Unleashing the Best Total War Attila Backgrounds for an Epic Gaming Experience


Discover the top backgrounds in Total War Attila, from fierce barbarian tribes to powerful Roman armies. Immerse yourself in epic battles and conquer the world!

Total War: Attila is a critically acclaimed video game that has captured the hearts and minds of strategy game enthusiasts worldwide. The game's intricate design, immersive gameplay, and historical accuracy have made it one of the best strategy games ever created. However, what sets Total War: Attila apart from other games in the franchise is its stunning background art. These backgrounds are not just aesthetically pleasing but also provide crucial insights into the game's historical context and setting. In this article, we'll take a closer look at some of the best Total War: Attila backgrounds that you should definitely check out if you're a fan of the game.

Firstly, let's talk about the stunning background of the Battle of Adrianople. This battle marked one of the most significant defeats of the Roman Empire against the Visigoths, and the background art brilliantly captures the chaos and destruction of the battlefield. The smoky haze, the flames rising from the burning buildings, and the bodies littering the ground create a vivid image of the brutality of war.

Another background that stands out is the city of Constantinople. The detail and precision in recreating the architecture and landmarks of the city during the Byzantine era are impressive. The walls, gates, and towers of the city are intricately designed, giving players a sense of the grandeur and might of the Byzantine Empire.

One of the most iconic backgrounds in the game is the Hunnic horde. The Hunnic army was known for its nomadic lifestyle, and the background depicts their tents and horses in the vast steppes of Central Asia. The background art perfectly captures the sense of movement and restlessness of the Hunnic horde, making it one of the most visually striking backgrounds in the game.

The Battle of Chalons is another background that deserves a mention. This battle was fought between the Huns and a coalition of Roman, Visigothic, and Frankish armies, and the background art captures the scale and intensity of the conflict. The smoke rising from the fires, the dust kicked up by the horses, and the sheer number of soldiers on the battlefield create a stunning visual spectacle.

Another background that showcases the game's attention to detail is the Eastern Roman Empire. The artwork depicts the opulence and grandeur of the Byzantine capital city of Constantinople, complete with the Hippodrome, Hagia Sophia, and the palace complex. The intricate design and use of color in the background make it one of the most visually impressive in the game.

One of the most breathtaking backgrounds in the game is the Northern Lights. This natural phenomenon is depicted in all its glory, with the vibrant green and purple hues lighting up the night sky. The background is a welcome change from the usual scenes of war and destruction, providing players with a moment of respite and beauty.

Another notable background in the game is the Great Wall of China. The wall is an architectural marvel, and the background art pays tribute to its grandeur and scale. The wall stretches across the horizon, and the intricate detailing on the watchtowers and battlements adds to the sense of awe and wonder.

The Battle of Thermopylae is another background that deserves a mention. This battle is one of the most famous in history, and the background art captures the narrow pass where the Spartans made their stand against the Persian army. The rocky terrain, the steep cliffs, and the narrow pathway create a sense of claustrophobia and tension, making this background one of the most intense in the game.

Another background that showcases the game's artistry and attention to detail is the Colosseum. The iconic Roman amphitheater is beautifully recreated, complete with the stands, the podium, and the arena. The background art captures the grandeur and spectacle of the gladiatorial games, making it one of the most impressive in the game.

Finally, the last background that we'll be discussing is the Battle of Tours. This battle marked the end of the Muslim invasion of Europe, and the background art captures the ferocity and intensity of the conflict. The clash of swords, the dust kicked up by the horses, and the sheer number of soldiers on the battlefield create a stunning visual spectacle.

In conclusion, Total War: Attila has some of the best background art in any video game. The attention to detail, the use of color and light, and the historical accuracy make the backgrounds not just visually appealing but also informative. Whether you're a fan of history or just appreciate great artwork, these backgrounds are worth checking out.


Total War: Attila is a strategy game that takes place during the Dark Ages. The game is set in Europe and the Middle East during the time of the Huns. The game has several factions that players can choose from, each with their unique backgrounds. In this article, we will be looking at the best Total War: Attila backgrounds.

The Huns

The Huns are one of the most iconic factions in Total War: Attila. They are feared for their horsemanship and their ability to pillage and burn entire cities. The Hunnic background is one of the most challenging backgrounds in the game as players need to manage their resources carefully to survive.

The Horde Mechanic

The Huns use a unique mechanic called the horde mechanic. This mechanic allows players to move their entire army across the map without needing to take control of any settlements. This mechanic allows players to raid and pillage their way across Europe and the Middle East.

The Sassanid Empire

The Sassanid Empire is one of the most powerful factions in Total War: Attila. They are known for their heavy cavalry and their ability to field large armies. The Sassanid Empire has a rich history and culture that players can explore in the game.

The Persian Legacy

The Sassanid Empire has a rich Persian legacy that players can explore in the game. The Persian legacy includes their religion, Zoroastrianism, and their architecture, which is characterized by its intricate designs and use of bright colors.

The Western Roman Empire

The Western Roman Empire is one of the most challenging factions in Total War: Attila. The faction is on the brink of collapse, and players need to manage their resources carefully to survive. The Western Roman Empire is surrounded by enemies, and players need to fend off constant attacks.

The Fall of Rome

The Western Roman Empire is on the brink of collapse, and players need to manage their resources carefully to survive. The faction is surrounded by enemies, and players need to fend off constant attacks. The fall of Rome is inevitable, and players need to decide whether to fight to the bitter end or to flee to a safer location.

The Ostrogoths

The Ostrogoths are one of the most unique factions in Total War: Attila. They are a Germanic tribe that has settled in Italy. The Ostrogoths have a rich history and culture that players can explore in the game.

The Kingdom of Italy

The Ostrogoths have established the Kingdom of Italy, which is a unique faction in the game. The Kingdom of Italy is characterized by its mix of Germanic and Roman cultures. Players need to manage their resources carefully to maintain the stability of the Kingdom.

The Vandals

The Vandals are one of the most interesting factions in Total War: Attila. They are a Germanic tribe that has settled in North Africa. The Vandals are known for their naval prowess and their ability to raid and pillage coastal cities.

The Sack of Rome

The Vandals are known for their naval prowess and their ability to raid and pillage coastal cities. In 455 AD, the Vandals sacked Rome, which was then the capital of the Western Roman Empire. The sack of Rome was a significant event in history and is depicted in the game.

The Franks

The Franks are one of the most powerful factions in Total War: Attila. They are a Germanic tribe that has settled in modern-day France. The Franks have a rich history and culture that players can explore in the game.

The Merovingian Dynasty

The Franks have established the Merovingian Dynasty, which is a unique faction in the game. The Merovingian Dynasty is characterized by its mix of Germanic and Roman cultures. Players need to manage their resources carefully to maintain the stability of the Dynasty.

The Visigoths

The Visigoths are one of the most interesting factions in Total War: Attila. They are a Germanic tribe that has settled in modern-day Spain and Portugal. The Visigoths have a rich history and culture that players can explore in the game.

The Kingdom of Toledo

The Visigoths have established the Kingdom of Toledo, which is a unique faction in the game. The Kingdom of Toledo is characterized by its mix of Germanic and Roman cultures. Players need to manage their resources carefully to maintain the stability of the Kingdom.


Total War: Attila is an excellent strategy game that takes place during the Dark Ages. The game has several factions that players can choose from, each with their unique backgrounds. In this article, we have looked at the best Total War: Attila backgrounds, including the Huns, the Sassanid Empire, the Western Roman Empire, the Ostrogoths, the Vandals, the Franks, and the Visigoths. Each faction has a rich history and culture that players can explore in the game.
Total War: Attila is a real-time strategy game that takes players back in time to the fall of the Western Roman Empire. The game offers an immersive experience, with a range of backgrounds to choose from. Each background presents a unique setting and storyline, which makes Total War: Attila a must-play for history buffs and gamers alike.A World on Fire: The Fall of the Western Roman EmpireThe background of the Western Roman Empire depicts a world on fire, where the once-great empire is crumbling under the weight of its own corruption and greed. Players take on the role of Roman generals as they try to hold back the invading hordes of barbarians from all sides.The Rise of the Huns: A Nomadic ThreatIn this background, players take on the role of the Huns, a powerful nomadic tribe from the east. The Huns were known for their fierce warriors and relentless attacks on neighboring kingdoms. Players must navigate the intricacies of Hunnic politics and forge alliances to ensure the survival of their people.The Sassanid Empire: A Rivalry with RomeThe Sassanid Empire was the last Persian Empire before the rise of Islam. In this background, players take on the role of the Sassanid Empire as they compete with Rome for dominance in the region. Players must use their wits and military might to outmaneuver their Roman rivals and secure their place in history.The Migration Period: A Time of TurmoilThe Migration Period was a time of great upheaval in Europe, as various tribes migrated across the continent in search of new lands and opportunities. In this background, players must navigate the complex web of alliances and conflicts that defined this period and emerge victorious as the dominant force in Europe.The Viking Invasions: From the North to the SouthThe Vikings were fierce warriors from Scandinavia who raided and pillaged their way across Europe. In this background, players take on the role of the Vikings as they launch their raids on unsuspecting kingdoms. Players must balance their desire for wealth and glory with the need to maintain their reputation as fearsome warriors.The Gothic Wars: East vs WestThe Goths were an ancient Germanic tribe that played a pivotal role in the fall of the Western Roman Empire. In this background, players take on the role of the Goths as they fight for independence and survival against the might of the Roman Empire. Players must navigate the complex politics of the time and emerge victorious in the face of overwhelming odds.The Battle of Adrianople: A Turning Point in HistoryThe Battle of Adrianople was a pivotal moment in history, marking the first major defeat of the Roman Empire by a barbarian army. In this background, players take on the role of the Goths as they face off against the Roman legions in a battle that will shape the course of history.The Rise of the Avars: A New Power EmergesThe Avars were a nomadic tribe from the steppes of Central Asia who rose to prominence in the 6th century. In this background, players take on the role of the Avars as they build their empire and expand their influence across Europe. Players must use their military might and cunning diplomacy to outmaneuver their rivals and secure their place as a new power in the region.The Age of Charlemagne: A New Era BeginsCharlemagne was a legendary ruler who united much of Europe under his banner in the 8th century. In this background, players take on the role of Charlemagne as he battles his enemies and cements his legacy as one of the greatest rulers in European history. Players must navigate the complex politics of the time and emerge victorious in the face of numerous challenges.The Battle of Tours: The Defeat of Islamic ExpansionThe Battle of Tours was a pivotal moment in European history, marking the defeat of Islamic forces by Charles Martel and his Frankish army. In this background, players take on the role of the Franks as they face off against the invading forces of Islam. Players must use their military might and strategic prowess to outmaneuver their enemies and secure their place in history.In conclusion, Total War: Attila offers a range of backgrounds that allow players to immerse themselves in some of the most pivotal moments in European history. Each background presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities, making Total War: Attila a must-play for fans of strategy games and history alike. Whether you want to forge an empire or defend your people against invaders, there is a background in Total War: Attila that will suit your playstyle.

Best Total War Attila Backgrounds: Pros and Cons


Total War Attila is a strategy game that features different factions fighting for survival in a world that is being ravaged by the Huns. The game has become popular among gamers due to its immersive gameplay and excellent graphics. One of the standout features of the game is the background choice, which plays a significant role in determining the player's success. In this article, we will take a closer look at the best total war attila backgrounds and their pros and cons.

Background Choices

There are four background choices in Total War Attila, namely:

1. Roman Empires

The Roman Empires background is divided into two factions, the Western and Eastern Roman Empire. The Western Roman Empire is on the brink of collapse due to internal strife, barbarian invasions, and economic instability. The Eastern Roman Empire is more stable but faces external threats from the Sassanid Empire and the Huns.

2. Barbarian Kingdoms

The Barbarian Kingdoms background consists of several factions that are trying to establish their dominance in a world that is being threatened by the Huns. These factions include the Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Saxons, Vandals, and Franks.

3. Nomadic Tribes

The Nomadic Tribes background is made up of tribes that are trying to survive in a world that is being dominated by the Huns. These tribes include the Huns, Alans, and Roxolani.

4. The Last Roman

The Last Roman background features the Byzantine Empire, which is trying to survive against overwhelming odds. The empire is divided into two factions, the Eastern Roman Empire and the Western Roman Empire.

Pros and Cons

Each background has its pros and cons, as summarized below:

Roman Empires

  • Access to advanced military technology
  • Strong economy
  • Large territory
  • Internal strife
  • Barbarian invasions
  • Highly vulnerable to external threats

Barbarian Kingdoms

  • Strong military units
  • Ability to raid and pillage
  • Access to unique units and technologies
  • Limited economic resources
  • Difficulty in holding territories
  • Low technological advancement

Nomadic Tribes

  • Mobile armies
  • Ability to raid and pillage
  • Access to unique units and technologies
  • Limited economic resources
  • Difficulty in holding territories
  • Low technological advancement

The Last Roman

  • Access to advanced military technology
  • Strong economy
  • Unique units and technologies
  • Highly vulnerable to external threats
  • Difficulty in holding territories
  • Low starting resources


Overall, the choice of background in Total War Attila is crucial to the player's success. Each background has its unique advantages and disadvantages, and players should choose the one that suits their playstyle. The table comparison below summarizes the pros and cons of each background.
Background Pros Cons
Roman Empires Access to advanced military technology, strong economy, large territory Internal strife, barbarian invasions, highly vulnerable to external threats
Barbarian Kingdoms Strong military units, ability to raid and pillage, access to unique units and technologies Limited economic resources, difficulty in holding territories, low technological advancement
Nomadic Tribes Mobile armies, ability to raid and pillage, access to unique units and technologies Limited economic resources, difficulty in holding territories, low technological advancement
The Last Roman Access to advanced military technology, strong economy, unique units and technologies Highly vulnerable to external threats, difficulty in holding territories, low starting resources

The Best Total War Attila Backgrounds

Thank you for taking the time to read about the best Total War Attila backgrounds. We hope that you found this article informative and helpful in selecting your next background. The Total War franchise has been around for over two decades now, and it's no surprise that Attila is one of the most popular installments of the series.

If you're looking for a new background to use while playing Total War Attila, you've come to the right place. In this article, we've provided an in-depth look at the top ten backgrounds available in the game. Each background has its unique features, and we've tried to cover all the aspects that make them stand out.

It's important to note that these backgrounds are not ranked in any particular order. Every player has different preferences, and what may be the best for one player may not work for another. As such, we've tried to provide a comprehensive list that caters to different styles and preferences.

If you're a fan of the Roman Empire, then you'll love the Roman Eagle background. This background features the iconic Roman eagle symbol and is perfect for players who want to relive the glory days of the Roman Empire. With its bright colors and intricate details, the Roman Eagle background is sure to impress.

For those who prefer something a little more rugged and barbaric, the Hunnic Raider background is a great choice. This background features a Hunnic warrior riding on horseback, ready to raid and pillage. The Hunnic Raider background is perfect for players who want to embrace their inner barbarian and dominate the battlefield.

If you're looking for a background that's a little more mystical, then the Celtic Knot background is worth considering. This background features a Celtic knot design that's both intricate and beautiful. The Celtic Knot background is perfect for players who want to add a touch of mystery and magic to their game.

The Gothic Cross background is another great option for players who want a background with a bit of history behind it. This background features the iconic Gothic Cross symbol, which was used by the Goths during the 4th and 5th centuries. The Gothic Cross background is perfect for players who want to pay homage to one of the most influential tribes in European history.

For those who prefer something a little more subtle, the Grey Scale background is a great choice. This background features a simple yet elegant design that's perfect for players who want something understated. The Grey Scale background is perfect for players who want to focus on the game without any distractions.

If you're a fan of the Byzantine Empire, then the Byzantine Eagle background is a must-have. This background features the iconic Byzantine eagle symbol and is perfect for players who want to relive the glory days of the Byzantine Empire. With its bright colors and intricate details, the Byzantine Eagle background is sure to impress.

For players who want a background that's a little more chaotic, the Chaos Warrior background is a great choice. This background features a Chaos Warrior riding on horseback, ready to sow chaos and destruction. The Chaos Warrior background is perfect for players who want to embrace their inner villain and dominate the battlefield.

The Viking Longship background is another great option for players who love all things Viking. This background features a Viking longship sailing on the open sea, ready to embark on a new adventure. The Viking Longship background is perfect for players who want to channel their inner Viking and conquer new territories.

Lastly, the Egyptian Scarab background is a great choice for players who love all things ancient Egypt. This background features the iconic scarab beetle, which was a symbol of rebirth and regeneration in ancient Egyptian culture. The Egyptian Scarab background is perfect for players who want to pay homage to one of the most fascinating civilizations in history.

In conclusion, Total War Attila has some amazing backgrounds to choose from, and we hope this article has helped you find the perfect one for your playstyle. Whether you prefer something historical, mystical, or chaotic, there's a background out there for you. Happy gaming!

People Also Ask About Best Total War Attila Backgrounds

What is Total War Attila?

Total War Attila is a strategy video game that was developed by Creative Assembly and published by Sega. It was released in February 2015 and is the ninth title in the Total War series. The game is set in the late Roman Empire and features the infamous leader Attila the Hun as one of the key characters.

What are backgrounds in Total War Attila?

In Total War Attila, backgrounds refer to the different factions or groups that players can choose to play as. Each background has its own unique units, strengths, weaknesses, and objectives.

What are some of the best Total War Attila backgrounds?

There are several great backgrounds to choose from in Total War Attila, but here are some of the most popular ones:

  1. The Roman Empire: This background allows players to take on the role of either the Eastern or Western Roman Empire and try to maintain control over their territories while dealing with external threats from barbarian hordes.
  2. The Huns: As the name suggests, this background lets players play as the fearsome Hunnic horde led by Attila himself. The goal is to conquer as much territory as possible and become the dominant power in Europe.
  3. The Sassanid Empire: This background puts players in control of the Persian Sassanid Empire and tasks them with expanding their influence while dealing with internal strife and external threats from neighboring factions.
  4. The Danes: Players who choose this background will lead the Viking Danes as they raid and pillage their way across Europe, seeking wealth and glory.

Are there any DLC backgrounds in Total War Attila?

Yes, there are several DLC backgrounds that can be purchased for Total War Attila. Some of the most popular ones include:

  • The Age of Charlemagne: This DLC adds a new campaign to the game that is set in the Middle Ages and focuses on the rise of Charlemagne and the Carolingian Empire.
  • The Last Roman: This DLC adds a new campaign to the game that is set in the final years of the Western Roman Empire and gives players the chance to play as the Roman general Belisarius as he tries to reunite the empire.
  • The Viking Forefathers: This DLC adds three new factions to the game: the Danes, the Geats, and the Jutes. Each faction has its own unique units and objectives.


Overall, Total War Attila offers a wide range of backgrounds to choose from, each with its own unique challenges and opportunities. Whether you prefer to play as a powerful empire or a fierce barbarian horde, there is sure to be a background that suits your playstyle and preferences.