punch: A priority Steel-type move that is perfect for finishing off weakened opponents.

How can I teach Lucario these moves in Brilliant Diamond?

You can teach Lucario these moves by leveling it up or using TMs (Technical Machines) on it. Close Combat and Aura Sphere can be learned through leveling up, while Bullet Punch, Crunch, Flash Cannon, Dark Pulse, Earthquake, and Dragon Pulse can be taught using TMs.

What other moves should I consider for Lucario?

Other moves that you might want to consider for Lucario include Swords Dance, which raises its attack stat; Extreme Speed, a priority Normal-type move that always goes first; and Stone Edge, a powerful Rock-type move that has good coverage.


Lucario is a versatile Pokémon that can be used as a physical attacker, special attacker, or mixed attacker. Its moveset should be tailored to your playstyle and preferences, but the moves mentioned above are some of the best options available for Lucario in Brilliant Diamond.