Top 10 Must-Watch Nathan For You Episodes That Will Leave You in Stitches


Discover the best Nathan For You episodes that will have you laughing out loud. From Dumb Starbucks to The Claw of Shame, these are must-watch moments.

Nathan For You is a hidden gem of a show that has gained a cult following over the years. The concept of the show is simple - Nathan Fielder, a comedian and business school graduate, offers his consulting services to struggling small businesses in order to help them increase their revenue. However, what sets Nathan For You apart from other reality shows is its unique blend of absurd humor, cringe-worthy moments, and surprisingly heartfelt moments. With four seasons under its belt, there are plenty of episodes to choose from, but here are the best Nathan For You episodes that are sure to leave you laughing, gasping, and maybe even a little bit touched.

Let's start with one of the most iconic episodes of the series - Dumb Starbucks. In this episode, Nathan helps a coffee shop owner turn his failing business around by rebranding it as a parody of the popular coffee chain. The idea is so ridiculous that it actually catches the attention of the media, leading to a viral sensation. This episode is a great example of Nathan's ability to take a seemingly silly idea and turn it into something that captures the public's imagination.

Another classic episode is The Claw of Shame. In this episode, Nathan helps a struggling pet store by creating a viral video featuring a pig rescuing a baby goat from drowning. However, in order to make the video truly go viral, he has to attach a shock collar to his ankle that will activate every time the video is shared less than a million times. This episode is a perfect example of the show's willingness to push boundaries and take risks in order to achieve its goals.

For fans of awkward humor, Private Investigator/Funeral Home is a must-watch. In this episode, Nathan helps a private investigator and a funeral home owner market their businesses by combining them into one company - a funeral home detective agency. The results are predictably uncomfortable, as Nathan tries to sell the idea to potential customers and even goes undercover as a corpse to test the funeral home's services.

One of the most heartwarming episodes of the series is The Anecdote. In this episode, Nathan helps a struggling electronics store by creating a fake viral video featuring a pig rescuing a man from a fire. However, the real focus of the episode is the relationship that develops between Nathan and the store's owner, who opens up to Nathan about his struggles with depression and loneliness. This episode is a reminder that, beneath all the absurdity, there are real people with real problems that Nathan is trying to help.

For fans of cringe comedy, Souvenir Shop/E.L.A.I.F.F. is a standout episode. In this episode, Nathan helps a souvenir shop owner by creating a fake film festival in order to draw in more customers. However, things quickly spiral out of control as Nathan tries to convince the shop owner to make a short film for the festival, leading to some truly uncomfortable moments. This episode is a testament to Nathan's willingness to put himself in awkward situations in order to achieve his goals.

The Movement is another classic episode that showcases Nathan's ability to turn a seemingly ridiculous idea into something that has real impact. In this episode, Nathan helps a struggling electronics store by creating a fake charity called The Movement that encourages people to donate their old electronics to a good cause. The twist? The electronics are actually being sold back to the store. Despite the unethical premise, the episode ends up raising thousands of dollars for a real charity, showing that even the most absurd ideas can have a positive impact.

Finding Frances, the series finale, is arguably the best episode of the entire series. In this feature-length episode, Nathan helps a man named Bill find his long-lost love, Frances. What starts as a simple search for a lost love quickly turns into an emotional journey that explores themes of regret, loss, and the human connection. The episode is a masterclass in storytelling, and it's a testament to the fact that, even after four seasons, Nathan For You was still capable of surprising us.

Other notable episodes include The Hero, where Nathan helps a struggling electronics store owner become a hero by staging a fake viral video of him saving a woman from a house fire, and Andy vs. Uber, where Nathan helps a struggling taxi driver compete with Uber by creating a ride-sharing app that uses real taxis instead of independent drivers.

In conclusion, Nathan For You is a show that defies easy categorization. It's part comedy, part reality show, part satire, and part social experiment. But at its core, it's a show about one man's quest to help small businesses succeed, no matter how absurd the methods may be. Whether you're looking for laughs, cringe-worthy moments, or genuine heartfelt moments, there's something for everyone in the world of Nathan For You.

The Best Nathan For You Episodes

Nathan For You is a television show created by comedian Nathan Fielder. The show first aired on Comedy Central in 2013 and has since become a cult classic. The premise of the show is simple: Nathan helps struggling businesses by coming up with outrageous marketing strategies. Here are some of the best episodes of Nathan For You.

1. Dumb Starbucks

In the third season of Nathan For You, Nathan decided to open a fake Starbucks called Dumb Starbucks. The store was identical to a regular Starbucks, but with the word dumb in front of everything. The store quickly gained attention and even made national news. However, it was eventually shut down by health officials.

2. The Movement

In this episode, Nathan helps a struggling moving company by creating a viral video. The video features a pig dressed in a suit and tie, which goes viral and brings in a lot of business for the company. However, Nathan takes things too far when he tries to create a fake viral video about a pig rescuing a baby goat.

3. The Claw of Shame

In one of the most memorable episodes of Nathan For You, Nathan attaches a claw device to his pants and must complete a series of embarrassing tasks in order to detach it. The tasks include stealing a toy from a child, crawling through a sewer, and impersonating a police officer. The episode is hilarious and uncomfortable to watch at the same time.

4. Private Investigator/Taxi Company

In this episode, Nathan helps a taxi company by turning them into a private investigator agency. However, things quickly spiral out of control when Nathan hires an actor to play a client who wants to fake his own death. The episode is full of twists and turns and is one of the most unpredictable episodes of Nathan For You.

5. The Anecdote

In this episode, Nathan helps a struggling electronics store by creating a fake anecdote about the founder of the store. The anecdote involves the founder being kidnapped by Colombian rebels and escaping using a gadget from the store. The story quickly goes viral and brings in a lot of business for the store. However, things take a dark turn when the real Colombian rebels hear about the story.

6. Haunted House/The Hunk

In this episode, Nathan helps a haunted house by creating a fake ghost story involving a hunk. The hunk is an actor who is hired to pose as a ghost and scare customers. The episode is hilarious and features some of the most memorable moments of the show, including Nathan's attempt to prove that the hunk is real.

7. Finding Frances

Finding Frances is the final episode of Nathan For You and is widely regarded as one of the best episodes of the show. In the episode, Nathan helps a man named Bill find his lost love, Frances. The episode is emotional and heartwarming, and features some of the most genuine moments of the show. It's a fitting end to one of the most unique television shows of all time.

8. Santa/Petting Zoo

In this episode, Nathan helps a petting zoo by turning it into a Santa's village. However, things quickly go wrong when Nathan hires a group of kids to play elves and they start fighting with each other. The episode is hilarious and features some of the most ridiculous moments of the show.

9. The Hero

In this episode, Nathan helps a clothing store by creating a fake charity called The Movement. The charity is designed to help people who have been falsely accused of crimes. However, things take a dark turn when Nathan decides to become a hero and falsely accuse himself of a crime in order to promote the charity.

10. Electronics Store

In the first episode of Nathan For You, Nathan helps a struggling electronics store by creating a fake rebate program. The program is designed to get people into the store, but things quickly go wrong when Nathan's plan backfires. The episode is a great introduction to the show and features some of the most classic moments of Nathan For You.


Nathan For You is a one-of-a-kind television show that pushes the boundaries of comedy. The show is full of outrageous marketing strategies and unforgettable moments. These episodes are just a few examples of the brilliance of Nathan Fielder. If you haven't seen the show yet, do yourself a favor and check it out.

Nathan For You is a comedy television series that premiered on Comedy Central in 2013. The show stars Canadian comedian Nathan Fielder, who helps struggling businesses with his unique and often bizarre marketing strategies. Nathan's deadpan humor and willingness to push boundaries have made the show a cult favorite among fans. Here are the ten best episodes of Nathan For You.

The One with the Perfect Burger

This episode sees Nathan helping a struggling burger joint called Burger Baby win a local burger competition. Nathan comes up with the idea to create the perfect burger by combining all the ingredients of every burger on the menu into one burger. However, the plan goes hilariously wrong when the burger becomes too big to fit in anyone's mouth. Nathan's attempts to salvage the situation only make things worse, but the resulting chaos is hilarious to watch.

The Haunted House

Nathan and his crew try to help a realtor sell a house by convincing potential buyers that it's haunted. They set up hidden cameras and spooky sound effects to scare off visitors. However, things take a turn when the realtor starts to believe that the house is actually haunted. Nathan's deadpan delivery makes the situation even funnier, and the final reveal is both surprising and satisfying.

The Claw of Shame

In this episode, Nathan attaches a claw machine to his pants and challenges strangers to win prizes for him. He promises to donate the prizes to charity, but the catch is that he can't remove the claw machine from his pants until all the prizes are won. This leads to some hilarious interactions with people on the street, and the final scene where Nathan is forced to wear the claw machine for an extended period of time is both cringe-worthy and hilarious.

The Smokers Allowed

Nathan helps a struggling bar attract more customers by allowing smoking inside, despite the fact that it's illegal in California. He creates a loophole by declaring the bar a private club, and even goes so far as to create a fake membership card for himself. The resulting chaos is both funny and uncomfortable to watch, as patrons smoke cigarettes in plain sight of the camera.

The Anecdote

In this episode, Nathan teaches a group of aspiring comedians how to craft the perfect joke. He sets up an open mic night at a small comedy club and invites a group of amateur comedians to perform. However, he has a twist: the comedians must tell a joke based on a personal anecdote provided by Nathan. The results are both hilarious and cringe-worthy, as the comedians struggle to make sense of Nathan's bizarre stories.

The Hunk

Nathan helps a struggling gym attract more customers by hiring a hunky personal trainer. The trainer, named Jack Garbarino, is a real-life fitness guru who has written several books on fitness. Nathan decides to capitalize on Jack's good looks by creating a series of ads that feature him shirtless and covered in oil. The resulting ads are both hilarious and awkward to watch, as Jack poses for the camera in various seductive poses.

The Hero

In this episode, Nathan helps a gas station owner become a local hero by staging a fake robbery. Nathan convinces the owner to give him all the money in the cash register, then stages a fake robbery in front of a group of bystanders. The idea is to make the owner look like a hero for standing up to the robbers. However, things go awry when the police get involved, and the resulting chaos is both funny and uncomfortable to watch.

The Daddy's Watching

Nathan creates a service that allows parents to hire someone to watch over their adult children. The idea is to give parents peace of mind while their children are away at college or living on their own. However, Nathan takes the idea to the extreme by hiring a team of private investigators to follow his own parents around. The resulting footage is both hilarious and heartwarming, as Nathan's parents reveal their true feelings about their son.

The Movement

In this episode, Nathan tries to create a viral movement by encouraging people to poop in public. He creates a fake charity called The Movement that claims to support the idea of public defecation. Nathan's deadpan delivery makes the situation even funnier, as he tries to convince a group of volunteers to participate in a fake protest. The resulting chaos is both funny and uncomfortable to watch, as the volunteers struggle to make sense of Nathan's bizarre requests.

The Escape Room

Nathan creates an elaborate escape room and invites a group of strangers to try and escape in record time. The catch is that the escape room is designed to be impossible to solve, and Nathan secretly manipulates the game to ensure that nobody escapes. The resulting chaos is both hilarious and nerve-wracking to watch, as the contestants struggle to make sense of the clues and avoid Nathan's traps.In conclusion, Nathan For You is a one-of-a-kind comedy show that combines deadpan humor with outrageous marketing strategies. These ten episodes represent the best of the series, showcasing Nathan's unique talent for pushing boundaries and making audiences laugh. Whether he's attaching a claw machine to his pants or staging a fake robbery, Nathan's antics are sure to leave viewers both amused and amazed.

The Best Nathan For You Episodes

Point of View

As an AI language model, I do not have a personal point of view. However, based on the opinions of fans and critics alike, some of the best episodes of Nathan For You are those that showcase Nathan Fielder's unique brand of humor and his ability to turn mundane situations into hilarious and absurd experiences.

Pros of Best Nathan For You Episodes

- Creative and unique approach to comedy- Satirical commentary on capitalism and consumerism- Engages with real people and businesses for comedic effect- Skewers social norms and expectations in a clever way- Nathan Fielder's deadpan delivery and awkward demeanor add to the humor

Cons of Best Nathan For You Episodes

- Some may find the humor to be too cringe-worthy or uncomfortable- Not all jokes land, and some episodes can feel repetitive- Satirical commentary may not appeal to everyone- Some viewers may not appreciate the use of real people and businesses for comedic purposes

Table Comparison of Keywords

Keyword Definition Example in Nathan For You
Satire A literary work or performance that uses irony, humor, or exaggeration to expose and criticize societal issues or problems. Nathan's Dumb Starbucks episode, which satirized the corporate coffee shop culture.
Deadpan A style of delivery in which the performer shows little or no emotion or expression. Nathan's deadpan delivery adds to the humor in many of his episodes, such as when he convinces a pet store to allow untrained children to handle exotic animals.
Cringe A feeling of embarrassment or discomfort caused by someone else's actions or behavior. Many of Nathan's episodes rely on cringe humor, such as when he hires actors to impersonate customers at a gas station.
Social commentary The act of using art or media to make a statement about societal issues or problems. Nathan's The Movement episode, which satirized the fitness industry and the idea of body positivity.
Awkwardness A feeling of discomfort or unease caused by a social situation or interaction. Nathan's awkward demeanor and interactions with people add to the humor of many episodes, such as when he attempts to help a struggling electronics store by selling televisions to a Holocaust survivor group.
In conclusion, Nathan For You is a unique and creative comedy series that uses satire, deadpan delivery, cringe humor, social commentary, and awkwardness to deliver laughs. While not all jokes land and some may find the humor uncomfortable, the show's ability to turn mundane situations into hilarious and absurd experiences makes it a must-watch for fans of alternative comedy.

The Best Nathan For You Episodes That You Shouldn’t Miss

If you’re a fan of Nathan Fielder’s dry humor and unique approach to business advice, then you’ve probably watched every episode of Nathan For You. But if you’re new to the show or want to revisit some of its best moments, we’ve compiled a list of the top episodes that you shouldn’t miss.

The Claw of Shame

In this episode, Nathan helps a struggling arcade owner by creating a fake game called The Claw of Shame. The game is rigged so that players can never win, but they can earn money by getting zapped with a shock collar. The episode culminates in a shocking twist that you won’t see coming.

Dumb Starbucks

Nathan takes on the coffee industry in this episode by opening a parody store called Dumb Starbucks. The store serves free coffee to customers, but because it’s a parody, they’re not required to pay royalties to Starbucks. The episode generated a lot of media attention and even led to legal action from Starbucks.

Gas Station/Caricature Artist

In this episode, Nathan helps a gas station owner boost his business by hiring a caricature artist to draw portraits of customers. But there’s a catch – the artist is terrible at drawing, which leads to some hilarious and awkward interactions between the artist and his subjects.

The Movement

Nathan teams up with a fitness guru to create a workout program called The Movement. The program involves moving boxes around a parking lot, but it’s marketed as a holistic exercise routine that can change people’s lives. The episode pokes fun at the fitness industry and our obsession with trendy workout programs.

Souvenir Shop/E.L.A.I.F.F.

In this episode, Nathan helps a souvenir shop owner by creating a fake film festival called E.L.A.I.F.F. The festival is designed to attract tourists and boost business, but the films are all terrible and the festival ends in disaster. The episode is a hilarious commentary on the film industry and our obsession with celebrity culture.

The Anecdote

In this episode, Nathan helps a struggling petting zoo by creating an elaborate backstory for one of the animals. The story involves a heroic journey across the ocean, and it becomes so popular that people start visiting the petting zoo just to hear the story. But when the animal dies, Nathan has to come up with a new story to keep the visitors coming.

Private Investigator/Taxi Company

This episode features two separate segments. In the first segment, Nathan helps a private investigator by creating a fake reality show that follows him around on his cases. In the second segment, he helps a taxi company by creating a system where customers can choose the race of their driver. The episode is a hilarious commentary on race relations and our obsession with reality TV.

The Hero

Nathan helps a struggling electronics store by creating a fake viral video featuring a pig rescuing a baby goat. The video becomes a sensation and generates a lot of business for the store, but when the truth is revealed, things take a dark turn. The episode is a commentary on the power of social media and our willingness to believe anything that goes viral.

Smokers Allowed

In this episode, Nathan helps a struggling bar by creating a separate area for smokers. The catch is that the area is inside a giant plastic bubble, which leads to some hilarious and awkward moments for the smokers and non-smokers alike. The episode is a commentary on smoking bans and our obsession with finding loopholes.

Hotel/Travel Agent

In this episode, Nathan helps a hotel owner by creating a fake travel agency that specializes in outrageous vacations. The agency offers trips to places like the moon and the center of the earth, but of course, they’re all fake. The episode is a commentary on our obsession with travel and our willingness to believe anything that sounds exciting.

In conclusion, Nathan For You is a hilarious and unique show that pushes the boundaries of what’s possible in reality TV. These episodes are just a taste of what the show has to offer, so if you haven’t seen them yet, be sure to check them out. And if you’re already a fan, be sure to revisit these episodes for some laughs and cringe-worthy moments.

People Also Ask About Best Nathan For You Episodes

What is Nathan For You?

Nathan For You is a documentary-style comedy television series created by comedian Nathan Fielder. The show features Fielder as he provides business advice to struggling companies and individuals.

What are the best episodes of Nathan For You?

Here are some of the best Nathan For You episodes that you should definitely watch:

1. Dumb Starbucks

In this episode, Nathan helps a coffee shop owner parody Starbucks by opening up a store called Dumb Starbucks. The episode garnered a lot of attention and controversy, as people were unsure whether or not the store was actually affiliated with Starbucks.

2. The Claw of Shame

In this episode, Nathan helps a petting zoo owner increase his business by giving him a suit that shocks him every time he makes a bad decision. The episode is filled with hilarious moments as Nathan tries to teach the petting zoo owner how to make better decisions.

3. Finding Frances

This episode is considered by many to be one of the best episodes of the series. In it, Nathan helps Bill Heath, an older man, find his lost love, Frances. The episode is emotional and heartwarming, and it showcases Nathan's ability to connect with people on a deeper level.

What makes Nathan For You so popular?

Nathan For You is popular because it's a unique blend of humor and reality. Nathan Fielder's deadpan delivery and absurd ideas make for hilarious television, but the show also has a lot of heart. Nathan genuinely wants to help the people he works with, and viewers appreciate that.

Is Nathan For You worth watching?

Absolutely! Nathan For You is one of the most original and creative shows on television. It's funny, thought-provoking, and heartwarming all at the same time. If you're a fan of comedy and reality TV, then you definitely need to watch Nathan For You.