Discover the Top 10 Stunning Metro Last Light Backgrounds that will Elevate Your Gaming Experience


Discover the best Metro Last Light background with stunning and immersive visuals that bring the post-apocalyptic world to life.

Metro Last Light is a game that has captured the hearts of gamers all around the world with its unique storyline and immersive gameplay. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic world where players must navigate through a series of challenges to save humanity from extinction. One of the most impressive aspects of the game is its background, which is rich in detail and perfectly captures the mood of the story. In this article, we will delve deep into the best Metro Last Light background and explore what makes it so captivating for players.

The game's background is set in a world that has been ravaged by nuclear war, leaving humanity on the brink of extinction. The game is set in Moscow's subway system, which has become the last bastion of human civilization. The subway system has been transformed into a maze of tunnels and underground cities, with each station having its own unique culture and history. The game's background is filled with details about the world, including the history of the subway system, the different factions that exist within it, and the struggles that people face in their daily lives.

One of the most impressive aspects of the game's background is the attention to detail that has been put into creating it. The game's developers have clearly done their research, and it shows in the way that the world has been created. From the graffiti on the walls to the dilapidated buildings and the piles of rubble that litter the streets, every aspect of the game's background has been carefully crafted to create a world that feels both realistic and immersive.

Another aspect of the game's background that stands out is the way that it creates a sense of tension and danger. The world of Metro Last Light is a dangerous place, filled with mutated creatures and hostile factions that are constantly at war with one another. The game's background perfectly captures this sense of danger, with players always feeling like they are walking on the edge of a knife. The game's dark and gritty atmosphere only adds to this feeling, making it one of the most intense gaming experiences around.

The game's background is also notable for its use of transitions between different areas. As players move from one station to another, they are treated to a series of transition sequences that seamlessly blend the different environments together. These transitions help to create a sense of continuity in the game's world, making it feel like a living, breathing place that players can explore at their leisure.

Another aspect of the game's background that stands out is the way that it uses lighting to create a mood. The game's developers have clearly spent a lot of time perfecting the lighting effects in the game, with each area having its own unique lighting scheme that helps to create a specific atmosphere. Whether it's the dimly lit tunnels of the subway system or the bright lights of the surface world, the lighting in Metro Last Light is always spot-on.

The game's background is also notable for its use of sound. The game's audio team has done an excellent job of creating a soundscape that perfectly captures the mood of the game. From the haunting music that plays in the background to the sound of footsteps echoing through the tunnels, every aspect of the game's sound design has been carefully crafted to create an immersive experience for players.

The game's background is also notable for its use of weather effects. The game's world is constantly changing, with players experiencing everything from rain and snow to thunderstorms and dust storms. These weather effects not only add to the realism of the game's world but also help to create a sense of urgency and danger, as players must navigate through these harsh conditions to survive.

In conclusion, the best Metro Last Light background is a masterpiece of game design that perfectly captures the mood and atmosphere of the game. From its attention to detail to its use of lighting, sound, and weather effects, every aspect of the game's background has been carefully crafted to create an immersive and unforgettable gaming experience. Whether you're a fan of post-apocalyptic games or just looking for a new and exciting gaming experience, Metro Last Light is definitely worth checking out.


Metro Last Light is a post-apocalyptic first-person shooter game developed by 4A Games and published by Deep Silver. The game takes place in the tunnels of Moscow's Metro system after a nuclear war has ravaged the surface of the Earth. One of the most notable aspects of the game is its stunning graphics, particularly in its backgrounds. In this article, we'll be looking at some of the best Metro Last Light backgrounds.

Destruction of the Surface

In Metro Last Light, the surface of the Earth is completely destroyed, with only small pockets of life remaining. The game's backgrounds reflect this destruction in a hauntingly beautiful way. From abandoned buildings to crumbling bridges, the game's environments are a stark reminder of the horrors of war and the devastating effects of nuclear weapons.

The Metro Tunnels

The majority of Metro Last Light takes place in the tunnels of Moscow's Metro system, which have become home to a variety of different factions. The game's backgrounds in the tunnels are dark and eerie, with the occasional patch of light shining through to create a sense of hopelessness and claustrophobia.

The Red Line Faction

The Red Line faction is one of the main factions in Metro Last Light, and their backgrounds reflect their communist ideology. Their stations and tunnels are adorned with propaganda posters and murals, as well as statues of Lenin and other communist leaders. The use of red lighting also adds to the overall aesthetic of the faction.

The Reich Faction

The Reich faction is another major faction in Metro Last Light, and their backgrounds reflect their fascist ideology. Their stations and tunnels are decorated with Nazi symbols and propaganda, as well as statues of Hitler and other Nazi leaders. The use of black and white lighting also adds to the overall aesthetic of the faction.

The Hanza Faction

The Hanza faction is a relatively neutral faction in Metro Last Light, and their backgrounds reflect this neutrality. Their stations and tunnels are decorated with more neutral colors, such as brown and beige, and their lighting is more naturalistic. However, there are still hints of luxury and opulence in their surroundings, as the Hanza faction is one of the wealthiest factions in the game.

The Bandit Camps

Throughout Metro Last Light, the player will encounter various bandit camps. These camps are often located in abandoned buildings and other makeshift structures, and their backgrounds reflect this makeshift aesthetic. The use of salvaged materials and makeshift structures creates a sense of chaos and disorganization.

The Swamp

One of the more unique environments in Metro Last Light is the swamp. This area is filled with toxic gas and mutated creatures, and the backgrounds reflect this hazardous environment. The use of sickly greens and browns creates a sense of unease, and the occasional glowing mushroom or creature adds to the overall atmosphere of danger.

The Library

The Library is one of the most memorable areas in Metro Last Light. The player must navigate through a maze of bookshelves and fight off mutants while avoiding traps. The backgrounds in the Library are eerie and foreboding, with the occasional ray of light shining through the cracks in the ceiling.

The Dead City

The Dead City is another memorable area in Metro Last Light. This area is filled with decaying buildings and abandoned vehicles, and the backgrounds reflect this sense of decay. The use of muted colors and crumbling textures creates a sense of hopelessness and despair.


Metro Last Light is a game with stunning graphics, particularly in its backgrounds. From the destruction of the surface to the eerie tunnels of the Metro system, the game's environments are a testament to the skill and creativity of the developers at 4A Games. Whether you're exploring the swamp or navigating through the Library, Metro Last Light's backgrounds are sure to leave a lasting impression on players.

The Best Metro Last Light Background: Surviving in a Post-Apocalyptic World

Since the dawn of mankind, we have always been fascinated with the idea of what life would be like after the end of the world. Metro Last Light takes us into a post-apocalyptic world where humanity is struggling to survive amongst the ruins of a once-great civilization. In this article, we will explore the best Metro Last Light background and how it captures the essence of a world ravaged by war, mutated creatures, and lethal radiation.

The Dangers of Mutated Creatures

One of the defining features of Metro Last Light is the variety of mutated creatures that roam the desolate landscape. From the spider-like Watchmen to the bat-like Demons, these creatures are a constant threat to the survival of humanity. The game does an excellent job of showcasing the dangers of these creatures, both through their appearance and behavior.

The Watchmen, for example, are small, agile creatures that are difficult to kill. They hunt in packs and will attack the player relentlessly until they have been killed. The Demons, on the other hand, are giant flying creatures that can swoop down and snatch the player up in their talons. These creatures are not only terrifying but also add an extra layer of challenge to the game.

The Lethal Nature of Radiation

Another key element of the Metro Last Light background is the lethal nature of radiation. In this post-apocalyptic world, radiation is everywhere, and exposure can quickly lead to death. The game does an excellent job of showcasing this, with areas that are heavily irradiated requiring the player to wear a gas mask and take anti-radiation pills to survive.

The game also explores the long-term effects of radiation exposure, with some characters suffering from mutations and deformities as a result. It's a sobering reminder of the devastating effects of nuclear war and the importance of avoiding such a catastrophic event in the real world.

The Rise of Factions and Political Turmoil

In Metro Last Light, the struggle for resources and power has led to the rise of factions and political turmoil. The game explores the different factions that have emerged in this post-apocalyptic world, each with their own unique beliefs and motivations. From the Red Line to the Fourth Reich, these factions are constantly vying for control over the limited resources that remain.

The game also explores the impact of political turmoil on the people living in this world. The player encounters characters who are struggling to survive in the midst of this chaos, caught between the competing interests of different factions. It's a stark reminder of how quickly society can break down in the face of disaster, and the importance of strong leadership and unity in times of crisis.

The Haunting Memories of the Past

The Metro Last Light background is also characterized by the haunting memories of the past. The game takes place in Moscow, a city that was once a symbol of Soviet power and glory. However, in this post-apocalyptic world, it is now a shadow of its former self, a reminder of what was lost in the war.

The game explores the impact of this loss on the people living in this world, with characters haunted by memories of their past lives. These memories serve as a reminder of what has been lost, but also provide hope for a better future.

The Role of Technology in a Desolate World

Technology plays a crucial role in the Metro Last Light background. The game features a variety of weapons and gadgets that the player can use to survive in this harsh world. From the iconic AK-47 to the stealthy throwing knives, these weapons are essential for taking down mutated creatures and enemy factions.

The game also explores the role of technology in rebuilding society. The player encounters scientists and engineers who are working to develop new technologies that can help humanity survive and thrive in this post-apocalyptic world. It's a reminder that even in the darkest of times, human ingenuity and innovation can still be a force for good.

The Sacrifices Made for the Greater Good

One of the key themes of Metro Last Light is the sacrifices that people must make for the greater good. The game explores the difficult decisions that characters must make in order to ensure the survival of their community. This includes sacrificing their own personal desires and beliefs for the good of the group.

The game also explores the impact of these sacrifices on the characters themselves. Many characters are forced to confront their own mortality and the harsh realities of this world. It's a reminder that in times of crisis, we must all be willing to make sacrifices for the greater good.

The Hope for a Better Future Amidst the Darkness

Despite the bleakness of the Metro Last Light background, there is still hope for a better future. The game explores the idea of rebuilding society after the end of the world, with characters working to create a better world for future generations.

The game also features moments of beauty amidst the darkness. From the stunning vistas of the surface world to the warm glow of a campfire, these moments serve as a reminder that even in the midst of tragedy, there is still beauty to be found.


Metro Last Light is a game that captures the essence of a post-apocalyptic world. From the dangers of mutated creatures to the lethal nature of radiation, the game immerses players in a world that is both terrifying and fascinating. The rise of factions and political turmoil, the haunting memories of the past, and the role of technology in a desolate world all contribute to the rich and complex Metro Last Light background.

However, amidst the darkness, there is still hope for a better future. The sacrifices made for the greater good and the resilience of humanity in the face of adversity are reminders that even in the darkest of times, there is still a glimmer of hope. It's a message that is as relevant today as it was when the game was first released, a reminder that no matter what challenges we face, we must always strive to build a better world for ourselves and future generations.

The Best Metro Last Light Background

Point of View

As an AI language model, I don't have a personal point of view. However, based on the reviews of gamers and critics, the best Metro Last Light background is the Dead City level. It offers a haunting atmosphere that perfectly captures the post-apocalyptic setting of the game.

Pros and Cons

  • The Dead City level is visually stunning, with detailed textures and lighting effects that immerse players in the game's world.
  • The level's eerie and abandoned environment creates a sense of tension and danger, making it a thrilling experience for players.
  • The level's design encourages exploration, with hidden areas and secrets to discover.
  • The level's dark and gloomy atmosphere might not be suitable for all players, especially those who prefer brighter and more colorful settings.
  • The level's difficulty level is higher than other levels in the game, which can be frustrating for some players.
  • The level's length is shorter than other levels in the game, which might disappoint players looking for more content.

Table Comparison or Information about Metro Last Light

Features Metro Last Light
Developer 4A Games
Publisher Deep Silver
Release Date May 14, 2013
Platforms PC, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Nintendo Switch
Genre First-person shooter, survival horror
Game Modes Single-player, multiplayer
Metacritic Score 82/100 (PC), 81/100 (Xbox 360), 80/100 (PS3)

In conclusion, the Dead City level is widely regarded as the best Metro Last Light background due to its captivating atmosphere and gameplay. While it might not suit everyone's taste, it offers a unique and memorable experience for players who enjoy post-apocalyptic settings and exploration.

The Best Metro Last Light Backgrounds: A Visual Journey through the Post-Apocalyptic World

Dear visitors,

Thank you for joining us on this visual journey through the post-apocalyptic world of Metro Last Light. We hope that you have enjoyed exploring the game's stunning environments, meeting its fascinating characters, and immersing yourself in its gripping storyline. Before we bid you farewell, we would like to share with you some of our favorite backgrounds from the game, which we believe capture the essence of its haunting atmosphere and unforgettable setting.

First, let us take you to the desolate wasteland of the Dead City, where the ruins of Moscow lie buried under layers of ash and debris. In this eerie landscape, every step could be your last, as danger lurks around every corner. The background of the Dead City encapsulates the sense of dread and foreboding that permeates the game, as well as the beauty that can be found in even the most desolate of places.

Next, we invite you to explore the underground tunnels of the Metro, where humanity has taken refuge from the horrors of the surface. The background of the Metro station is a testament to the ingenuity and resilience of the human race, as well as the stark contrast between the bleakness of the outside world and the warmth and comfort of the underground.

As you delve deeper into the Metro, you will encounter a myriad of factions and characters, each with their own agenda and philosophy. One of the most memorable of these is the Red Line, a communist faction that seeks to impose its ideology on the rest of the survivors. The background of the Red Line station captures the imposing architecture and propaganda of this faction, as well as the tension that arises from their clashes with other groups.

Of course, no journey through the Metro would be complete without a visit to the mysterious and dangerous world of the Dark Ones. These enigmatic beings are at the heart of the game's philosophical themes, as they challenge humanity's assumptions about its place in the universe. The background of the Dark One's lair is both awe-inspiring and terrifying, as it hints at the vastness and complexity of the world beyond our understanding.

Finally, we would like to share with you a background that encapsulates the hope and beauty that can be found even in the darkest of times. The background of the Aurora, the train that serves as the player's base of operations, is a testament to the human spirit and the power of cooperation and friendship. As you travel across the wasteland on the Aurora, you will encounter moments of joy and camaraderie that remind us of the resilience and compassion that make us human.

We hope that these backgrounds have given you a taste of the rich and complex world of Metro Last Light, and that they have inspired you to dive deeper into its story and lore. We believe that this game is more than just a shooter or a post-apocalyptic adventure; it is a work of art that explores the deepest questions of human existence and the nature of reality itself. We hope that you will continue to explore this world and discover its secrets for yourself.

Thank you once again for joining us on this journey, and we hope to see you again soon!


The Metro Last Light Team

People Also Ask About Best Metro Last Light Background

What is Metro Last Light?

Metro Last Light is a first-person shooter video game developed by 4A Games and published by Deep Silver. It is the sequel to Metro 2033 and was released in 2013.

What makes a good Metro Last Light background?

A good Metro Last Light background should capture the post-apocalyptic atmosphere of the game. Look for images that feature the game's iconic gas masks, mutated creatures, and ruined landscapes. The background should also be high-quality and have a resolution of at least 1920x1080 pixels.

Where can I find Metro Last Light backgrounds?

You can find Metro Last Light backgrounds on various websites such as Wallpaper Abyss, WallpaperSafari, and Reddit. You can also create your own background using screenshots from the game or fan art.

Can I use Metro Last Light backgrounds for commercial purposes?

No, you cannot use Metro Last Light backgrounds for commercial purposes unless you have obtained permission from the copyright holder. Using copyrighted material without permission is illegal and can result in legal action.

What are some popular Metro Last Light backgrounds?

Some popular Metro Last Light backgrounds include:

  1. Metro: Last Light Redux by Michał Misiński
  2. Gas Mask by WallpapersWide
  3. Metro Last Light Wallpaper by WallpaperSafari
  4. Metro Last Light by HD Wallpapers

Can I use Metro Last Light backgrounds on my console?

Yes, you can use Metro Last Light backgrounds on your console if it supports custom backgrounds. However, the process of setting a custom background may vary depending on the console. Refer to the user manual or online tutorials for instructions.