Discover the Top Smoke Spots to Dominate Dust 2: A Guide to Strategic Gameplay


Discover the best smoke spots on Dust 2 and gain the upper hand in your next competitive match. Learn how to effectively control the map.

The Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) community is always on the lookout for the best places to smoke and flash their way to victory. On Dust 2, one of the most popular maps in the game, players are constantly searching for new and creative spots to gain an advantage over their opponents. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the game, knowing the best smoke spots on Dust 2 can be the difference between winning and losing.

One of the most important smoke spots on Dust 2 is the long A doors. This area is a crucial part of the map, as it allows players to control the flow of the game and prevent the enemy team from gaining access to the bombsite. By throwing a smoke grenade at the doors, players can create a wall of smoke that will block the enemy's vision and provide cover for their team to move around the area. This smoke spot is essential for any team looking to gain an early advantage on Dust 2.

Another important smoke spot on Dust 2 is the mid doors. This area is the central point of the map and provides access to both bombsites. By throwing a smoke grenade at the mid doors, players can prevent the enemy team from gaining control of this crucial area and limit their options for attacking either bombsite. This smoke spot requires precise timing and coordination between teammates, but it can be a game-changer when executed correctly.

For those looking to defend the B bombsite, the window smoke is an essential tool. This smoke spot blocks the enemy's vision of the window and prevents them from picking off defenders from afar. By throwing this smoke, players can force the enemy team to engage in close combat, where they will have the advantage. This smoke spot requires practice and precision, but it can be a powerful tool in any player's arsenal.

Another useful smoke spot on Dust 2 is the CT spawn smoke. This area is a common entry point for the enemy team and can be difficult to defend without proper preparation. By throwing a smoke grenade at the CT spawn, players can create a wall of smoke that will block the enemy's vision and prevent them from advancing. This smoke spot requires teamwork and communication, but it can be a powerful tool for any team looking to defend the bombsite.

The B tunnels are another crucial area on Dust 2, and the smoke spot at the entrance can be a game-changer. By throwing a smoke grenade at the entrance to the tunnels, players can prevent the enemy team from gaining access to this area and limit their options for attacking the B bombsite. This smoke spot is essential for any team looking to defend the B bombsite and should be a part of every player's strategy.

In addition to these smoke spots, there are plenty of other creative ways to gain an advantage on Dust 2. Players can use flashes to blind their opponents, jump spots to gain information about the enemy's position, and boost spots to gain an elevated view of the map. By mastering these techniques, players can become formidable opponents on Dust 2 and dominate their opponents with ease.

Of course, no amount of smoke spots or creative strategies can replace good old-fashioned practice and teamwork. To truly master Dust 2, players must work together and communicate effectively. By practicing regularly and developing a strong understanding of the map, players can become experts on Dust 2 and dominate their opponents with ease.

In conclusion, knowing the best smoke spots on Dust 2 is essential for any player looking to gain an advantage in CS:GO. Whether you're defending the bombsite or pushing the enemy back, these smoke spots can be the difference between victory and defeat. By mastering these spots and developing a strong understanding of the map, players can become unstoppable forces on Dust 2 and dominate their opponents with ease.


Dust 2 is one of the most popular maps in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and for good reason. Its simple layout and well-balanced gameplay make it a favorite among players of all skill levels. But what sets Dust 2 apart from other maps is its many smoke spots that can give players a tactical advantage. In this article, we will explore the best smoke spots on Dust 2.

A Long

A Long Doors Smoke

The A Long doors smoke is a must-know for any player who wants to gain control of A Long and take the fight to the Terrorists. To execute this smoke, stand in front of the double doors at A Long and aim your crosshair at the top of the wall above the doors. Then, jump throw your smoke grenade. The smoke will land on the roof of the building across from A Long, blocking the Terrorist's view and allowing you to safely push up A Long.

A Long Cross Smoke

The A Long cross smoke is another important smoke to know if you want to control A Long. To execute this smoke, stand in front of the doors at A Long and aim your crosshair at the edge of the metal railing on the right side of the doors. Then, jump throw your smoke grenade. The smoke will land on the ramp leading up to A Long, blocking the Terrorist's view and allowing you to cross safely.

B Site

B Site Window Smoke

The B Site window smoke is a great smoke to use if you want to deny the Terrorists vision from window room. To execute this smoke, stand in front of the car at mid and aim your crosshair at the corner of the building at B Site. Then, jump throw your smoke grenade. The smoke will land on the window ledge, blocking the Terrorist's view and allowing your team to safely cross to B Site.

B Site Door Smoke

The B Site door smoke is an essential smoke to use if you want to take control of B Site without being seen. To execute this smoke, stand in front of the car at mid and aim your crosshair at the top of the building at B Site. Then, jump throw your smoke grenade. The smoke will land on the door, blocking the Terrorist's view and allowing your team to safely push onto B Site.


Mid Doors Smoke

The mid doors smoke is a powerful smoke to use if you want to deny the Terrorists vision from mid. To execute this smoke, stand at the T spawn and aim your crosshair at the top of the wall above the double doors at mid. Then, jump throw your smoke grenade. The smoke will land on the doors, blocking the Terrorist's view and allowing your team to safely cross to B Site or catwalk.

Mid Doors Cross Smoke

The mid doors cross smoke is a tricky smoke to execute, but it can be incredibly effective if used correctly. To execute this smoke, stand at the T spawn and aim your crosshair at the corner of the building at B Site. Then, walk forward and throw your smoke grenade while turning to face the double doors at mid. The smoke will land on the box at mid, blocking the Terrorist's view and allowing your team to safely cross to B Site or catwalk.


These are just a few of the many smoke spots on Dust 2 that can give you a tactical advantage. By mastering these smokes, you can take control of the map and outplay your opponents. So next time you play Dust 2, be sure to try out these smoke spots and see how they can improve your gameplay.

Best Smoke Spots on Dust 2: A Comprehensive GuideDust 2 is one of the most iconic maps in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO). It has been around since the early days of the game and remains a favorite among players. The map is simple yet complex, and it offers a balanced gameplay experience for both Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists. One of the most important aspects of gameplay on Dust 2 is the use of smoke grenades. In this article, we will take a closer look at the best smoke spots on Dust 2.The T-Spawn StairsThe T-Spawn Stairs are a common spot for Terrorists to rush towards the A Site. However, this area can also be used to throw a smoke grenade to block off the CT Spawn Ramp and the B Site Window. To throw this smoke, stand at the stairs and aim at the top left corner of the building in front of you. Then jump and throw the smoke just before you hit the ground. This will create a smoke wall that will prevent CTs from seeing the ramp and window.The CT Spawn RampThe CT Spawn Ramp is a crucial area for Counter-Terrorists to defend, as it provides easy access to both A and B Sites. To prevent Terrorists from rushing through this area, CTs can throw a smoke grenade from the stairs near the spawn point. To do this, stand at the bottom of the stairs and aim at the top of the ramp. Then, jump and throw the smoke just before you hit the ground. This will create a smoke wall that will block off the ramp and force Terrorists to find another route.The Mid Double-DoorsThe Mid Double-Doors are a popular spot for both teams to control on Dust 2. However, they can also be used to throw a smoke grenade towards the B Site Car and the Lower B Tunnels. To throw this smoke, stand in the middle of the doors and aim at the top left corner of the building in front of you. Then, jump and throw the smoke just before you hit the ground. This will create a smoke wall that will block off both the car and the tunnels.The B Site CarThe B Site Car is a common spot for Terrorists to plant the bomb. However, it can also be used to throw a smoke grenade towards the B Site Window and the Lower B Tunnels. To throw this smoke, stand on the car and aim at the top left corner of the building in front of you. Then, jump and throw the smoke just before you hit the ground. This will create a smoke wall that will block off both the window and the tunnels.The A Site BoxesThe A Site Boxes are a crucial area for both teams on Dust 2. However, they can also be used to throw a smoke grenade towards the A Site Catwalk and the CT Spawn Doorway. To throw this smoke, stand behind the boxes and aim at the top right corner of the building in front of you. Then, jump and throw the smoke just before you hit the ground. This will create a smoke wall that will block off both the catwalk and the doorway.The Lower B TunnelsThe Lower B Tunnels are a popular spot for Terrorists to rush towards the B Site. However, they can also be used to throw a smoke grenade towards the Top of Mid and the CT Spawn Ramp. To throw this smoke, stand at the entrance of the tunnels and aim at the top left corner of the building in front of you. Then, jump and throw the smoke just before you hit the ground. This will create a smoke wall that will block off both the top of mid and the ramp.The Top of MidThe Top of Mid is a crucial area for both teams on Dust 2. However, it can also be used to throw a smoke grenade towards the B Site Window and the Lower B Tunnels. To throw this smoke, stand at the top of mid and aim at the top left corner of the building in front of you. Then, jump and throw the smoke just before you hit the ground. This will create a smoke wall that will block off both the window and the tunnels.The B Site WindowThe B Site Window is a popular spot for CTs to defend on Dust 2. However, it can also be used to throw a smoke grenade towards the B Site Car and the Lower B Tunnels. To throw this smoke, stand at the window and aim at the top left corner of the building in front of you. Then, jump and throw the smoke just before you hit the ground. This will create a smoke wall that will block off both the car and the tunnels.The A Site CatwalkThe A Site Catwalk is a popular spot for Terrorists to control on Dust 2. However, it can also be used to throw a smoke grenade towards the A Site Boxes and the CT Spawn Doorway. To throw this smoke, stand at the end of the catwalk and aim at the top right corner of the building in front of you. Then, jump and throw the smoke just before you hit the ground. This will create a smoke wall that will block off both the boxes and the doorway.The CT Spawn DoorwayThe CT Spawn Doorway is a crucial area for Counter-Terrorists to defend on Dust 2. However, it can also be used to throw a smoke grenade towards the A Site Boxes and the A Site Catwalk. To throw this smoke, stand at the doorway and aim at the top right corner of the building in front of you. Then, jump and throw the smoke just before you hit the ground. This will create a smoke wall that will block off both the boxes and the catwalk.In conclusion, knowing the best smoke spots on Dust 2 is essential for both Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists to gain an advantage in the game. The spots mentioned above are just a few examples of the many possible smoke spots on the map. However, mastering these spots can greatly improve your gameplay and help you win more matches. So, practice these smoke throws and surprise your opponents with your strategic skills!

Exploring the Best Smoke Spots on Dust 2

The Pros and Cons of Using Smoke Spots on Dust 2

Using smoke spots effectively can turn the tide of a match on Dust 2. Here are some advantages and disadvantages to consider when using smoke spots:Pros:
  1. Smoke grenades can provide cover for players advancing through choke points on the map.
  2. Smoke grenades can obscure vision for enemies, making it difficult for them to engage in combat.
  3. Smoke grenades can be used to block off areas, forcing enemies to move into more advantageous positions for your team.
  1. Smoke grenades can be costly, so it is important to use them wisely and effectively.
  2. Smoke grenades can obscure vision for both teams, making it difficult for players to engage in combat or navigate the map.
  3. Smoke grenades can give away your position if used incorrectly or thrown too early.

The Best Smoke Spots on Dust 2

Here are some of the best smoke spots on Dust 2 and how they can be used to gain an advantage:

Long A Doors: This smoke spot is perfect for blocking off the entrance to Long A, forcing enemies to move into more advantageous positions for your team. The smoke can also be used to provide cover for players advancing through this area.

CT Spawn: This smoke spot can be used to block off CT Spawn, preventing enemies from moving into this area and forcing them to take a different route. It can also be used to provide cover for players advancing towards the bombsite.

Bombsite B: This smoke spot can be used to block off the entrance to Bombsite B, forcing enemies to move into more advantageous positions for your team. The smoke can also be used to provide cover for players planting the bomb or defending the area.

Table Comparison of Smoke Spots on Dust 2

Here is a comparison table of the best smoke spots on Dust 2, including their location and how they can be used:
Smoke Spot Location How to Use
Long A Doors Entrance to Long A Block off entrance, provide cover for advancing players
CT Spawn CT Spawn area Block off area, provide cover for advancing players
Bombsite B Entrance to Bombsite B Block off entrance, provide cover for planting/defending the bomb
In conclusion, using smoke spots effectively can give your team a significant advantage on Dust 2. However, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of using smoke grenades and use them wisely to avoid giving away your position or hindering your own vision. The best smoke spots on Dust 2 are Long A Doors, CT Spawn, and Bombsite B, each providing unique advantages for your team.

The Best Smoke Spots on Dust 2: A Guide for CS:GO Players

As a Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player, knowing the best smoke spots on Dust 2 can give you an edge over your opponents. These strategic locations allow you to block off enemy lines of sight, create distractions, and gain advantageous positions on the map. In this article, we’ll go over some of the best smoke spots on Dust 2 for both terrorist and counter-terrorist sides.

Starting with the terrorist side, one of the most useful smoke spots is at the top of mid. By throwing a smoke grenade towards the doors at the start of the round, you can prevent the CTs from seeing or shooting you as you cross to the B site. This allows you to safely take control of mid and potentially catch the CTs off guard.

Another great smoke spot for terrorists is at the B tunnels. By throwing a smoke grenade towards the entrance of the tunnels, you can obscure the CTs’ vision and prevent them from peeking or pushing through the smoke. This gives you time to push into the site and take control of it.

On the counter-terrorist side, one of the most effective smoke spots is at the long A doors. By throwing a smoke grenade towards the doors, you can block off the terrorists’ line of sight and prevent them from picking off your teammates who are holding the long A angle. This allows your team to safely hold the position and potentially pick off any terrorists who try to push through the smoke.

Another useful smoke spot for CTs is at the B window. By throwing a smoke grenade towards the window, you can block off the terrorists’ view of the site, making it more difficult for them to plant the bomb. This also allows you to safely peek and potentially pick off any terrorists who are trying to plant the bomb.

It’s important to note that smoke grenades aren’t just useful for blocking off lines of sight. They can also be used to create distractions and misdirect your opponents. For example, throwing a smoke grenade towards the A site from mid can make the CTs think that you’re pushing towards A, when in reality you’re going towards B. This can catch them off guard and give you an advantage.

Another way to use smoke grenades is to create gaps in them. By throwing a smoke grenade towards a certain area and then shooting through the gap, you can surprise your opponents and potentially pick off a few of them.

However, it’s important to remember that smoke grenades aren’t foolproof. Skilled players can still use sound cues and other indicators to figure out where you are and what you’re doing. Additionally, overuse of smoke grenades can actually give your opponents an advantage, as they’ll know that you’re relying heavily on them and can predict your movements.

Overall, knowing the best smoke spots on Dust 2 is an essential skill for any CS:GO player. By using smoke grenades effectively, you can gain an advantage over your opponents and potentially win the round. However, it’s important to use them strategically and not rely on them too heavily. With practice and experience, you can become a master of smoke grenades and dominate on Dust 2.

We hope that this guide has been helpful for you and that you’ve learned some new tips and tricks for using smoke grenades on Dust 2. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. Good luck and have fun!

People Also Ask About Best Smoke Spots Dust 2

What are smoke spots in Dust 2?

Smoke spots are locations on the map Dust 2 where players can throw smoke grenades to block off vision and create cover for their team. These spots are strategically placed to give players an advantage during gameplay.

Why are smoke grenades important in Dust 2?

Smoke grenades are important in Dust 2 because they can be used to block off vision from the enemy team, allowing players to move around the map undetected and take control of key areas. Smoke grenades also create a distraction for the enemy team, giving players an opportunity to make a move.

What are some of the best smoke spots in Dust 2?

Some of the best smoke spots in Dust 2 include:

  1. Smoking off Mid Doors from T-Spawn
  2. Smoking off B Site from Car
  3. Smoking off CT Spawn from Long Doors
  4. Smoking off Long A from A Ramp

How do I learn the best smoke spots in Dust 2?

You can learn the best smoke spots in Dust 2 by watching professional players or online tutorials. Practicing these spots in a private server or with friends can also help improve your gameplay.

What should I keep in mind when using smoke grenades in Dust 2?

When using smoke grenades in Dust 2, it is important to keep in mind:

  • The placement of the smoke grenade
  • The timing of the smoke grenade
  • The direction of the smoke grenade
  • The position of your team and the enemy team