Unleash Post-Apocalyptic Thrills with the Best Metro Last Light Wallpaper Collection


Get the best Metro Last Light wallpaper for your desktop! Stunning graphics and atmospheric scenes that will transport you to another world.

Are you in search of the perfect wallpaper for your desktop or phone? Look no further than the breathtaking visuals of Metro Last Light. This post-apocalyptic first-person shooter game has captivated gamers with its stunning graphics and intense gameplay. Its sequel, Metro Last Light, took things to a whole new level with even more impressive graphics and a gripping storyline. The game's art team created some of the best wallpapers that are sure to make your device stand out. In this article, we will showcase the top 10 best Metro Last Light wallpapers that will make your screen look like a piece of art.

The first wallpaper on our list is titled 'The Last Stand.' It features the protagonist, Artyom, standing bravely with his gas mask on, ready to take on whatever comes his way. The background showcases the gloomy, post-apocalyptic world of Metro Last Light, with ruins and debris scattered around. The attention to detail is impressive, and the colors blend together perfectly to create an eerie yet beautiful atmosphere. This wallpaper is perfect for those who want to feel like they are a part of the game's universe.

The second wallpaper on our list is called 'The Dark One.' It features one of the most captivating creatures of the game, the Dark One. The Dark Ones are mysterious beings with psychic abilities that play a vital role in the game's story. The wallpaper showcases the creature's glowing eyes and intricate details on its skin. The background is a mix of dark blues and purples, creating a hauntingly beautiful image. This wallpaper is perfect for those who want to add a touch of mystery and intrigue to their device.

Next up, we have 'The Ranger.' This wallpaper features the elite soldiers of the Metro, the Rangers. The Rangers are known for their combat skills and bravery in the face of danger. The wallpaper showcases a Ranger in his iconic uniform, standing on a train track with his weapon at the ready. The background is a mix of oranges and yellows, creating a warm yet intense atmosphere. This wallpaper is perfect for those who want to feel like they are a part of the Metro's elite forces.

Another impressive wallpaper is 'The Watchman.' This wallpaper features one of the game's enemies, the Watchmen. The Watchmen are mutated creatures that roam the Metro's tunnels in search of prey. The wallpaper showcases a Watchman in all its grotesque glory, with sharp teeth and claws. The background is a mix of dark greens and browns, creating a sense of danger and unease. This wallpaper is perfect for those who want to add a touch of horror to their device.

'The Reich' is another impressive wallpaper that showcases one of the game's factions, the Fourth Reich. The Fourth Reich is a fascist group that seeks to impose its will on the Metro's inhabitants. The wallpaper showcases a member of the Fourth Reich in his iconic uniform, with a swastika armband on his arm. The background is a mix of reds and blacks, creating a sense of danger and power. This wallpaper is perfect for those who want to add a touch of political intrigue to their device.

Next on our list is 'The Revolution.' This wallpaper features the game's other faction, the Red Line. The Red Line is a communist group that seeks to overthrow the Metro's current regime. The wallpaper showcases a member of the Red Line in his iconic uniform, holding a hammer and sickle. The background is a mix of reds and blacks, creating a sense of revolution and rebellion. This wallpaper is perfect for those who want to add a touch of political activism to their device.

'The Sniper' is another impressive wallpaper that showcases one of the game's weapons, the sniper rifle. The sniper rifle is a powerful weapon that can take out enemies from a distance. The wallpaper showcases the rifle in all its intricate details, with a scope and a silencer attached. The background is a mix of greys and blues, creating a sense of calm and precision. This wallpaper is perfect for those who want to add a touch of tactical prowess to their device.

The next wallpaper on our list is called 'The Night Vision.' This wallpaper showcases one of the game's most useful tools, the night vision goggles. The night vision goggles are essential in the game's dark tunnels, where visibility is limited. The wallpaper showcases the goggles in all their green glow, with intricate details on the straps and lenses. The background is a mix of greens and blacks, creating a sense of danger and mystery. This wallpaper is perfect for those who want to add a touch of practicality to their device.

'The Gas Mask' is another impressive wallpaper that showcases one of the game's iconic items, the gas mask. The gas mask is essential in the game's irradiated world, where the air is toxic. The wallpaper showcases the mask in all its intricate details, with filters and straps attached. The background is a mix of greens and blacks, creating a sense of danger and survival. This wallpaper is perfect for those who want to add a touch of post-apocalyptic realism to their device.

Last but not least, we have 'The Metro Map.' This wallpaper showcases the game's iconic map of the Metro, with all its stations and tunnels. The map is essential in the game's exploration, where players must navigate the Metro's complex network of tunnels. The wallpaper showcases the map in all its intricate details, with different colors representing different lines and stations. The background is a mix of greys and blues, creating a sense of order and structure. This wallpaper is perfect for those who want to add a touch of organization to their device.

In conclusion, Metro Last Light has some of the best wallpapers that are sure to make your device stand out. From the hauntingly beautiful 'The Dark One' to the politically charged 'The Revolution,' there is something for everyone. These wallpapers showcase the game's attention to detail and its impressive graphics. So, pick your favorite and add some post-apocalyptic flair to your device!


Metro Last Light is a first-person shooter video game released in 2013 by 4A Games. It is set in a post-apocalyptic world where survivors live in the metro tunnels of Moscow after a nuclear war. The game has received critical acclaim for its storyline, gameplay, and graphics. One of the most appealing aspects of the game is its stunning visuals, which have been used as wallpapers by fans of the game. In this article, we will discuss some of the best Metro Last Light wallpapers.

The Red Square

The Red Square is one of the most iconic locations in Moscow, and it is featured in Metro Last Light. This wallpaper shows the Red Square at night, with a full moon illuminating the sky. The St. Basil's Cathedral can be seen in the background, and the colors of the scene are beautifully rendered. The darkness of the sky contrasts with the bright lights of the buildings, creating an eerie but captivating atmosphere.

The Metro Tunnels

The metro tunnels are where the survivors of the nuclear war live in Metro Last Light. This wallpaper shows a tunnel with a train passing by, and a group of people walking towards the camera. The lighting in the scene is impressive, with the flashlight of the people illuminating their faces and the surrounding area. The textures of the walls and floor are also well-detailed, adding to the realism of the scene.

The Surface

In Metro Last Light, the surface is a dangerous place where mutants and other dangers lurk. This wallpaper shows Artyom, the protagonist of the game, standing on the surface with his gas mask on. The sky is cloudy and dreary, and the ruins of Moscow can be seen in the background. The attention to detail in this wallpaper is remarkable, with the reflections on Artyom's gas mask and the textures of his clothing.

The Library

The library is one of the most memorable locations in Metro Last Light. This wallpaper shows a section of the library with books scattered on the floor and the shelves. The lighting in the scene is excellent, with the sunlight coming through the windows and illuminating the room. The attention to detail in the books and the shelves is impressive, making this wallpaper a great choice for book lovers.

The Swamp

The swamp is another dangerous area in Metro Last Light, filled with mutants and other hazards. This wallpaper shows Artyom standing in the middle of the swamp, with his weapon at the ready. The trees and the water in the scene are well-detailed, and the lighting adds to the atmosphere of danger and uncertainty.

The Dead City

The Dead City is a location in Metro Last Light where the ruins of Moscow can be seen. This wallpaper shows a view of the city at night, with the lights of the buildings creating a beautiful contrast with the darkness of the sky. The textures and details of the buildings are impressive, making this wallpaper a great choice for fans of urban exploration.

The Watchmen

The Watchmen are a group of mutants in Metro Last Light that are known for their ferocity and strength. This wallpaper shows a close-up of a Watchman's face, with its glowing eyes and sharp teeth. The attention to detail in the textures of the mutant's skin and fur is remarkable, making this wallpaper a great choice for fans of horror and monsters.

The Creepy Tunnel

The creepy tunnel is a location in Metro Last Light where Artyom encounters a supernatural entity. This wallpaper shows a section of the tunnel, with a light at the end and ghostly apparitions floating in the air. The atmosphere of fear and suspense is well-captured in this wallpaper, making it a great choice for fans of horror and thrillers.

The Military Outpost

The military outpost is a location in Metro Last Light where Artyom encounters soldiers and other enemies. This wallpaper shows a view of the outpost at night, with the searchlights scanning the area. The attention to detail in the textures and details of the buildings and vehicles is impressive, making this wallpaper a great choice for fans of military-themed games.

The Gas Mask

The gas mask is a crucial piece of equipment in Metro Last Light, as it protects the player from the dangers of the surface. This wallpaper shows a close-up of the gas mask, with its filters and straps visible. The attention to detail in the textures and reflections on the mask is remarkable, making this wallpaper a great choice for fans of post-apocalyptic gear.


In conclusion, Metro Last Light offers some of the most stunning visuals in video games, and its wallpapers are a great way to appreciate the game's artistry. Whether you prefer urban exploration, horror, military themes, or post-apocalyptic gear, there is a Metro Last Light wallpaper for every taste. These wallpapers capture the atmosphere and details of the game, making them a great addition to any gaming collection.

Post-apocalyptic beauty: The allure of Metro Last Light wallpapers

Metro Last Light is a post-apocalyptic first-person shooter game that takes place in the underground subway system of Moscow. The game is known for its gritty atmosphere, intense action sequences, and stunning environmental design. With so much to love about the game, it's no surprise that there are countless Metro Last Light wallpapers available online. These wallpapers capture the essence of the game and transport players to the bleak world of the Metro.

Survival in the underground: Captivating Metro Last Light artwork

One of the most striking aspects of Metro Last Light is the fact that the game takes place entirely underground. This setting provides a unique backdrop for the game's story and gameplay. Many Metro Last Light wallpapers showcase the cramped tunnels and dimly-lit stations that players must navigate in order to survive. These wallpapers capture the sense of claustrophobia and danger that permeates the game. They also highlight the game's impressive attention to detail, with graffiti-covered walls, rusted metal fixtures, and other signs of decay visible in each image.

Breathtaking landscapes: Metro Last Light wallpapers that transport you to a new world

While the majority of Metro Last Light takes place underground, there are also sections of the game that take place on the surface. These areas are characterized by their desolate landscapes, ruined buildings, and mutant creatures. Metro Last Light wallpapers that feature these outdoor environments are particularly striking. They show off the game's impressive graphics and showcase the stark beauty of a world ravaged by nuclear war. These wallpapers make it easy to imagine what life would be like in a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

The harsh reality of the Metro: Stunning wallpapers that showcase the game's gritty atmosphere

Metro Last Light is not a game for the faint of heart. The harsh realities of life in the Metro are on full display, from the constant threat of mutant attacks to the struggle for resources among various factions. Metro Last Light wallpapers that showcase this gritty atmosphere are some of the most powerful images available. They depict characters with scars and bruises, weapons at the ready, and a sense of determination etched on their faces. These wallpapers capture the game's intense tone and remind players of the dangers that lurk around every corner.

The power of light and shadow: Metro Last Light wallpapers that play with contrast

One of the most visually striking aspects of Metro Last Light is its use of light and shadow. The game's underground tunnels are often illuminated by flickering lights, casting eerie shadows on the walls. Metro Last Light wallpapers that play with this contrast are particularly eye-catching. They show off the game's impressive lighting effects and create a sense of tension and unease. These wallpapers are a great reminder of the game's visual style and the impact that lighting can have on a game's atmosphere.

Iconic characters: Wallpapers featuring the memorable cast of Metro Last Light

Metro Last Light features a memorable cast of characters, from the gruff protagonist Artyom to the enigmatic sniper Anna. These characters are brought to life through the game's impressive voice acting and character design. Metro Last Light wallpapers that feature these characters are a great way to celebrate their impact on the game's story. They allow fans to showcase their favorite characters and to immerse themselves in the world of the Metro.

The beauty of decay: Metro Last Light wallpapers that celebrate the game's environmental design

One of the most impressive aspects of Metro Last Light is its environmental design. The game's underground tunnels are filled with intricate details, from the graffiti on the walls to the piles of debris on the floor. Metro Last Light wallpapers that celebrate this design are a great way to appreciate the game's attention to detail. They allow players to explore the world of the Metro in new ways and to appreciate the beauty in the game's decay.

From the depths of the Metro to the surface: Wallpapers that explore the game's diverse locales

Metro Last Light takes players on a journey through a variety of locales, from the cramped tunnels of the Metro to the desolate wasteland of the surface. Metro Last Light wallpapers that explore these diverse locations are a great way to showcase the game's range. They allow fans to revisit their favorite areas and to appreciate the game's impressive level design. Whether you're exploring the ruins of Moscow or fighting mutants in the sewers, these wallpapers will transport you back to the world of the Metro.

Survival of the fittest: Metro Last Light wallpapers that capture the game's intense action sequences

Metro Last Light is known for its intense action sequences, which pit players against mutant creatures, rival factions, and other hazards of the Metro. Metro Last Light wallpapers that capture these moments are some of the most exciting images available. They showcase the game's impressive combat mechanics and allow fans to relive their favorite battles. Whether you're taking down a mutant with a shotgun or sneaking past enemy soldiers, these wallpapers capture the intensity of the game's action.

A glimpse into a post-apocalyptic future: Metro Last Light wallpapers that inspire curiosity and wonder

Perhaps the most compelling aspect of Metro Last Light is the world it creates. The game presents a bleak and dangerous vision of a post-apocalyptic future, but it also inspires curiosity and wonder. Metro Last Light wallpapers that capture this sense of wonder are some of the most inspiring images available. They allow players to imagine what life would be like in a world without modern technology, and to appreciate the beauty that can be found even in the most dire circumstances.In conclusion, Metro Last Light is a game that is beloved by fans for its intense action, gritty atmosphere, and stunning environmental design. The game's wallpapers capture these elements and transport players to the world of the Metro. Whether you're exploring the underground tunnels or fighting mutants on the surface, these wallpapers are a great way to celebrate the game's unique vision. With so many options available, there is sure to be a Metro Last Light wallpaper that captures your imagination and inspires you to dive back into the game.

My Point of View on the Best Metro Last Light Wallpaper


Metro Last Light is an iconic first-person shooter video game that takes place in a post-apocalyptic world. It has gained immense popularity among gamers and has a massive fan following. The game's graphics and visuals are stunning, making it an ideal choice for gamers to use as wallpaper on their desktop or mobile devices.

Pros of the Best Metro Last Light Wallpaper

1. High-Quality Graphics: The best Metro Last Light wallpaper has high-quality graphics that are visually stunning and can enhance the overall look of your desktop or mobile device.

2. Unique Design: The game's unique design sets it apart from other video games and makes the wallpaper stand out.

3. Perfect for Gamers: The wallpaper appeals to gamers, especially those who have played and enjoyed the game.

4. Easy to Install: Installing the wallpaper is easy and can be done in just a few clicks.

Cons of the Best Metro Last Light Wallpaper

1. Limited Appeal: The wallpaper may not appeal to non-gamers or those who have not played the game.

2. Dark Theme: The wallpaper has a dark theme that may not be suitable for everyone, especially those who prefer brighter backgrounds.

Table Comparison or Information about Best Metro Last Light Wallpaper

Criteria Best Metro Last Light Wallpaper Other Wallpaper Options
Graphics Quality High-quality graphics that are visually stunning Mixed quality depending on the wallpaper selected
Design Unique design that sets it apart from other wallpapers Varies depending on the wallpaper selected
Appeal to Gamers High appeal to gamers, especially those who have played and enjoyed the game May not appeal to non-gamers
Suitability for Desktop or Mobile Devices Suitable for both desktop and mobile devices Varies depending on the wallpaper selected


In conclusion, the best Metro Last Light wallpaper is an excellent choice for gamers who are looking for a visually stunning and unique wallpaper for their desktop or mobile device. While it may not appeal to everyone, its high-quality graphics and unique design make it stand out among other wallpapers.

The Best Metro Last Light Wallpaper for Gamers

Thank you for taking the time to read this article about the best Metro Last Light wallpaper. We hope that you have enjoyed our selection of high-quality wallpapers, specifically curated for gamers looking to add a touch of post-apocalyptic atmosphere to their desktops or mobile devices.

If you are a fan of the Metro series, we are sure that you will appreciate the artistic and immersive nature of these wallpapers. From the creepy and unsettling to the epic and awe-inspiring, each image captures a unique aspect of the game's world and its characters.

Whether you prefer the gritty realism of the game's environments or the otherworldly visions of the supernatural, there is a wallpaper here to suit your tastes. From haunting tunnels filled with the undead to epic battle scenes against towering mutants, these images will transport you to the heart of the Metro universe.

But more than just being great works of art, these wallpapers are also functional. They are optimized for both desktop and mobile devices, ensuring that they look great no matter what platform you are using. They are also available in a variety of resolutions, so you can choose the perfect size for your screen.

We know that finding the right wallpaper can be a challenge, which is why we have put together this collection of the best Metro Last Light wallpapers. We hope that you have found something that speaks to you, whether it be a moody shot of the tunnels or an epic battle scene that gets your heart racing.

And if you haven't found what you're looking for, don't worry! There are plenty of other great Metro Last Light wallpapers out there, and we encourage you to keep searching until you find the perfect one for you.

Before we wrap up, we want to remind you that these wallpapers are not just for personal use. If you are a content creator or streamer, these images can be used as backgrounds for your videos or streams, helping to set the mood and create a more immersive experience for your viewers.

Finally, we want to thank you again for stopping by and checking out our selection of the best Metro Last Light wallpapers. We hope that you have found something that you love, and that these images will help you to feel even more connected to this incredible game universe.

So go ahead and download your favorite wallpaper, set it as your background, and get ready to immerse yourself in the world of Metro Last Light. We can't wait to see what you do with it!

People Also Ask About Best Metro Last Light Wallpaper

What is Metro Last Light?

Metro Last Light is a post-apocalyptic first-person shooter video game developed by 4A Games and published by Deep Silver. It is the sequel to Metro 2033 and was released in May 2013 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360.

Where can I find the best Metro Last Light wallpapers?

You can find the best Metro Last Light wallpapers on various websites such as WallpaperSafari, Wallpapercave, and HD Wallpapers. You can also search for them on Google Images or Pinterest.

What are the most popular Metro Last Light wallpapers?

The most popular Metro Last Light wallpapers are those that feature the game's main protagonist, Artyom, as well as other characters and scenes from the game. Some popular wallpapers include:

  • Artyom holding a gas mask
  • Artyom with his weapon in hand
  • A scene of the Moscow Metro
  • Characters from the game, such as Anna and Khan

Can I use Metro Last Light wallpapers for my desktop background?

Yes, you can use Metro Last Light wallpapers for your desktop background as long as you have the appropriate rights to do so. Many websites offer free wallpapers for personal use, but it's important to check the terms of use before downloading and using any images.

Are there any official Metro Last Light wallpapers?

Yes, there are official Metro Last Light wallpapers that were released by the game's developers. You can find them on the official Metro website or on the game's Steam page. These wallpapers are often high-quality and feature artwork from the game.

How do I set a Metro Last Light wallpaper as my desktop background?

To set a Metro Last Light wallpaper as your desktop background, you need to download the image and save it to your computer. Then, right-click on your desktop and select Personalize. From there, click on Background and select the image you just downloaded. You can adjust the positioning and size of the image to fit your screen.