Unleash Your Power with the Best Triple Elixir Deck for 2021


Discover the ultimate triple elixir deck for 2021! Crush your opponents with this unbeatable combination of cards and dominate the arena!

Are you looking for the ultimate triple elixir deck to dominate your opponents in Clash Royale? Look no further! In this article, we will be discussing the best triple elixir deck for 2021 that will help you climb the ranks and win battles with ease. With its fast-paced gameplay and intense battles, triple elixir mode requires a strategic and well-planned deck to ensure victory.

First and foremost, the key to a successful triple elixir deck is a strong defense. You want to make sure that you have enough defensive cards in your deck to counter your opponent's attacks while still having enough elixir to launch your own counter-attacks. This means including cards like Inferno Tower or Tesla to take down tanks and high-damage troops.

But a strong defense alone won't cut it in triple elixir mode. You also need to have a solid offense to keep your opponent on their toes. One of the most effective offensive cards in triple elixir mode is the Three Musketeers. With three powerful Musketeers, you can quickly take down towers and overwhelm your opponent with massive damage.

In addition to the Three Musketeers, it's also important to have other offensive cards in your deck that can deal significant damage to your opponent's towers. Cards like Goblin Barrel, Hog Rider, and Balloon are great options for taking down towers quickly and efficiently.

Another important aspect of a successful triple elixir deck is versatility. You want to have a variety of cards in your deck that can be used in different situations. This means including cards like Fireball or Poison that can be used to take out groups of troops or weaken enemy towers.

Of course, no deck is complete without a strong win condition. For many players, this means using the legendary card, Graveyard. With its ability to summon skeletons that can quickly chip away at enemy towers, Graveyard is a powerful win condition that can turn the tide of any battle.

But Graveyard isn't the only win condition available. Cards like Golem or Giant Skeleton can also be effective options for taking down towers and securing victory in triple elixir mode.

When building your triple elixir deck, it's important to keep in mind the current meta and what cards are being used by other players. This will help you build a deck that is well-suited to counter the most common strategies and decks that you may encounter.

It's also important to practice and refine your deck over time. Triple elixir mode can be fast-paced and intense, so it's crucial to have a deck that you are familiar with and comfortable using in high-stress situations.

In conclusion, the best triple elixir deck for 2021 is one that has a strong defense, a versatile offense, and a solid win condition. By including cards like Three Musketeers, Goblin Barrel, and Graveyard, you can create a deck that is well-suited to dominate in triple elixir mode. Remember to keep practicing and refining your deck over time, and you'll be well on your way to climbing the ranks and winning battles in Clash Royale.


Triple Elixir mode is one of the most exciting and fast-paced modes in Clash Royale. In this mode, elixir generation is tripled, allowing players to play more cards and execute their strategies quickly. Choosing the right deck is crucial to winning in this mode. In this article, we will discuss the best triple elixir deck for 2021.

The Best Triple Elixir Deck

The best triple elixir deck comprises cards that can generate quick and massive elixir advantages while dealing significant damage to the opponent's towers. The deck should have a balance of offense and defense to counter the opponent's attacks while executing its own strategy. Following are the cards that make the best triple elixir deck:


Golem is the primary win condition of this deck. It has high health and deals massive damage to towers. Its death damage can also destroy swarm troops, which makes it an excellent card to deal with Goblin Gang, Skeleton Army, etc.

Night Witch

Night Witch is an excellent support card for the Golem. It spawns bats that can distract enemy troops and deal extra damage to the tower. Night Witch's death spawns a Bat Swarm, which can continue to attack the opponent's troops or towers.

Baby Dragon

Baby Dragon is a versatile card that can be used on both offense and defense. Its splash damage can take out swarms of troops, and its ability to fly allows it to bypass ground-based defenses. Baby Dragon can also tank for the Golem and deal damage to the opponent's tower.

Electro Wizard

Electro Wizard is an excellent defensive card that can stun enemy troops and reset their attacks. Its spawn zap can also deal damage to nearby troops, which makes it an excellent counter to swarms like Minion Horde, Skeleton Army, etc. Electro Wizard can also be used to support the Golem on offense.


Tornado is a unique card that can pull enemy troops towards a specific area. It can be used to activate the King Tower, group enemy troops together for splash damage, or pull enemy troops away from your towers. Tornado can also be used to pull enemy troops towards the Golem for a quick tower takedown.


Poison is an excellent spell that deals damage over time and slows down enemy troops and towers. It can be used to poison the enemy's defense troops or towers while your troops take them down. Poison can also be used to clear swarms and deal damage to the opponent's tower.


Log is an excellent spell that can push back enemy troops and deal damage to them. It can be used to knock back troops like Hog Rider, Battle Ram, etc., and prevent them from reaching your towers. Log can also be used to clear swarms and deal damage to the opponent's tower.

Ice Spirit

Ice Spirit is a cheap cycle card that can be used to freeze enemy troops and slow them down. It can be used to kite enemy troops away from your towers, or to freeze them in place while your troops take them down. Ice Spirit can also be used to cycle back to your other cards quickly.


The primary strategy of this deck is to build up a massive elixir advantage by playing defensive and counter-attacking with the Golem. The Golem should always be played at the back of the King Tower to give enough time to build up support troops. Night Witch, Baby Dragon, and Electro Wizard should be used to support the Golem. Tornado can be used to pull enemy troops towards the Golem or away from your towers. Poison and Log can be used to clear swarms and deal damage to the opponent's tower. Ice Spirit can be used to cycle back to your other cards quickly.


The best triple elixir deck for 2021 comprises cards that can generate quick and massive elixir advantages while dealing significant damage to the opponent's towers. The deck should have a balance of offense and defense to counter the opponent's attacks while executing its own strategy. The Golem, Night Witch, Baby Dragon, Electro Wizard, Tornado, Poison, Log, and Ice Spirit make the best triple elixir deck. Remember to play defensively and counter-attack with the Golem to build up a massive elixir advantage and take down the opponent's towers quickly.

Introduction to Triple Elixir Deck: What Is It and How Does It Work?

If you're a Clash Royale player, you've probably heard of the Triple Elixir mode. This game mode is one of the most exciting and fast-paced modes in the game. As the name suggests, Triple Elixir mode triples the elixir generation rate, which means you'll be able to play cards at an incredibly rapid pace.In Triple Elixir mode, the game starts with 9 elixir instead of the standard 5. This means that players can play their cards more quickly, and the game becomes more intense. As the match progresses, elixir generation continues to increase, allowing players to play cards even faster.

Top Triple Elixir Deck Cards: Must-Haves for a Winning Strategy

When it comes to building a Triple Elixir deck, some cards are simply must-haves. These cards can help you build a strong foundation for your strategy and give you the flexibility to deal with any situation.1. Golem - This giant tank is perfect for soaking up damage while your other troops do the work.2. Three Musketeers - Three Musketeers are a force to be reckoned with. They can deal massive damage and take down enemy towers in no time.3. P.E.K.K.A - The P.E.K.K.A is a heavy hitter that can take down enemy tanks and buildings with ease.4. Mega Knight - The Mega Knight is a versatile troop that can jump on enemies and deal massive damage.5. Baby Dragon - The Baby Dragon is a great support troop that can take out enemy troops and buildings from the air.6. Electro Wizard - The Electro Wizard can stun and damage enemy troops, making them easier to take down.7. Inferno Dragon - The Inferno Dragon is a powerful air unit that can take down enemy tanks quickly.

Best Triple Elixir Deck for Clash Royale: A Comprehensive Guide

Building a strong Triple Elixir deck requires careful planning and consideration. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you build the best Triple Elixir deck for Clash Royale.1. Choose your win condition - Your win condition should be the card that you use to take down enemy towers. Some popular win conditions include Golem, Three Musketeers, and P.E.K.K.A.2. Add support troops - Support troops are essential in a Triple Elixir deck. These troops can help protect your win condition and take down enemy troops. Some popular support troops include Mega Knight, Baby Dragon, and Electro Wizard.3. Include spells - Spells can be incredibly useful in a Triple Elixir deck. They can help you deal with swarms of enemy troops or take down enemy towers quickly. Some popular spells include Fireball, Poison, and Zap.4. Consider your elixir cost - In a Triple Elixir deck, elixir management is key. You want to make sure that your deck has a good balance of high and low elixir cost cards. This will allow you to play cards quickly and keep up the pressure on your opponent.5. Test your deck - Once you've built your deck, it's important to test it out in friendly battles or challenges. This will give you a chance to see how it performs in different situations and make any necessary adjustments.

Triple Elixir Deck Building Tips: How to Create a Strong Deck

Building a strong Triple Elixir deck requires careful planning and consideration. Here are some tips to help you create a deck that can dominate the competition.1. Choose a win condition that suits your playstyle - Your win condition should be a card that you're comfortable using and that fits your playstyle. If you prefer a more defensive approach, a card like P.E.K.K.A might be a good choice. If you like to play aggressively, a card like Three Musketeers might be a better fit.2. Include a mix of high and low elixir cost cards - A good Triple Elixir deck should have a mix of high and low elixir cost cards. This will allow you to play cards quickly and keep up the pressure on your opponent.3. Use spells wisely - Spells can be incredibly useful in a Triple Elixir deck, but they should be used wisely. Save your spells for when you really need them, like when you're trying to take down an enemy tower.4. Protect your win condition - Your win condition is the key to victory, so it's important to protect it. Use support troops to defend your win condition and take out enemy troops that are trying to attack it.5. Test your deck before using it in competitive play - Once you've built your Triple Elixir deck, it's important to test it out in friendly battles or challenges. This will give you a chance to see how it performs in different situations and make any necessary adjustments.

Triple Elixir Deck for Beginners: Simple Yet Effective Strategies

If you're new to Clash Royale, building a Triple Elixir deck can be intimidating. Here are some simple yet effective strategies that can help you get started.1. Focus on defense - In a Triple Elixir match, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement and play aggressively. However, it's important to remember that defense is just as important as offense. Make sure you have enough defensive cards in your deck to protect your towers.2. Use spells wisely - Spells can be incredibly useful in a Triple Elixir deck, but they should be used wisely. Save your spells for when you really need them, like when you're trying to take down an enemy tower.3. Don't be afraid to experiment - Building a Triple Elixir deck is all about experimentation. Don't be afraid to try out different cards and see how they work in your deck.4. Protect your win condition - Your win condition is the key to victory, so it's important to protect it. Use support troops to defend your win condition and take out enemy troops that are trying to attack it.5. Have fun - Clash Royale is a game, and it's meant to be enjoyed. Don't get too caught up in winning or losing, and remember to have fun.

Triple Elixir Deck for Advanced Players: Complex Strategies and Techniques

If you're an advanced Clash Royale player, building a Triple Elixir deck can be a lot of fun. Here are some complex strategies and techniques that can help you take your deck to the next level.1. Use bait cards - Bait cards are cards that your opponent will want to use their spells or defensive troops on. Cards like Goblin Barrel or Skeleton Army can be great bait cards, allowing you to save your high-damage cards for later in the match.2. Cycle quickly - In a Triple Elixir match, elixir management is key. Try to cycle through your deck as quickly as possible, using low elixir cost cards to build up your elixir and then playing your high-damage cards.3. Use synergy between cards - Synergy between cards is incredibly important in a Triple Elixir deck. Look for cards that work well together, like Golem and Baby Dragon, or P.E.K.K.A and Inferno Dragon.4. Predict your opponent's moves - In a Triple Elixir match, it's important to be able to predict your opponent's moves. This will allow you to counter their attacks and take advantage of their mistakes.5. Stay calm under pressure - In a Triple Elixir match, things can get pretty hectic. It's important to stay calm under pressure and make smart decisions.

Best Triple Elixir Deck Combos: How to Maximize Your Cards' Potential

In a Triple Elixir match, combining cards can be incredibly powerful. Here are some of the best Triple Elixir deck combos to help you maximize your cards' potential.1. Golem and Baby Dragon - The Baby Dragon can fly over enemy troops and buildings, while the Golem soaks up damage on the ground. This combo is great for taking down enemy towers.2. Three Musketeers and Heal Spirit - The Heal Spirit can keep the Three Musketeers alive for longer, allowing them to deal massive damage.3. P.E.K.K.A and Electro Wizard - The Electro Wizard can stun enemy troops, making them easier for the P.E.K.K.A to take down.4. Mega Knight and Skeleton Army - The Mega Knight can jump on enemies and deal massive damage, while the Skeleton Army can take out any enemy troops that survive.5. Inferno Dragon and Fireball - The Inferno Dragon can take down enemy tanks quickly, while the Fireball can clear out any supporting troops.

Triple Elixir Deck for Clan Wars: How to Dominate the Competition

In Clan Wars, building a strong Triple Elixir deck is essential. Here are some tips to help you dominate the competition.1. Communicate with your clan - Communication is key in Clan Wars. Make sure your clan knows what cards you're using and what your strategy is.2. Have a balanced deck - A good Triple Elixir deck should have a mix of high and low elixir cost cards. This will allow you to play cards quickly and keep up the pressure on your opponent.3. Use spells wisely - Spells can be incredibly useful in a Triple Elixir deck, but they should be used wisely. Save your spells for when you really need them, like when you're trying to take down an enemy tower.4. Protect your win condition - Your win condition is the key to victory, so it's important to protect it. Use support troops to defend your win condition and take out enemy troops that are trying to attack it.5. Test your deck before using it in Clan Wars - Once you've built your Triple Elixir deck, it's important to test it out in friendly battles or challenges. This will give you a chance to see how it performs in different situations and make any necessary adjustments.

Triple Elixir Deck for Tournament Play: Tips and Tricks for Success

In tournament play, building a strong Triple Elixir deck is essential. Here are some tips and tricks to help you succeed.1. Choose a win condition that suits your playstyle - Your win condition should be a card that you're comfortable using and that fits your playstyle. If you prefer a more defensive approach, a card like P.E.K.K.A might be a good choice. If you like to play aggressively, a card like Three Musketeers might be a better fit.2. Have a balanced deck - A good Triple Elixir deck should have a mix of high and low elixir cost cards. This will allow you to play cards quickly and keep up the pressure on your opponent.3. Use synergy between cards - Synergy between cards is incredibly important in a Triple Elixir deck. Look for cards that work well together, like Golem and Baby Dragon, or P.E.K.K.A and Inferno Dragon.4. Predict your opponent's moves - In a Triple Elixir match, it's important to be able to predict your opponent's moves. This will allow you to counter their attacks and take advantage of their mistakes.5. Stay calm under pressure - In a tournament setting, things can get pretty hectic. It's important to stay calm under pressure and make smart decisions.

Triple Elixir Deck Variations: Customizing Your Deck for Different Playstyles

One of the great things about building a Triple Elixir deck is that there are so many variations to choose from. Here are some ways you can customize your deck for different playstyles.1. Aggressive - If you like to play aggressively, try adding cards like Three Musketeers or Mega Knight to your deck. These cards can deal massive damage and take down enemy towers quickly.2. Defensive - If you prefer a more defensive approach, cards like P.E.K.K.A or Inferno Dragon might be a good choice. These cards can take down enemy tanks and buildings with ease.3. Control - Control decks focus on taking out enemy troops and building up elixir advantage. Cards like Electro Wizard or Fireball can be great for controlling the match.4. Bait - Bait decks use bait cards like Goblin Barrel or Skeleton Army to draw out enemy spells and defensive troops. This allows you to save your high-damage cards for later in the match.5. Hybrid - Hybrid decks combine elements of different playstyles. For example, a deck might include both Golem and P.E.K.K.A for an aggressive yet defensive approach.In conclusion, building a Triple Elixir deck can be challenging, but it's also incredibly rewarding. By choosing the right cards, testing your deck, and using smart strategies, you can dominate the competition and become a Clash Royale champion.

Best Triple Elixir Deck 2021: My Point of View

The Deck and Its Pros

After playing countless matches in Clash Royale, I have found that the best triple elixir deck for 2021 is the following:

  • Golem
  • Night Witch
  • Baby Dragon
  • Tornado
  • Poison
  • Mega Minion
  • Electro Wizard
  • Log

There are several reasons why this deck is so effective in triple elixir mode:

  1. High Elixir Cost: This deck has an average elixir cost of 4.5, which means that it can take full advantage of the triple elixir mode.
  2. Strong Defenses: With the Golem, Mega Minion, and Electro Wizard, this deck has strong defenses against enemy pushes.
  3. Powerful Offense: The Night Witch and Baby Dragon combination can take down towers quickly, especially when supported by Poison.
  4. Tornado Synergy: Tornado can be used to pull enemy troops into the range of your own troops, making it easier to defend your towers.

The Cons of the Deck

While this deck is very powerful in triple elixir mode, it does have a few weaknesses:

  • Vulnerable to Swarm Troops: This deck does not have many area-of-effect spells, which makes it vulnerable to swarms of troops.
  • Weak Against Air Decks: Without many air-targeting troops, this deck can struggle against decks that rely heavily on air troops.
  • Relies on Golem: This deck relies heavily on the Golem as a tank, which means that if it is taken out early, the deck can struggle to generate a strong push.

Table Comparison

Deck Average Elixir Cost Strong Defenses Powerful Offense Tornado Synergy Vulnerable to Swarm Troops Weak Against Air Decks Relies on Golem
Best Triple Elixir Deck 2021 4.5 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Overall, I believe that the best triple elixir deck for 2021 is the one listed above. While it does have a few weaknesses, its strengths make it a formidable opponent in triple elixir mode.

The Best Triple Elixir Deck for 2021: A Comprehensive Guide

Greetings, dear readers. It is with great pleasure that I bring you this comprehensive guide on the best triple elixir deck for 2021. As a seasoned Clash Royale player, I understand the importance of having a reliable and effective deck to take on opponents in the triple elixir game mode. This guide will provide you with all the information you need to build the ultimate triple elixir deck to dominate your opponents.

Before we delve into the specifics of building the perfect triple elixir deck, let us first understand what triple elixir is all about. Triple elixir is a game mode in Clash Royale that allows players to generate elixir at a much faster rate than usual. This means that players can deploy their troops and spells at a much faster pace, making for an intense and fast-paced battle.

Now, let's move on to the most crucial aspect of this guide - building the best triple elixir deck. The key to building a successful triple elixir deck is to balance your offensive and defensive capabilities. You need to have a mix of troops and spells that can both defend your towers and attack your opponent's towers effectively.

One of the most effective triple elixir decks for 2021 is the Golem Beatdown deck. This deck consists of the Golem, Night Witch, Baby Dragon, Mega Minion, Tornado, Zap, and Poison. The Golem is a great tank that can absorb a lot of damage, while the Night Witch and Baby Dragon provide support from behind. The Mega Minion is a versatile troop that can be used both offensively and defensively, while the Tornado, Zap, and Poison are powerful spells that can clear out enemy troops and buildings.

Another great triple elixir deck for 2021 is the Hog Rider Cycle deck. This deck consists of the Hog Rider, Firecracker, Ice Spirit, Skeletons, Log, Cannon, and Fireball. The Hog Rider is a fast and agile troop that can quickly reach your opponent's tower, while the Firecracker provides support from behind. The Ice Spirit and Skeletons can be used to cycle through your deck quickly, while the Log and Cannon are effective defensive tools. The Fireball is a powerful spell that can deal massive damage to enemy troops and buildings.

If you prefer a more defensive playstyle, the X-Bow Siege deck might be the perfect fit for you. This deck consists of the X-Bow, Tesla, Ice Golem, Archers, Log, Fireball, and Rocket. The X-Bow is a powerful siege weapon that can deal massive damage to enemy towers from a safe distance, while the Tesla provides solid defense against enemy troops. The Ice Golem and Archers can be used to distract and take down enemy troops, while the Log, Fireball, and Rocket are powerful spells that can clear out enemy troops and buildings.

It is important to note that while these decks are effective in the triple elixir game mode, they may not work as well in other game modes. It is always a good idea to experiment with different decks and find the one that works best for your playstyle.

In conclusion, building the best triple elixir deck requires a good balance of offensive and defensive capabilities. The Golem Beatdown, Hog Rider Cycle, and X-Bow Siege decks are all great options for 2021. Remember to experiment with different decks and find the one that works best for you. I hope this guide has been helpful, and I wish you the best of luck in your Clash Royale battles!

People Also Ask About Best Triple Elixir Deck 2021

What is Triple Elixir Mode?

Triple Elixir mode is a special game mode in Clash Royale where players start with triple the normal amount of elixir. This means that players can play more cards and spells in a shorter amount of time, resulting in a fast-paced and exciting gameplay experience.

What Are Some Tips for Building a Good Triple Elixir Deck?

When building a good Triple Elixir deck, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Choose low-cost cards that can be played quickly.
  2. Include at least one win condition card that can deal significant damage to the opponent's towers.
  3. Include cards that can counter your opponent's attacks.
  4. Include spells that can deal area damage or stun your opponent's troops.

What Are Some Examples of Best Triple Elixir Decks?

There are several decks that work well in Triple Elixir mode, including:

  • Giant-Prince-Miner Control Deck: This deck focuses on using Giant, Prince, and Miner to deal damage to the opponent's towers while using spells like Zap and Fireball to control the battlefield.
  • Hog Rider-Executioner Cycle Deck: This deck uses Hog Rider, Executioner, and Ice Golem to cycle through cards quickly and deal damage to the opponent's towers.
  • Sparky-Goblin Giant Beatdown Deck: This deck uses Sparky and Goblin Giant to deal high amounts of damage to the opponent's towers while using Tornado and Zap to control the battlefield.


Triple Elixir mode in Clash Royale can be a fun and challenging game mode that requires players to think quickly and strategically. By following the tips and using some of the best Triple Elixir decks, players can increase their chances of winning and climbing the ranks.