Exploring the Top 10 Best Grenade Spots in Dust 2 - Perfect for Strategic Gameplay


Discover the best grenade spots on Dust 2 and dominate your opponents with precision and strategy. Maximize your game potential now!

If you're a Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player, then you know that Dust 2 is one of the most popular maps in the game. This map has been around for years and has become a classic among players. One of the key elements of this map is the importance of grenade spots. These are strategic locations where you can throw grenades to take out your opponents or gain an advantage. In this article, we'll be exploring some of the best grenade spots on Dust 2. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or just getting started with this map, these spots will help you improve your gameplay and dominate your opponents.

First up, let's talk about the A bombsite. This is one of the most important areas on the map, and there are several great grenade spots that can help you take control of it. One of the most popular spots is the car position. From here, you can throw a smoke grenade that will block off the entrance to the site, allowing you to move in without being seen. You can also use a flashbang to blind any enemies who might be waiting for you. Another great spot is the long doors. If you're playing as a terrorist, you can throw a smoke grenade to block off the area and then use a molotov to force any defenders out of their hiding spots.

Next, let's talk about the B bombsite. This is another crucial area that requires careful planning and execution. One of the best grenade spots on this site is the window. From here, you can throw a smoke grenade that will block off the entrance to the site, making it difficult for defenders to see you. If you're playing as a terrorist, you can also use a molotov to force any defenders out of their hiding spots. Another great spot is the tunnel entrance. Here, you can throw a flashbang to blind any defenders who might be waiting for you, allowing you to move in and take control of the site.

Of course, there are many other grenade spots on Dust 2 that are worth exploring. For example, you can use grenades to take control of the mid area, which is a vital part of the map. You can also use them to defend key areas such as the catwalk or the ramp. The key is to experiment with different strategies and find the spots that work best for your playstyle.

When it comes to using grenades on Dust 2, timing is everything. You need to know when to throw your grenades and where to throw them in order to maximize their effectiveness. This requires careful planning and coordination with your team. If you're playing with a group of friends, make sure to communicate with them and coordinate your attacks.

It's also important to remember that grenades aren't the only tool at your disposal. You can also use smoke grenades to block off areas and create distractions, or use flashbangs to blind your opponents and gain an advantage. The key is to use these tools strategically and in conjunction with each other.

Another important aspect of using grenades on Dust 2 is understanding your opponent's strategy. If you know that the other team likes to hold a particular area, for example, you can use grenades to flush them out and gain an advantage. Similarly, if you know that your opponent is likely to push in a certain direction, you can use grenades to create a barrier and force them to take a different route.

Of course, using grenades effectively takes practice and patience. You won't become an expert overnight, but with time and dedication, you can master these valuable skills and become a force to be reckoned with on Dust 2. So get out there, experiment with different strategies, and find the grenade spots that work best for you!

In conclusion, Dust 2 is a map that requires careful planning and execution. Grenades are an essential tool in your arsenal, and there are many spots on the map that can help you gain an advantage over your opponents. Whether you're playing as a terrorist or a counter-terrorist, knowing how to use grenades effectively can make all the difference. With practice and dedication, you can master these valuable skills and become a true champion of Dust 2.


Dust 2 is one of the most popular maps in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. It is known for its balance between the terrorists and counter-terrorists, making it a favourite for competitive play. One crucial aspect of the game is the use of grenades. In this article, we will be discussing the best grenade spots on Dust 2.

Long A

Smoke Grenade

The first grenade spot we will discuss is at Long A. This is a popular spot for terrorists to push through to the A bomb site. To stop them, a well-placed smoke grenade can be very effective. Stand at the entrance to Long A and aim at the top of the building to your right. Throw the smoke grenade, and it will land just in front of the entrance, blocking off the sightline for the terrorists.

Flashbang Grenade

Another useful grenade for Long A is the flashbang. Stand at the same spot as before, and aim slightly to the left of the building. Throw the flashbang grenade, and it will pop over the wall, blinding any terrorists pushing through Long A.

Bombsite A

Smoke Grenade

When defending the A bombsite, a well-placed smoke grenade can be used to block off enemy sightlines. Stand at the corner of the ramp leading up to the bombsite and aim at the middle of the boxes to the left of the site. Throw the smoke grenade, and it will land on top of the boxes, effectively blocking off the site from the enemy's view.

Flashbang Grenade

A flashbang grenade can also be used to defend the A bombsite. Stand at the same spot as before, and aim at the top of the boxes to the left of the site. Throw the flashbang grenade, and it will pop over the boxes, blinding any enemies attempting to push through.

Bombsite B

Smoke Grenade

When defending the B bombsite, a smoke grenade can be used to block off the enemy's view of the site. Stand at the entrance to the site and aim at the top of the tower on the left. Throw the smoke grenade, and it will land just in front of the entrance, effectively blocking off the site from the enemy's view.

Flashbang Grenade

A flashbang grenade can also be useful when defending the B bombsite. Stand at the same spot as before, and aim at the top of the tower on the left. Throw the flashbang grenade, and it will pop over the wall, blinding any enemies attempting to push through.


Smoke Grenade

Mid is a crucial area of the map, allowing for quick rotations between the A and B bombsites. To block off the enemy's view of mid, stand at the entrance to T spawn and aim at the top of the building to the right. Throw the smoke grenade, and it will land just in front of the entrance to mid, effectively blocking off the sightline for the enemy.

Flashbang Grenade

A flashbang grenade can also be useful when pushing through mid. Stand at the same spot as before, and aim at the top of the building to the right. Throw the flashbang grenade, and it will pop over the wall, blinding any enemies holding mid.


Grenades are an essential part of any Counter-Strike game, and Dust 2 is no exception. By using the best grenade spots on the map, you can gain a significant advantage over your opponents and secure victories for your team. Remember, practice makes perfect, so get out there and start throwing those grenades!

Dust 2 is one of the most popular and iconic maps in the FPS game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO). It is a map that requires both individual skill and teamwork to successfully navigate and win. One key aspect of winning in Dust 2 is knowing the best grenade spots. In this article, we will discuss the top 10 best grenade spots in Dust 2.

The Terrorist Spawn Grenade Spot

The Terrorist Spawn Grenade Spot is a great way to catch unsuspecting CT players off guard. To execute this grenade spot, stand in the T spawn and aim at the wall on the right side. Line up your crosshair with the corner of the building and throw the grenade. The grenade should land on the B site platform, near the barrels. This grenade can be useful for clearing out defenders or for planting the bomb safely.

The Mid Doors Smoke Grenade Spot

The Mid Doors Smoke Grenade Spot is one of the most important grenade spots in Dust 2. It is used to block off the mid doors and prevent CTs from peeking through. To execute this grenade spot, stand in the T spawn and aim at the roof of the building on the left side. Line up your crosshair with the edge of the roof and throw the smoke grenade. The smoke grenade should land in the mid doors, effectively blocking off vision.

The B Site Window Grenade Spot

The B Site Window Grenade Spot is an effective way to clear out defenders from the window area. To execute this grenade spot, stand on the platform in front of the B site and aim at the window. Line up your crosshair with the top corner of the window and throw the grenade. The grenade should land in the window, causing damage to any defenders in the area.

The A Site Ramp Grenade Spot

The A Site Ramp Grenade Spot is a great way to clear out defenders from the A ramp area. To execute this grenade spot, stand at the bottom of the A ramp and aim at the top of the boxes. Line up your crosshair with the edge of the boxes and throw the grenade. The grenade should land on the top of the boxes, causing damage to any defenders in the area.

The CT Mid Smoke Grenade Spot

The CT Mid Smoke Grenade Spot is an important grenade spot for defending the mid area. To execute this grenade spot, stand in the CT spawn and aim at the building on the right side. Line up your crosshair with the edge of the building and throw the smoke grenade. The smoke grenade should land in the mid area, blocking off vision for attackers.

The Long A Doors Grenade Spot

The Long A Doors Grenade Spot is a useful way to clear out defenders from the Long A doors. To execute this grenade spot, stand on the platform near the Long A doors and aim at the edge of the roof on the right side. Line up your crosshair with the edge of the roof and throw the grenade. The grenade should land in front of the Long A doors, causing damage to any defenders in the area.

The B Site Car Grenade Spot

The B Site Car Grenade Spot is a useful way to clear out defenders from the car area. To execute this grenade spot, stand on the platform in front of the B site and aim at the edge of the wall on the left side. Line up your crosshair with the edge of the wall and throw the grenade. The grenade should land on the car, causing damage to any defenders in the area.

The A Site Goose Grenade Spot

The A Site Goose Grenade Spot is an effective way to clear out defenders from the Goose area. To execute this grenade spot, stand on the platform near the A site and aim at the edge of the roof above Goose. Line up your crosshair with the edge of the roof and throw the grenade. The grenade should land on the roof above Goose, causing damage to any defenders in the area.

The CT Spawn Smoke Grenade Spot

The CT Spawn Smoke Grenade Spot is a useful way to block off vision for attackers coming from the T spawn area. To execute this grenade spot, stand in the T spawn and aim at the building on the left side of the map. Line up your crosshair with the edge of the building and throw the smoke grenade. The smoke grenade should land in the CT spawn area, blocking off vision for attackers.

The Short A Smoke Grenade Spot

The Short A Smoke Grenade Spot is an important grenade spot for attackers trying to take control of the A site. To execute this grenade spot, stand in the T spawn and aim at the edge of the roof above the A site. Line up your crosshair with the edge of the roof and throw the smoke grenade. The smoke grenade should land on the ramp leading to the A site, blocking off vision for defenders.In conclusion, knowing the best grenade spots in Dust 2 is crucial for winning in CS:GO. These 10 grenade spots are some of the most effective and useful spots for both attackers and defenders. By using these grenade spots, players can gain an advantage over their opponents and secure victory.

Best Grenade Spots Dust 2

Point of View

As a seasoned Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) player, I believe that knowing the best grenade spots in Dust 2 is crucial for winning matches. Grenades can be used to clear areas, deal damage to enemies, and even secure kills. In this article, I will share my opinion on the best grenade spots in Dust 2 and discuss their pros and cons.

Pros and Cons of Best Grenade Spots in Dust 2

Long A

One of the most popular grenade spots in Dust 2 is at Long A. This spot is ideal for defending against a rush from the Terrorist side. Here are the pros and cons of using grenades at Long A:

  • Pros:
    • Grenades can be used to slow down or stop a rush from the Terrorist side.
    • Molotovs can be used to deny access to certain areas or force enemies out of cover.
    • Smoke grenades can be used to block off enemy vision and create an advantage for defenders.
  • Cons:
    • The area is quite open, making it difficult to throw grenades accurately.
    • Terrorists can use flashes and smokes to counter grenades and gain an advantage.

Short A

Another popular grenade spot in Dust 2 is at Short A. This spot is ideal for attacking the A bombsite or defending against a push from the Terrorist side. Here are the pros and cons of using grenades at Short A:

  • Pros:
    • Grenades can be used to clear out enemies hiding behind the boxes or in the corners.
    • Molotovs can be used to deny access to certain areas or force enemies out of cover.
    • Smoke grenades can be used to block off enemy vision and create an advantage for attackers or defenders.
  • Cons:
    • The area is small, making it easy for enemies to counter grenades and gain an advantage.
    • Terrorists can use flashes and smokes to block off vision and gain an advantage.

Bombsite B

The B bombsite on Dust 2 is another important area for grenade usage. This spot is ideal for defending against a rush from the Terrorist side or attacking the B bombsite. Here are the pros and cons of using grenades at Bombsite B:

  • Pros:
    • Grenades can be used to clear out enemies hiding in the tunnels or on the platform.
    • Molotovs can be used to deny access to certain areas or force enemies out of cover.
    • Smoke grenades can be used to block off enemy vision and create an advantage for defenders or attackers.
  • Cons:
    • The area is quite open, making it difficult to throw grenades accurately.
    • Terrorists can use flashes and smokes to counter grenades and gain an advantage.

Table Comparison of Best Grenade Spots in Dust 2

Grenade Spot Pros Cons
Long A Grenades can be used to slow down or stop a rush from the Terrorist side. Molotovs can be used to deny access to certain areas or force enemies out of cover. Smoke grenades can be used to block off enemy vision and create an advantage for defenders. The area is quite open, making it difficult to throw grenades accurately. Terrorists can use flashes and smokes to counter grenades and gain an advantage.
Short A Grenades can be used to clear out enemies hiding behind the boxes or in the corners. Molotovs can be used to deny access to certain areas or force enemies out of cover. Smoke grenades can be used to block off enemy vision and create an advantage for attackers or defenders. The area is small, making it easy for enemies to counter grenades and gain an advantage. Terrorists can use flashes and smokes to block off vision and gain an advantage.
Bombsite B Grenades can be used to clear out enemies hiding in the tunnels or on the platform. Molotovs can be used to deny access to certain areas or force enemies out of cover. Smoke grenades can be used to block off enemy vision and create an advantage for defenders or attackers. The area is quite open, making it difficult to throw grenades accurately. Terrorists can use flashes and smokes to counter grenades and gain an advantage.
In conclusion, knowing the best grenade spots in Dust 2 is crucial for any CS:GO player looking to improve their gameplay. Each grenade spot has its pros and cons, and it's up to the player to decide which one is best for their strategy. By using grenades effectively, players can gain an advantage over their opponents and secure more wins.

The Best Grenade Spots on Dust 2: A Comprehensive Guide

Thank you for taking the time to read our guide on the best grenade spots on Dust 2. We hope that you found this article informative and helpful in improving your gameplay on this iconic map. Before we say goodbye, we would like to leave you with a few closing thoughts.

Firstly, mastering grenade spots is an essential skill for any serious Counter-Strike player. Knowing where to throw grenades can give you a massive advantage over your opponents, particularly in competitive matches where every round counts.

Secondly, while we have covered some of the best grenade spots on Dust 2, there are many more that we have not mentioned. This is because Dust 2 is a complex map with multiple angles and chokepoints, and new grenade spots are being discovered all the time.

That being said, we hope that this guide has given you a good foundation to build upon. By practicing these spots and experimenting with your own strategies, you can become a formidable force on Dust 2.

Furthermore, we encourage you to watch professional players and learn from their gameplay. You can pick up valuable tips and tricks by watching how they use grenades and positioning themselves on the map.

Additionally, don't be afraid to experiment with different types of grenades and combinations. Smoke grenades, flashbangs, and molotov cocktails can all be useful in different situations, and knowing when and where to use them can be the difference between winning and losing a round.

Another thing to keep in mind is that communication is key when it comes to using grenades effectively. Make sure to communicate with your teammates about your strategy and coordinate your attacks accordingly.

Lastly, remember that practice makes perfect. Don't get discouraged if you don't master these grenade spots right away. Keep practicing and experimenting, and you will see improvement over time.

Thank you again for reading our guide on the best grenade spots on Dust 2. We hope that you found this article helpful and informative, and we wish you the best of luck in your future matches!

People Also Ask About Best Grenade Spots in Dust 2

What are the best grenade spots in Dust 2?

The best grenade spots in Dust 2 are:

  1. Long A doors: Use a smoke grenade to block off the entrance and a flashbang to blind any enemies. Then throw a HE grenade to deal damage to them.
  2. Bombsite A: Use a smoke grenade to block off the CT spawn and a flashbang to blind any enemies. Then throw a HE grenade to deal damage to them.
  3. Bombsite B: Use a smoke grenade to block off the entrance to tunnels and a flashbang to blind any enemies. Then throw a HE grenade to deal damage to them.
  4. Mid doors: Use a smoke grenade to block off the area and a flashbang to blind any enemies. Then throw a HE grenade to deal damage to them.

How do I use grenades effectively in Dust 2?

You can use grenades effectively in Dust 2 by:

  • Using smoke grenades to block off entrances or choke points, giving your team cover or denying the enemy access.
  • Using flashbangs to blind enemies and gain an advantage in a firefight.
  • Using HE grenades to deal damage to enemies, especially in areas where they are likely to be clustered together.
  • Coordinating with your team to time your grenade throws for maximum impact.

What is the importance of knowing grenade spots in Dust 2?

Knowing grenade spots in Dust 2 is important because it can give you an advantage over your enemies. By using grenades effectively, you can block off areas, blind enemies, and deal damage to them, giving you the upper hand in a firefight. Additionally, knowing grenade spots allows you to anticipate where enemies might be throwing grenades from, allowing you to avoid them or counter them effectively.