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Discover the shocking tale of being fucked by a best friend. Explore the emotional turmoil and betrayal in this gripping story.

It's a story that many of us have heard before – the tale of two best friends who end up crossing the line and becoming something more. But what happens when that line is crossed and things go wrong? What happens when you find yourself completely fucked by your best friend?

It all started innocently enough. We had been friends for years, laughing and joking together, sharing secrets and dreams. But then something shifted. I don't know if it was the way he looked at me or the way his hand lingered a little too long on my shoulder, but suddenly I couldn't help but see him in a different light.

At first, we tried to ignore it. We pretended that our feelings didn't exist, that we could just carry on as normal. But the tension between us was palpable, and eventually, we gave in. We kissed, and it was like fireworks exploded in my brain. I knew from that moment on that we were in trouble.

For a while, everything was amazing. We were together all the time, exploring each other's bodies and minds, and it felt like nothing could go wrong. But then reality set in. We started arguing more, little things at first, but gradually they became bigger and more frequent. I found myself getting jealous of other people in his life, and he seemed to be pulling away from me.

It was like we were caught in a cycle of love and hate, constantly pushing and pulling against each other until we were both exhausted. And then one day, he dropped the bombshell. He said that he didn't think we could be together anymore, that it was too hard and that he needed to move on with his life.

I was devastated. I felt like I had lost not just my lover but also my best friend. I couldn't imagine going back to the way things had been before, where we were just two people who talked and laughed but never touched. But at the same time, I knew that I couldn't keep living like this, in a constant state of emotional turmoil.

So we went our separate ways. It was hard, but I knew it was for the best. I started to rebuild my life, making new friends and finding new hobbies to occupy my time. But no matter how much I tried to move on, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had been completely fucked over by the person I trusted most in the world.

Looking back now, I can see that we were both at fault. We were young and foolish, thinking that we could handle a relationship that was built on such a strong foundation of friendship. But in the end, we were wrong. We weren't ready for the kind of commitment that a romantic relationship requires, and we ended up hurting each other more than we ever thought possible.

It's been years since we last spoke, and I've made my peace with what happened between us. But there are still days when I find myself looking back, wondering if things could have been different, if we had just been a little more mature, a little more patient with each other.

But then I remind myself that sometimes, friendships are meant to stay just that – friendships. And even though it hurt like hell at the time, I know that I'm better off without him in my life. Because being fucked by your best friend is a pain that never truly goes away.


Having a best friend is supposed to be one of the most beautiful relationships in our lives. They are the ones who are always there for us, through thick and thin. But what happens when this relationship takes a turn for the worst? When your best friend, who you trusted with your life, betrays you in the worst way possible? This is my story of being fucked by my best friend.

The Beginning of Our Friendship

We met in high school and quickly became inseparable. We did everything together, from going to parties to studying for exams. We shared our deepest secrets and fears with each other. I trusted him with my life, and he trusted me with his. We were the perfect team, or so I thought.

The First Signs of Betrayal

It started with little things, like him cancelling plans at the last minute or not returning my calls. I didn't think much of it at first, but then I started noticing that he was acting strange around me. He would avoid eye contact, and his body language was defensive. I knew something was up, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

The Bombshell

One day, out of the blue, he called me and asked to meet up. I was excited to see him, thinking that we could catch up and talk about what was going on between us. But when we met, he dropped a bombshell on me. He told me that he had slept with my girlfriend. I was in shock. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My best friend had betrayed me in the worst possible way.

The Aftermath

I was devastated. I felt like my world had crumbled beneath me. The person I trusted the most had just stabbed me in the back. I couldn't eat, sleep, or concentrate on anything. I was consumed by anger, hurt, and sadness. I didn't know how to move on from this betrayal.

The Confrontation

After a few days of wallowing in my misery, I decided to confront him. I wanted to know why he did it, and if there was any way we could salvage our friendship. When I met him, he was apologetic, but also defensive. He told me that he was going through a rough patch in his life and that my girlfriend had come onto him. I didn't believe him, but I also didn't want to lose my best friend.

The Second Betrayal

I tried to forgive him and move on from the incident, but things were never the same between us. He would avoid me at parties and hang out with my ex-girlfriend. I started to suspect that something was going on between them, but I didn't have any proof. Then one day, I caught them kissing. I felt like I had been betrayed all over again.

The End of Our Friendship

I confronted him again, and this time he didn't even bother to deny it. He told me that he had fallen in love with my ex-girlfriend and that he couldn't help it. I was angry, hurt, and betrayed all over again. I told him that I never wanted to see him again and that our friendship was over.

The Healing Process

It took me a long time to heal from this betrayal. I had lost my best friend, my girlfriend, and my trust in people. But eventually, I realized that not everyone is like him. I started to surround myself with people who genuinely cared about me and who would never betray me. I also learned to forgive, not for his sake, but for mine.

The Lessons Learned

Being fucked over by your best friend is one of the worst experiences in life. But it has taught me some valuable lessons. Firstly, not everyone is trustworthy, even the people we think are closest to us. Secondly, forgiveness is not easy, but it's necessary for our own healing. Lastly, we should never let one betrayal make us lose faith in humanity.

The Conclusion

My best friend betrayed me, but I have learned to move on from it. It was a painful and difficult journey, but it has made me stronger and wiser. I have learned that life is full of ups and downs, but it's how we deal with them that defines us. I may have lost a best friend, but I have gained invaluable life lessons that I will carry with me forever.

The Unexpected Betrayal from My Best Friend

There are some things in life that are simply unimaginable. Betrayal by a friend is one of those things. I had always believed that my best friend, Emily, would be the one person who would never hurt me intentionally. But one day, everything changed.

The Night That Changed Everything

It was just another night out with friends. We went to a bar, had a few drinks, and danced the night away. I remember feeling happy and carefree, enjoying the company of my closest friends. But as the night wore on, I started to feel more and more dizzy. I thought it was the alcohol, but looking back, I realize that something else was going on.

At some point in the night, Emily suggested that we go back to her place. She said that she had some weed and that we could all smoke together. I agreed, thinking that it would be a fun way to end the night. But when we got to her apartment, things took a turn for the worse.

I don't remember much of what happened after we started smoking. All I know is that at some point, Emily started making advances towards me. I was confused and scared, but I didn't know how to react. And before I knew it, we were having sex.

How I Learned That Trust Can Be Broken

The next morning, I woke up feeling like a different person. I was in shock, unable to process what had happened. I felt violated and betrayed, wondering how my best friend could have done something like this to me.

For weeks, I struggled to come to terms with what had happened. I couldn't talk to Emily without feeling sick to my stomach. I didn't want to see any of our mutual friends, afraid that they would find out what had happened and judge me. I felt like my world had been turned upside down.

But as time went on, I realized that this experience had taught me a valuable lesson about trust. I had always believed that trust was something that was unbreakable, that once you gave it to someone, they would never betray you. But now I knew that wasn't true. Trust can be broken, even by the people we love the most.

Struggling to Come to Terms with My Best Friend’s Actions

One of the hardest things about being betrayed by Emily was trying to understand why she had done it. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that someone who had been so close to me could have done something so hurtful.

I tried to talk to her about it, but every time I brought it up, she would get defensive or try to brush it off. It was like she didn't understand the gravity of what had happened, or she didn't care.

This made it even harder for me to move on. I felt like I couldn't forgive her because she didn't even seem sorry for what she had done. It was like she thought that having sex with me was no big deal, even though it had completely changed our relationship.

The Emotional Toll of Being Betrayed by Someone You Love

Being betrayed by someone you love is one of the most painful experiences a person can go through. It's like a part of you has died, and you're left wondering how you'll ever be able to trust anyone again.

I found myself going through a range of emotions in the days and weeks after the incident. I was angry at Emily for what she had done, but I was also angry at myself for not seeing it coming. I felt violated and ashamed, like I had somehow brought this on myself.

But the most overwhelming feeling was sadness. I mourned the loss of my friendship with Emily, knowing that we could never go back to the way things were before. I missed her, but I also hated her for what she had done.

The Complicated Feelings That Come with Being Fucked by Your Best Friend

Being fucked by your best friend is a complicated experience. On one hand, you feel violated and betrayed. But on the other hand, you may also feel a sense of pleasure or attraction towards them.

I struggled with these conflicting emotions for a long time. I didn't know how to reconcile the fact that I had enjoyed the physical aspect of our encounter, even though it had been completely inappropriate and wrong.

It took me a while to realize that these feelings were normal, and that they didn't make me a bad person. It's natural to have physical desires, even towards people who are off-limits. But it's important to recognize when those desires cross a line, and to take steps to prevent them from causing harm.

Trying to Rebuild a Relationship After Being Betrayed

After some time had passed, Emily and I started talking again. We both knew that our friendship would never be the same, but we wanted to try to salvage what was left of it.

It was a difficult process. We had to address what had happened head-on, talking openly and honestly about our feelings. I had to tell Emily how much she had hurt me, and she had to acknowledge that what she had done was wrong.

But over time, we were able to start rebuilding our relationship. We set clear boundaries and agreed to never let anything like that happen again. It wasn't easy, and there were times when I doubted whether we could ever truly move past what had happened. But we both knew that our friendship was worth fighting for.

The Importance of Setting Boundaries in Close Relationships

My experience with Emily taught me the importance of setting boundaries in close relationships. When we're close to someone, it's easy to let our guard down and assume that they would never do anything to hurt us. But the truth is that even the people we love the most are capable of betrayal.

Setting boundaries can help prevent situations like the one I found myself in. It's important to communicate clearly with our friends and loved ones about what is and isn't okay, and to stick to those boundaries even when things get tough.

How to Move on After Being Fucked Over by Someone You Trusted

Moving on after being fucked over by someone you trusted is not an easy process. It takes time, effort, and a lot of self-reflection.

One of the first steps is to acknowledge what happened and how it made you feel. It's important to allow yourself to grieve the loss of the relationship, even if you want to try to salvage it.

Another important step is to take care of yourself. This may mean seeking therapy or counseling, talking to supportive friends and family members, or taking time to engage in self-care activities that make you feel good.

Finally, it's important to learn from the experience. Take the lessons you learned about trust and boundaries, and use them to build stronger, healthier relationships in the future.

The Lessons I Learned About Friendship and Betrayal

My experience with Emily taught me some valuable lessons about friendship and betrayal. I learned that trust can be broken, even by the people we love the most. I learned the importance of setting boundaries in close relationships, and of sticking to them even when it's hard.

But most importantly, I learned that forgiveness is possible. It's not easy, and it takes time and effort, but it's possible to move past a betrayal and rebuild a relationship if both parties are willing to work at it.

Being fucked by my best friend was one of the hardest things I've ever had to go through. But in the end, it taught me a lot about myself, about trust, and about what it takes to heal from a painful experience. And for that, I am grateful.

My Point of View on Being Fucked by My Best Friend

The Pros

1. Comfort level: When you are intimate with someone who is your best friend, there is already a level of comfort and trust that exists between you. You know each other well, and therefore, there is less awkwardness or hesitation when it comes to getting intimate.

2. Emotional connection: Since you are already close friends, there is an emotional connection that exists between the two of you. This can add to the intimacy of the experience and make it more meaningful.

3. No strings attached: If both parties agree to keep things casual and not let it affect their friendship, then there are no expectations or pressure to have a serious relationship or commitment.

The Cons

1. Risk of ruining friendship: One of the biggest risks of getting intimate with a friend is that it can potentially ruin the friendship. If one person develops feelings for the other or if things get awkward or uncomfortable, it can be difficult to go back to being just friends.

2. Gossip and rumors: If word gets out about the intimate encounter, it can lead to gossip and rumors among mutual friends. This can be embarrassing and uncomfortable for both parties.

3. One-sided feelings: If one person has stronger feelings for the other, it can create an imbalance in the dynamic of the friendship. This can lead to hurt feelings or resentment if the other person does not feel the same way.

Comparison Table between Friends with Benefits and Romantic Relationships

Category Friends with Benefits Romantic Relationship
Emotional Connection Exists to some extent, but not as strong as in a romantic relationship Strong emotional connection is a defining aspect of a romantic relationship
Commitment No commitment or expectation of a serious relationship Commitment and the possibility of a long-term relationship is expected
Intimacy Physical intimacy without the need for emotional attachment Physical intimacy is often accompanied by emotional intimacy
Jealousy Jealousy may still occur, but it is less likely than in a romantic relationship Jealousy can be a common occurrence in romantic relationships
Future Outlook The future outlook is uncertain and depends on the individuals involved The future outlook is typically discussed and planned for in a romantic relationship
In conclusion, being intimate with a best friend has its pros and cons. While there is a level of comfort and emotional connection that exists between friends, there is also the risk of ruining the friendship or developing one-sided feelings. When compared to a romantic relationship, friends with benefits lack the commitment and emotional attachment that is expected in a long-term relationship. Ultimately, the decision to get intimate with a best friend should be made with caution and clear communication to avoid any potential complications.

Fucked by My Best Friend: A Story of Betrayal and Healing

Dear blog visitors,

Thank you for taking the time to read my story about being fucked by my best friend. It has been a difficult journey, but I am grateful for the opportunity to share it with you and hopefully provide some insight and healing for those who may be going through similar experiences.

For those who haven't read the article, let me give you a brief summary. I was in a long-term relationship with my boyfriend when I discovered that he had been cheating on me with my best friend. The betrayal was devastating, and I found myself struggling with feelings of anger, sadness, and confusion.

As I navigated my way through the aftermath of the affair, I learned a lot about myself and what it means to heal from betrayal. Here are some of the key takeaways from my experience:

1. It's okay to feel your feelings.

When you've been betrayed by someone you love and trust, it's natural to experience a range of emotions. You might feel angry, sad, hurt, or even numb. Whatever you're feeling, it's important to allow yourself to feel it. Don't try to push your emotions away or pretend they don't exist. Instead, acknowledge them and give yourself permission to process them in a healthy way.

2. You don't have to forgive right away.

Forgiving someone who has hurt you deeply is a difficult and complex process. It's not something that can be rushed or forced. If you're struggling to forgive your betrayer, that's okay. Take all the time you need to work through your emotions and come to a place of acceptance.

3. Betrayal can be an opportunity for growth.

As painful as betrayal is, it can also be an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Use this experience to learn more about yourself and what you want out of life. Take the time to reflect on your values, priorities, and goals. Use this knowledge to create a more fulfilling and meaningful life for yourself.

4. Healing takes time.

Healing from betrayal is not a quick or easy process. It takes time, patience, and effort. You might take two steps forward and one step back, and that's okay. Be kind to yourself and allow yourself to heal at your own pace.

5. Seek support.

Going through betrayal alone can be incredibly isolating and overwhelming. It's important to seek support from friends, family, or a therapist. Surround yourself with people who love and care about you, and who can offer you the support and encouragement you need to heal.

Ultimately, being fucked by my best friend was one of the most painful experiences of my life. But it also taught me a lot about myself and what it means to heal from betrayal. If you're going through something similar, know that you're not alone and that healing is possible.

Thank you again for reading my story.


[Your name]

People Also Ask About Getting Fucked by Their Best Friend

What Does It Mean to Get Fucked by Your Best Friend?

Getting fucked by your best friend means that you have engaged in sexual activity with someone who you consider to be a close friend. This can range from a one-time hookup to a long-term sexual relationship.

Is It Common to Get Fucked by Your Best Friend?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as sexual experiences between friends are often kept private. However, studies have shown that many people have engaged in sexual activity with a friend at some point in their lives.

Can Getting Fucked by Your Best Friend Ruin Your Friendship?

It is possible for sexual activity to complicate or damage a friendship, particularly if one person develops romantic feelings while the other does not. However, many people are able to maintain a strong friendship even after engaging in sexual activity with each other.

How Can I Tell If My Best Friend Wants to Fuck Me?

  1. Pay attention to their body language and eye contact.
  2. Notice if they touch you frequently or in a more intimate way than usual.
  3. Listen to the way they talk to you, and notice if they use more flirtatious language.
  4. Consider whether they have expressed interest in sexual or romantic relationships in the past.

What Should I Do If I Want to Fuck My Best Friend?

  1. Be honest about your feelings and intentions.
  2. Respect their boundaries and make sure they are comfortable with the idea.
  3. Communicate openly and frequently about your expectations for the relationship.
  4. Be prepared for the possibility that the friendship may change or end as a result of the sexual activity.