The Hex Goddess Takes Center Stage on Chrisley Knows Best: A Spooky and Entertaining Episode


Chrisley Knows Best introduces the Hex Goddess who brings all the magic and mysticism to the family's reality show.

Have you heard of the Hex Goddess? If you're a fan of the popular reality TV show Chrisley Knows Best, then you're probably familiar with her. The Chrisley family has been known to dabble in all sorts of mysticism and spiritual practices, and the Hex Goddess is just one of the many interesting characters they've encountered on their journey.

So who is the Hex Goddess? Essentially, she's a practitioner of hoodoo, a form of African American folk magic that's been passed down through generations. According to the Hex Goddess herself, hoodoo involves using herbs, roots, and other natural materials to create spells and potions that can help people achieve their goals, whether that's finding love, success, or protection from harm.

But the Hex Goddess isn't just any old hoodoo practitioner. As the Chrisleys discovered, she's something of a local legend in her hometown of Savannah, Georgia. Her reputation for being able to cast powerful spells and curses is well-known, and many people seek her out for guidance and advice.

Despite her formidable reputation, the Hex Goddess is actually a very warm and welcoming person. When the Chrisleys first met her, they were struck by her easygoing nature and her willingness to share her knowledge and expertise with them. She even invited them to participate in a hoodoo ritual, which they found both fascinating and slightly unnerving.

Of course, no visit to the Hex Goddess would be complete without a few surprises. During their time with her, the Chrisleys experienced a few strange occurrences that they couldn't quite explain. Whether it was a sudden gust of wind, an unexplained noise, or a feeling of unease, there was always something happening that kept them on their toes.

But despite these spooky moments, the Hex Goddess remained a constant source of fascination for the Chrisleys. They were intrigued by her knowledge of hoodoo, and by the way she seemed to effortlessly blend spirituality with practicality. For her, magic was just another tool in her arsenal, something to be used when needed but not relied on too heavily.

As the Chrisleys explored more of Savannah's mystical side, they found themselves drawn back to the Hex Goddess again and again. They learned more about hoodoo, and about the other spiritual practices that the Hex Goddess and her community engaged in. And with each visit, they came away feeling more enlightened and inspired.

Ultimately, the Hex Goddess became an important figure in the Chrisleys' lives, someone who helped them connect with a deeper sense of meaning and purpose. While their encounters with her were sometimes unsettling, they always left feeling grateful for the experience.

If you're curious about the world of hoodoo and the Hex Goddess, there's plenty to explore. From her spellcasting abilities to her deep knowledge of spiritual practices, the Hex Goddess is a fascinating character who offers a glimpse into a rich and complex tradition. So why not delve in and see what you can discover?


Chrisley Knows Best is a popular reality television show that has been on the air for several years. The show follows the lives of the Chrisley family, who are known for their lavish lifestyle and over-the-top antics. Recently, there has been a lot of buzz surrounding one particular member of the family: Savannah Chrisley, also known as the Hex Goddess. In this article, we will take a closer look at Savannah Chrisley's role on the show and what makes her so unique.

Who is Savannah Chrisley?

Savannah Chrisley is the daughter of Todd Chrisley, the patriarch of the Chrisley family. She was born on August 11, 1997, in Atlanta, Georgia, and is currently 24 years old. Savannah is known for her stunning good looks, her fashion sense, and her outgoing personality. She has become a fan favorite on Chrisley Knows Best thanks to her quick wit and her ability to handle any situation with ease.

The Hex Goddess

Savannah Chrisley has earned the nickname Hex Goddess on Chrisley Knows Best due to her interest in crystals and her belief in their healing powers. She often wears crystal jewelry and carries crystals with her wherever she goes. Savannah believes that crystals have the power to protect against negative energy and promote positive energy flow. She has even created her own line of crystal-infused beauty products, which she sells on her website.

Savannah's Fashion Sense

In addition to her interest in crystals, Savannah is also known for her impeccable fashion sense. She is always dressed to impress, whether she's attending a red carpet event or just running errands around town. Savannah's style is a mix of classic and trendy, and she always manages to look effortlessly chic. She has even launched her own clothing line, called Faith Over Fear, which features stylish and affordable pieces that are perfect for any occasion.

Savannah's Business Ventures

Savannah Chrisley is not just a reality TV star; she is also a successful entrepreneur. In addition to her crystal-infused beauty products and clothing line, she has also launched her own podcast, called What's Your Move. The podcast features conversations with influential guests and covers a wide range of topics, from business to relationships to spirituality. Savannah is also an ambassador for several brands, including South Beach Diet, and has appeared in numerous commercials and advertisements.

Family Dynamics

As a member of the Chrisley family, Savannah is no stranger to drama. She has had her fair share of disagreements and conflicts with her father, Todd, and her siblings. However, despite their occasional spats, the Chrisleys remain a close-knit family. They often gather together for family dinners and holidays, and they are always there to support each other through life's ups and downs.

Savannah's Personal Life

Savannah Chrisley's personal life has also been the subject of much speculation and gossip. She has been linked to several high-profile men, including basketball player Luke Kennard and country singer Nic Kerdiles. However, Savannah is currently single and focused on building her career and her brand. She has been open about her struggles with anxiety and depression and has used her platform to advocate for mental health awareness.

Charity Work

Savannah Chrisley is also passionate about giving back to her community. She has worked with several charitable organizations, including the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals and the American Cancer Society. In 2016, she even launched her own charity, called the Unlikely Heroes Foundation, which aims to raise awareness about human trafficking and provide support to victims.


Savannah Chrisley's role on Chrisley Knows Best may have started as a supporting character, but she has quickly become a fan favorite. Her unique personality, fashion sense, and business savvy have made her a force to be reckoned with in the entertainment industry. Whether she's promoting her crystal-infused beauty products or advocating for mental health awareness, Savannah is always pushing herself to be the best she can be. It will be exciting to see what the future holds for this rising star.

Who is Hex Goddess?

Hex Goddess, also known as Pamela McFadden, is a spiritual advisor and practitioner of magic who is featured on the popular reality TV show, Chrisley Knows Best. She is known for her unique approach to spiritual guidance and her expertise in casting spells and performing rituals.

Hex Goddess' Role in Chrisley Knows Best

Hex Goddess first appeared on Chrisley Knows Best in season 7, episode 10, where she was brought in by the Chrisley family to help with their personal and spiritual problems. Since then, she has become a recurring character on the show, offering advice and performing spells for the Chrisleys.

Hex Goddess' Relationship with the Chrisley Family

Hex Goddess has developed a close relationship with the Chrisley family over the course of her appearances on the show. She has helped them through difficult times, such as when Todd Chrisley was struggling with health issues, and has provided guidance and support to the family as a whole.

Hex Goddess' Background and Career

Hex Goddess has been practicing magic for over 20 years and has trained with some of the most respected spiritual advisors in the world. She has also studied various forms of magic, including Wicca, Voodoo, and Hoodoo.Before appearing on Chrisley Knows Best, Hex Goddess worked as a spiritual advisor and life coach, helping people to overcome personal and spiritual obstacles. She has also written several books on spirituality and magic, including The Magic of Hexing and The Witch's Guide to Love and Romance.

The Different Spells and Rituals Performed by Hex Goddess on the Show

Hex Goddess has performed a variety of spells and rituals on Chrisley Knows Best, each designed to address a specific issue or problem. Some of the most memorable spells she has performed include:
  • A love spell to help Savannah Chrisley find a new boyfriend
  • A money spell to help Todd Chrisley overcome his financial struggles
  • A healing spell to help Todd Chrisley recover from health issues
  • A protection spell to help the family feel safe and secure

The Impact of Hex Goddess on the Chrisleys' Lives

Hex Goddess has had a significant impact on the Chrisleys' lives, helping them to overcome personal and spiritual obstacles and providing guidance and support when they needed it most. Her spells and rituals have helped the family to find love, success, and happiness, and her presence on the show has brought a new level of spirituality and mysticism to the Chrisley Knows Best franchise.

Hex Goddess' Role as a Spiritual Advisor

Hex Goddess is not just a practitioner of magic - she is also a trusted spiritual advisor to the Chrisleys. She offers guidance and support to the family, helping them to navigate difficult situations and find their path in life. Her unique approach to spirituality and her deep understanding of the human psyche make her an invaluable resource to the Chrisleys and to anyone seeking guidance and support in their own lives.

The Controversy Surrounding Hex Goddess' Practices

As with any spiritual practice, there are those who criticize Hex Goddess' methods and beliefs. Some people view her spells and rituals as dangerous or harmful, while others believe that they go against traditional religious teachings. However, Hex Goddess maintains that her practices are safe and effective, and that they offer a unique and powerful form of spiritual guidance.

Hex Goddess' Popularity Among Fans of the Show

Despite the controversy surrounding her practices, Hex Goddess has become a fan favorite on Chrisley Knows Best. Her unique approach to spirituality, her wit and charm, and her ability to connect with the Chrisleys on a deep level have made her a beloved character on the show.

Hex Goddess' Future on Chrisley Knows Best

As of now, it is unclear what role Hex Goddess will play in the future of Chrisley Knows Best. However, given her popularity among fans and her close relationship with the Chrisley family, it seems likely that she will continue to appear on the show in some capacity. Whether she will continue to perform spells and offer spiritual guidance remains to be seen, but one thing is for sure - Hex Goddess has left an indelible mark on the lives of the Chrisleys and on the show itself.

My Point of View on Chrisley Knows Best Hex Goddess

The Pros and Cons of Chrisley Knows Best Hex Goddess

Chrisley Knows Best is a popular reality TV show that follows the lives of the Chrisley family. In one episode, the family visits a psychic who tells Todd Chrisley's daughter Savannah that she has been cursed by a hex goddess. This storyline has its pros and cons.


  • The storyline adds an interesting twist to the show. It gives viewers something different to watch and keeps them engaged.
  • It shows the family's willingness to try new things and explore their beliefs. This can be relatable to some viewers who may also be interested in psychics or similar topics.
  • It can be entertaining to see how the family reacts to the idea of a curse and how they try to break it.


  • The storyline may not be for everyone. Some viewers may be put off by the idea of psychics or curses, and find it hard to relate to the family's experiences.
  • It can perpetuate negative stereotypes about witchcraft and psychics being used for evil purposes. This can be harmful to those who practice these beliefs and may face discrimination because of them.
  • The storyline may come across as staged and not genuine. Viewers may question the authenticity of the situation and whether it was created for the sake of the show.

Table Comparison of Psychics vs. Witchcraft

Psychics and witchcraft are often associated with each other, but they have different meanings and practices. Here is a table comparing the two:

Psychics Witchcraft
Definition A person who claims to have extrasensory abilities and can perceive information beyond the normal senses. A practice of magic that involves the use of spells, rituals, and other forms of supernatural power.
Beliefs Believe that they can communicate with spirits, predict the future, and provide guidance. Believe in the power of nature, the elements, and the universe to manifest their desires.
Practices May use tools such as tarot cards, crystal balls, or pendulums to aid in their readings. May perform rituals or spells using herbs, candles, or other ingredients to manifest their desires.
Perceptions Often viewed as either a scam or a legitimate practice depending on one's beliefs. Often viewed as taboo or associated with evil or negative intentions.
In conclusion, the storyline of Chrisley Knows Best Hex Goddess has its pros and cons, and the practices of psychics and witchcraft are often misunderstood. It is important to keep an open mind and respect others' beliefs, even if they differ from our own.

Closing Message for Blog Visitors About Chrisley Knows Best Hex Goddess

Thank you for taking the time to read our article on the Chrisley Knows Best Hex Goddess. We hope that you found it informative and engaging, and that it provided you with some valuable insights into this fascinating topic.

As we have discussed throughout the article, the Hex Goddess is a powerful figure in the world of witchcraft and magic, with a rich history and a wide range of associated beliefs and practices. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or simply curious about this subject, there is always something new to learn and explore.

One of the key takeaways from our discussion is the importance of respecting the power and potential of the Hex Goddess. While this figure can offer many benefits to those who approach her with an open heart and mind, it is also important to approach her with caution and reverence, and to be mindful of the potential consequences of any actions or requests that you might make.

Another important point to keep in mind is the diversity of beliefs and practices surrounding the Hex Goddess. While our article has focused primarily on the traditions and beliefs associated with the Appalachian region of the United States, there are many other cultures and communities around the world that also incorporate the Hex Goddess into their spiritual practices.

Whether you are interested in exploring the Hex Goddess on your own or seeking guidance from a trusted practitioner or community, we encourage you to approach this topic with an open mind and a willingness to learn. By doing so, you can gain a deeper understanding of the many ways in which this powerful figure can impact your life and the lives of those around you.

Finally, we would like to thank you once again for visiting our blog and taking the time to read our article. We hope that you have found it both informative and thought-provoking, and that it has inspired you to continue exploring the fascinating world of witchcraft and magic.

If you have any questions or comments about our article, or if you would like to share your own experiences with the Hex Goddess, we would love to hear from you. Please feel free to leave a comment below, and we will do our best to respond as quickly as possible.

Thank you again for visiting our blog, and we wish you all the best on your journey into the world of witchcraft and magic!

People Also Ask About Chrisley Knows Best Hex Goddess

Who is Hex Goddess on Chrisley Knows Best?

Hex Goddess is a psychic medium and spiritual advisor who has appeared on the reality TV show Chrisley Knows Best. She is known for providing guidance and advice to the Chrisley family, as well as conducting readings and spiritual rituals.

What kind of readings does Hex Goddess do?

Hex Goddess offers a variety of readings, including tarot card readings, psychic readings, and mediumship readings. She also performs spiritual cleansing and protection rituals to help individuals overcome negative energy and obstacles in their lives.

Is Hex Goddess a real psychic?

It is unclear whether Hex Goddess is a real psychic or not. Some viewers of Chrisley Knows Best have expressed skepticism about her abilities, while others believe that she is genuine. Regardless of her authenticity, Hex Goddess has become a popular figure on the show and has gained a following among fans of psychic and spiritual practices.

How did Hex Goddess meet the Chrisleys?

It is unknown how Hex Goddess first met the Chrisleys, but she has been a recurring guest on the show since 2019. It is possible that she was introduced to the family through a mutual acquaintance or through her work as a psychic and spiritual advisor.

What has Hex Goddess helped the Chrisleys with?

Hex Goddess has provided guidance and advice to the Chrisleys on a variety of personal and spiritual matters. She has conducted readings to help them gain insight into their relationships, careers, and life paths. She has also performed cleansing and protection rituals to help them overcome negative energy and obstacles in their lives.

Are there any controversies surrounding Hex Goddess?

There have been some controversies surrounding Hex Goddess and her role on Chrisley Knows Best. Some viewers have accused her of being a fraud and exploiting the Chrisleys for personal gain. However, others have defended her as a genuine spiritual advisor who has helped the family in meaningful ways. Ultimately, the truth about Hex Goddess and her abilities may never be fully known.