Unlocking the Best Hinge Prompt Answers on Reddit: The Ultimate Guide


Get the best hinge prompt answers on Reddit! Find out how to spark a conversation, impress your match, and make a great first impression.

Reddit is a platform that never fails to amaze the internet with its diverse and informative content. One of the most popular topics on this website is hinge prompt answers. People from all over the world share their experiences and insights on various topics related to hinge prompts. The best thing about these answers is that they are honest, authentic, and relatable. From funny anecdotes to heartwarming stories, hinge prompt answers on Reddit have it all. In this article, we will explore some of the best hinge prompt answers on Reddit.

Firstly, we have the classic two truths and a lie prompt. This prompt is a great conversation starter and an excellent way to get to know someone better. One Redditor shared that their two truths were that they have never broken a bone and that they can speak three languages fluently. Their lie was that they once lived in a treehouse for a year. This answer caught our attention because it's not every day that you come across someone who has lived in a treehouse.

Another interesting hinge prompt answer was in response to the prompt what's something you're proud of that you don't get to talk about often? One user shared that they had recently started volunteering at a local animal shelter and had been able to foster a few dogs. They went on to say that it was one of the most rewarding experiences of their life. This answer caught our attention because it highlights the importance of giving back to the community and how it can make a difference in someone's life.

Next up, we have the prompt what's your favorite thing about yourself? One user shared that their favorite thing about themselves was their ability to adapt to new situations quickly. They went on to say that this skill had helped them in their personal and professional life. This answer caught our attention because it's essential to be adaptable, especially in today's ever-changing world.

The prompt what's your favorite book, and why? is always a popular one. One user shared that their favorite book was To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. They went on to explain that the book had taught them valuable life lessons about empathy, justice, and morality. This answer caught our attention because it's always interesting to hear about the impact that books can have on people's lives.

Another great hinge prompt answer was in response to the prompt what's something you've always wanted to try but haven't yet? One user shared that they had always wanted to go skydiving but had been too scared to try. They went on to say that they hoped to conquer their fear one day and take the plunge. This answer caught our attention because it's important to challenge ourselves and step out of our comfort zones.

The prompt what's your guilty pleasure? always elicits some interesting answers. One user shared that their guilty pleasure was watching reality TV shows. They went on to explain that it was a great way to unwind after a long day and that they found the drama and antics of the contestants entertaining. This answer caught our attention because it's always fascinating to see what people enjoy in their downtime.

In response to the prompt what's your idea of the perfect date? one user shared that their ideal date would be a picnic in the park followed by a movie under the stars. They went on to explain that they loved spending time outdoors and that a romantic movie would be the perfect way to end the night. This answer caught our attention because it's a unique and thoughtful idea for a date.

The prompt what's something you're looking forward to this year? is always a great way to learn about someone's goals and aspirations. One user shared that they were looking forward to traveling to a new country for the first time. They went on to say that they had been saving up for this trip for a while and that they couldn't wait to explore a new culture and make new memories. This answer caught our attention because it's always exciting to hear about people's travel plans.

Next up, we have the prompt what's something you're passionate about? One user shared that they were passionate about environmental conservation and sustainability. They went on to explain that they had recently started volunteering with an organization that focused on reducing plastic waste in their community. This answer caught our attention because it's important to be aware of the impact that our actions have on the environment.

The final hinge prompt answer that caught our attention was in response to the prompt what's your favorite thing about where you live? One user shared that their favorite thing about their city was the vibrant arts and culture scene. They went on to say that there were always events and performances happening, and that they loved being able to support local artists and musicians. This answer caught our attention because it's always great to see people appreciating and supporting their local community.

In conclusion, hinge prompt answers on Reddit are a great way to learn more about the diverse experiences and perspectives of people from all over the world. From funny anecdotes to heartwarming stories, these answers never fail to capture our attention and keep us coming back for more.


Hinge is a popular dating app that requires users to answer prompts as a way to start conversations. These prompts can be anything from Two truths and a lie to The key to my heart is... and they offer a fun and creative way to showcase your personality. However, coming up with the perfect answer can be difficult, especially if you're not used to talking about yourself. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the best hinge prompt answers on Reddit.

The Importance of Hinge Prompts

Before we dive into the best hinge prompt answers, let's talk about why they're important. Hinge prompts are a great way to break the ice and start a conversation with someone you're interested in. They give you the opportunity to show off your personality and interests, and they can also help you stand out from other users who may have similar profiles.

Be Honest and Authentic

When answering hinge prompts, it's important to be honest and authentic. Don't try to come up with an answer that you think will impress someone else. Instead, focus on what makes you unique and share that with others. Remember, people are attracted to authenticity and vulnerability, so don't be afraid to be yourself.

Best Hinge Prompt Answers

Now, let's take a look at some of the best hinge prompt answers that we found on Reddit. These answers are creative, funny, and showcase the user's personality in a unique way.

Two Truths and a Lie

One popular hinge prompt is Two truths and a lie. This prompt asks users to share two true statements about themselves and one false statement, and it's up to the other person to guess which one is the lie. Here are some great answers we found on Reddit:

  • I have a black belt in karate, I've never broken a bone, and I've been to every continent except Antarctica.
  • I once got lost in the Amazon rainforest, I'm fluent in three languages, and I've never had a cavity.
  • I've ridden in a hot air balloon, I've never eaten a hamburger, and I've been skydiving.

The Key to My Heart is...

Another popular hinge prompt is The key to my heart is... This prompt asks users to share something that they're passionate about or something that they find attractive in a potential partner. Here are some great answers we found on Reddit:

  • The key to my heart is a shared love of adventure and exploration. I want someone who will try new things with me and push me out of my comfort zone.
  • The key to my heart is a good sense of humor. Someone who can make me laugh is instantly attractive.
  • The key to my heart is kindness. I believe that the way a person treats others is a reflection of their character, and I'm looking for someone who is compassionate and empathetic.

What I'm Looking For

Finally, another popular hinge prompt is What I'm looking for. This prompt asks users to share what they're looking for in a relationship or in a potential partner. Here are some great answers we found on Reddit:

  • I'm looking for someone who is confident and independent, but also knows how to communicate and compromise. I want someone who is my partner in every sense of the word.
  • I'm looking for someone who is passionate about their career and their hobbies, but also knows how to relax and have fun. I want someone who can balance work and play.
  • I'm looking for someone who is open-minded and curious about the world. I want someone who is always learning and growing, both individually and as a couple.


Overall, hinge prompts are an excellent way to showcase your personality and start a conversation with someone you're interested in. When answering these prompts, be honest and authentic, and don't be afraid to show off what makes you unique. By following these tips and taking inspiration from some of the best hinge prompt answers on Reddit, you'll be well on your way to finding a great match on Hinge.

My Experience with Hinge Prompt Answers

As someone who has tried numerous dating apps, I can confidently say that Hinge is one of the best out there. One of the features that sets it apart from other apps is the prompts section. Instead of just swiping left or right on a photo, users can engage in a conversation by responding to a prompt.

When I first joined Hinge, I was intrigued by the prompts section. I found that it allowed me to showcase my personality and interests in a way that was not possible with just a photo. However, I quickly realized that not all prompts are created equal. Some were too generic, while others were too specific. It took some trial and error to figure out which prompts worked best for me.

Why Hinge Prompts are a Game-Changer for Online Dating

The prompts section on Hinge is a game-changer for online dating because it provides users with an opportunity to stand out and showcase their personality. In a sea of profiles, it can be hard to grab someone's attention. However, with a well-crafted prompt response, you can instantly catch someone's eye.

Additionally, the prompts section allows users to get a better sense of who someone is beyond just their photos. By responding to a prompt, users can showcase their humor, intelligence, and interests. This makes it easier to start a conversation and determine if there is a connection.

Tips for Crafting Perfect Hinge Prompt Answers

1. Be Specific

One of the biggest mistakes people make when responding to Hinge prompts is being too generic. For example, if the prompt is Two truths and a lie, don't just list three random facts about yourself. Instead, choose two interesting and unique truths and one clever lie that will make your match laugh.

2. Show Your Personality

The prompts section is an opportunity to showcase your personality and sense of humor. Don't be afraid to let your quirks shine through. If you're a foodie, respond to the prompt One thing I'll never order on a menu with a witty response about your aversion to anchovies.

3. Keep it Positive

Avoid negativity in your prompt responses. No one wants to match with someone who complains or seems bitter. Instead, focus on positive experiences and things you enjoy. For example, if the prompt is My ideal Sunday morning, don't say sleeping in until noon. Instead, say something like enjoying a cup of coffee while reading a good book.

4. Be Creative

The more creative and original your prompt response, the better. Avoid cliches and overused responses. Instead, think outside the box and come up with a response that will make your match smile or laugh. For example, if the prompt is Two truths and a lie, don't say I've never been skydiving, I've never broken a bone, I've never been to Europe. Instead, say something like I've never eaten escargot, I've never been on a cruise, I've never ridden a horse.

Hinge Prompts: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Not all Hinge prompts are created equal. Some are great conversation starters, while others fall flat. Here are some of the best and worst prompts I've come across:

The Good

  • Two truths and a lie
  • Change my mind about...
  • The way to my heart is...
  • I'm weirdly attracted to...
  • The key to a good day is...

The Bad

  • My most irrational fear
  • Worst first date
  • What I'm looking for
  • I'll know I've found the one when...
  • The last text I sent

The Ugly

  • Netflix and chill or going out?
  • What's your favorite food?
  • Do you like dogs?
  • What do you do for fun?
  • Describe yourself in three emojis

How Hinge Prompts Helped Me Find Love

After using Hinge for several months, I matched with someone who had a hilarious response to the prompt Two truths and a lie. We ended up talking for hours that night and went on our first date a few days later. Three years later, we're still happily together.

Without the prompts section, I'm not sure if we would have matched. His response to the prompt gave me a glimpse into his sense of humor and intelligence, which instantly caught my attention. The prompts section allowed us to connect on a deeper level and ultimately led to a lasting relationship.

Hinge Prompt Answers That Instantly Caught My Attention

Here are some Hinge prompt responses that I've seen that instantly caught my attention:

  • One thing I'll never order on a menu: a side salad. I didn't come to a restaurant to eat lettuce.
  • My most irrational fear: accidentally liking someone's Instagram post from five years ago.
  • The way to my heart is through a good book and a strong cup of coffee.
  • I'm weirdly attracted to people who have a talent for puns.
  • Change my mind about pineapple on pizza. I dare you.

The Dos and Don'ts of Hinge Prompt Responses

The Dos

  • Be specific
  • Show your personality
  • Keep it positive
  • Be creative
  • Use humor

The Don'ts

  • Be generic
  • Complain or be negative
  • Use cliches
  • Be offensive
  • Lie

Why You Should Put Effort into Your Hinge Prompt Answers

If you're serious about finding a connection on Hinge, it's important to put effort into your prompt responses. The prompts section provides an opportunity to showcase your personality and interests, which can set you apart from other users. Additionally, a well-crafted prompt response can lead to a more engaging conversation and ultimately, a better chance of finding a lasting connection.

So take the time to think about your responses and don't be afraid to get creative. You never know who might be swiping right on you because of your witty response to Two truths and a lie.

The Best Hinge Prompt Answers Reddit: A Point of View

What is Hinge?

Hinge is a dating app that aims to create meaningful connections by highlighting users' personalities and interests. Unlike other dating apps, Hinge prompts its users to answer questions about themselves, their preferences, and their experiences. These prompts are designed to spark conversations and help users showcase their unique qualities.

The Best Hinge Prompt Answers Reddit

Reddit is a platform where people share their opinions, experiences, and knowledge on various topics. When it comes to Hinge, Reddit users have shared their favorite prompt answers that helped them stand out and attract potential matches. Some of the best Hinge prompt answers according to Reddit users include:

  1. Two truths and a lie: I've never broken a bone, I'm fluent in three languages, and I've climbed a volcano.
  2. I'm overly competitive about: remembering song lyrics, spotting typos, and making the perfect guacamole.
  3. I'll know I've found the one when: we can't stop laughing, we challenge each other to be better, and we never run out of things to talk about.

Pros and Cons of Using Hinge Prompt Answers Reddit

Using Hinge prompt answers recommended by Reddit users can have its advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of them:


  • You can get inspiration and ideas from people who have had success using Hinge.
  • You can learn what kind of answers resonate with potential matches.
  • You can save time and effort by using proven prompts instead of coming up with your own.


  • Copying someone else's prompt answers may not reflect your true personality and values.
  • Your matches may have also seen the same prompt answers on Reddit, making them less effective.
  • Your matches may expect you to live up to the expectations set by the prompt answers, which can be challenging.

A Comparison of Hinge vs. Other Dating Apps

Here's a table comparing Hinge with other popular dating apps:

App Prompts Swipe-Based? Free Version? Video Chat?
Hinge Yes No Yes Yes
Tinder No Yes Yes Yes
Bumble No Yes Yes Yes
OkCupid Yes No Yes Yes

Overall, using Hinge prompt answers recommended by Reddit users can be a useful strategy to increase your chances of getting matches and starting conversations. However, it's important to remember that authenticity and honesty are key to building meaningful connections on Hinge or any other dating app.

Conclusion: The Best Hinge Prompt Answers on Reddit

Thank you for taking the time to read this article about the best hinge prompt answers on Reddit. We hope that we have provided you with valuable insights into crafting effective and engaging responses to some of the most popular prompts on the dating app.

As we have discussed, there are several key elements to consider when crafting your responses, including being creative, authentic, and specific. By following these guidelines, you can stand out from the crowd and increase your chances of making a meaningful connection with someone on Hinge.

One of the most important things to keep in mind is the importance of being yourself. While it can be tempting to try to come up with a response that you think will impress someone else, ultimately, you want to find someone who likes you for who you are. So don't be afraid to show off your personality and let your unique qualities shine through in your responses.

Another key element of crafting great Hinge prompt answers is being specific. As we have seen in our examples, providing specific details about your interests, hobbies, and experiences can help others get to know you better and provide a better picture of who you are as a person.

Additionally, it's important to be creative and have fun with your responses. Don't be afraid to think outside the box and come up with clever or humorous responses that will make others smile or laugh. Remember, the goal is to make a connection and show others that you are an interesting and engaging person to talk to.

While we have provided some great examples of Hinge prompt answers in this article, it's important to remember that these are just suggestions. The key is to take inspiration from these examples and use them as a starting point for crafting your own unique responses that reflect your personality and interests.

Finally, we encourage you to keep an open mind and have fun with the process of using Hinge. While it can be frustrating at times, remember that dating is ultimately about finding someone who you connect with on a deeper level. So don't give up, keep trying new approaches, and most importantly, be yourself!

Thank you again for reading this article, and we wish you the best of luck in your Hinge dating adventures!

People Also Ask About Best Hinge Prompt Answers Reddit

What are Hinge prompts?

Hinge prompts are questions or statements that users can use to start a conversation on the dating app. These prompts are designed to help users show their personality and interests to potential matches.

What are some good Hinge prompts?

There are many great Hinge prompts to choose from, depending on your interests and personality. Some popular prompts include:

  • Two truths and a lie
  • The key to my heart is...
  • My ideal first date involves...
  • I'm looking for someone who...

What makes a good Hinge prompt answer?

A good Hinge prompt answer should be honest, engaging, and show your personality. It should also ask a question or provide an opportunity for the other person to continue the conversation. Avoid generic answers and try to be specific and unique.

Can you give examples of good Hinge prompt answers?

Some examples of good Hinge prompt answers are:

  1. For the prompt Two truths and a lie, a good answer could be I've traveled to over 10 countries, I've never broken a bone, and I can speak three languages fluently. Can you guess which one is the lie?
  2. For the prompt The key to my heart is..., a good answer could be A sense of humor and a willingness to try new things. Bonus points if you can make me laugh until my stomach hurts.
  3. For the prompt My ideal first date involves..., a good answer could be Trying a new restaurant or going to a museum. I love exploring new places and learning new things.
  4. For the prompt I'm looking for someone who..., a good answer could be Shares my love of hiking, trying new foods, and binge-watching Netflix. Bonus points if you have a dog I can play with.

Overall, the best Hinge prompt answers are those that are unique, engaging, and show your personality and interests.