Discover the Heartfelt Meaning Behind 'Best Part of Me' Lyrics - A Must-Read for Music Lovers!


Best Part of Me lyrics celebrate self-love and acceptance, reminding us that our imperfections make us beautiful. An empowering anthem for all.

The song Best Part of Me by Ed Sheeran featuring YEBBA is a beautiful ode to self-love and acceptance. The lyrics are incredibly powerful and relatable, as they speak to the struggles of feeling insecure and unworthy. The best part of me lyrics are all about embracing one's flaws and finding beauty in imperfection. In this article, we will dive deep into the meaning behind the song's lyrics and explore how it has resonated with so many listeners around the world.

At the beginning of the song, Sheeran sings, My lungs are black, my heart is pure, my hands are scarred from nights before. This opening line immediately grabs the listener's attention with its contrasting imagery. The idea of having black lungs and scarred hands seems to suggest a life of recklessness and regret. However, the phrase my heart is pure hints at a deeper truth - that despite his flaws, Sheeran believes himself to be a good person at his core.

The chorus of the song is where the true message of self-love shines through. Sheeran sings, Cause you love me for everything, you hate me for. I'm the best mistake you ever made. These lines are a celebration of imperfection, as Sheeran acknowledges that he may not be perfect, but he is loved nonetheless. The use of the word mistake to describe himself is particularly poignant - it suggests that even our flaws can be seen as valuable parts of who we are.

In the second verse, YEBBA takes over the vocals and sings, I know I've got a tendency to exaggerate. I did it mama so that you'd notice me. These lines speak to the pressure many of us feel to be seen and heard by others, even if it means exaggerating or hiding our true selves. YEBBA's vulnerability in this verse is a reminder that we are all struggling with something - and that it's okay to be imperfect.

The bridge of the song is a powerful moment, as Sheeran and YEBBA sing together, Cause I'm a mess, but I'm the mess that you wanted. This line is a celebration of individuality and self-acceptance. It suggests that even if we feel like a mess at times, there is someone out there who loves us for exactly who we are.

Overall, Best Part of Me is a beautiful song that celebrates imperfection and the importance of self-love. Its lyrics are relatable and inspiring, reminding us that we are all worthy of love and acceptance - flaws and all. Whether you're feeling insecure or simply need a boost of self-confidence, this song is sure to lift your spirits and remind you of your own inherent value.

The Best Part of Me Lyrics

Best Part of Me is a song by British singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran. It was released on July 12, 2019, as a part of his album No.6 Collaborations Project. The song features Yebba, an American singer-songwriter, who lends her soulful voice to the track. The song is about accepting your flaws and embracing your imperfections, and it has resonated with many people around the world.

The Message of the Song

The song's lyrics are simple yet powerful. They convey a message of self-love and self-acceptance, which is something that we all need to hear from time to time. The chorus of the song goes:

Cause you're the best part of me The side I hope everyone sees The air that I breathe The love that I need But somehow still so out of reach

These words are a reminder that even though we may feel flawed or imperfect, there is always something within us that shines and makes us unique and special. We should embrace that part of ourselves and let it shine through.

The Collaboration with Yebba

The collaboration between Ed Sheeran and Yebba is a match made in heaven. Yebba's soulful voice perfectly complements the emotional depth of the song. Her vocals add an extra layer of meaning to the lyrics, making them even more powerful.

The two singers have performed the song together live, and their chemistry is undeniable. Their voices blend together seamlessly, creating a beautiful harmony that is a joy to listen to.

The Music Video

The music video for Best Part of Me is a simple yet beautiful visual representation of the song's message. It features a diverse group of people, each with their own unique physical traits. The video shows these individuals embracing their imperfections and confidently showing them off to the world.

One of the most touching moments in the video is when we see a young girl with a prosthetic leg confidently playing soccer with her friends. This scene perfectly captures the essence of the song, which is all about accepting yourself for who you are and not letting anything hold you back.

The Impact of the Song

Best Part of Me has had a profound impact on many people around the world. The song's message of self-love and self-acceptance has resonated with fans of all ages and backgrounds.

Many people have taken to social media to share their stories of how the song has helped them overcome their insecurities and embrace their imperfections. It has become an anthem for anyone who has ever felt like they weren't good enough.

The Importance of Self-Love

Self-love is something that we all need to work on. It's easy to get caught up in our flaws and shortcomings, but it's important to remember that those things don't define us. We are all unique and special in our own way, and we should celebrate that.

Songs like Best Part of Me remind us to love ourselves and accept ourselves for who we are. They encourage us to be kind to ourselves and to focus on our strengths instead of our weaknesses.

The Legacy of the Song

Best Part of Me is a song that will undoubtedly stand the test of time. Its message of self-love is timeless and universal, and it will continue to resonate with people for generations to come.

It's a song that we can all turn to when we're feeling down or insecure. It reminds us that we are all beautiful and unique in our own way, and that's something to be celebrated.

The Final Verdict

Best Part of Me is a beautiful song with a powerful message. It reminds us to love ourselves and to embrace our imperfections. It's a reminder that we are all special and unique, and that's something to be proud of.

The collaboration between Ed Sheeran and Yebba is a match made in heaven, and their voices blend together perfectly. The music video is a touching visual representation of the song's message, and it's sure to bring a tear to your eye.

If you haven't listened to Best Part of Me yet, I highly recommend that you do. It's a song that will leave you feeling uplifted and inspired, and that's something that we could all use a little more of in our lives.

Celebrating Self-Love and Acceptance with Best Part of Me Lyrics

Self-love and acceptance are essential elements of a happy and fulfilling life. Unfortunately, we live in a society that often promotes unrealistic beauty standards and norms that can make it hard for people to love themselves just as they are.

Fortunately, there are artists like Ed Sheeran and YEBBA who use their platform to spread messages of empowerment and self-worth. One of their collaborations, Best Part of Me, is a beautiful ode to embracing uniqueness and individuality, encouraging positive body image, affirming inner strength, recognizing personal growth and progress, fostering confidence, inspiring others to love themselves, challenging societal norms, and encouraging listeners to find the best part of themselves.

Embracing Uniqueness and Individuality

One of the most important lessons we can learn in life is that we are all unique individuals with our own strengths and weaknesses. Instead of trying to fit into someone else's mold, we should embrace our uniqueness and be proud of who we are.

The lyrics of Best Part of Me celebrate this message of individuality, with lines like:

My lungs are black, my heart is pureMy hands are scarred from nights beforeAnd my hair is thin and falling out of all the wrong places

These lines acknowledge the imperfections that make us who we are, while also celebrating the things that we do well. It's a reminder that we don't have to be perfect to be valuable, and that our flaws and quirks are what make us unique.

Encouraging Positive Body Image

Body image is a major issue for many people, especially women, who are bombarded with images of unattainable beauty standards on a daily basis. It can be hard to feel good about yourself when you're constantly comparing yourself to others.

Best Part of Me encourages listeners to embrace their bodies and love themselves just as they are, with lines like:

Cause all of the starsAre fading awayJust try not to worryYou'll see them someday

These lyrics remind us that our bodies are beautiful and worthy of love, regardless of how closely they match up to societal beauty standards. We don't have to worry about fitting into someone else's mold, because we are already perfect just the way we are.

Affirming Inner Strength and Resilience

Life can be tough, and we all face challenges and setbacks at some point. But it's important to remember that we are strong and resilient, and that we have the power to overcome even the toughest obstacles.

The lyrics of Best Part of Me affirm this message of inner strength and resilience, with lines like:

I'm a mess, but I'm the mess that you wantedOh, 'cause it ain't nobody elseGonna love me like myself

These lyrics remind us that we are worthy of love and respect, even when we're feeling down or struggling. We have the power to love ourselves and find happiness, no matter what life throws our way.

Recognizing Personal Growth and Progress

Growth and progress are essential parts of life, and it's important to acknowledge and celebrate our achievements along the way. Whether we're overcoming a major obstacle or just making small steps towards our goals, every bit of progress is worth celebrating.

Best Part of Me recognizes this importance of personal growth and progress, with lines like:

You see perfection in meI'm a mess, but I'm the mess that you wanted

These lyrics remind us that we don't have to be perfect to be valuable, and that our progress and growth are worth celebrating. Even when we're feeling down or struggling, we can look back at how far we've come and feel proud of ourselves.

Fostering a Sense of Confidence and Self-Assurance

Confidence and self-assurance are essential elements of self-love and acceptance. When we believe in ourselves and our abilities, we are more likely to take risks, pursue our dreams, and find happiness.

The lyrics of Best Part of Me foster this sense of confidence and self-assurance, with lines like:

And I've come to know that I won't loseCause I'll never winAnd I won't ever have to pretend

These lyrics remind us that we don't have to be anyone else or pretend to be something we're not in order to succeed. We can be ourselves and still achieve our goals, as long as we believe in ourselves and our abilities.

Inspiring Others to Love Themselves Just as They Are

One of the most powerful things we can do as individuals is inspire others to love themselves just as they are. When we show others that it's okay to be themselves and that they are worthy of love and respect, we are making a positive impact on the world.

The lyrics of Best Part of Me inspire listeners to love themselves and others, with lines like:

But I love my scarsAnd my faults, and my lowsAnd I love my highs, and my dreams, and my goals

These lyrics remind us that we are all worthy of love and respect, regardless of our flaws or imperfections. We can love ourselves and others just as they are, without judgment or criticism.

Challenging Societal Beauty Standards and Norms

Societal beauty standards and norms can be damaging to our mental health and self-esteem, especially when they promote unattainable or unrealistic ideals. It's important to challenge these standards and promote a more inclusive and accepting culture.

The lyrics of Best Part of Me challenge these standards and promote a message of acceptance and inclusivity, with lines like:

Cause I've never been the best at honestyBut please don't judge me for my faultsI'm scared of losing who I am

These lyrics remind us that we don't have to be perfect to be valuable, and that we should accept ourselves and others just as they are. We should challenge societal norms that promote unrealistic ideals and instead promote a culture of inclusivity and self-love.

Spreading a Message of Empowerment and Self-Worth

Empowerment and self-worth are essential elements of a happy and fulfilling life. When we feel empowered and confident in ourselves, we are more likely to pursue our goals and find happiness.

The lyrics of Best Part of Me spread this message of empowerment and self-worth, with lines like:

Cause you love me for everythingYou hate me for everythingYou forgive me for everythingI love how you hate me

These lyrics remind us that we are worthy of love and respect, even when we make mistakes or have flaws. We can love ourselves and others just as they are, without judgment or criticism.

Encouraging Listeners to Find the Best Part of Themselves

The most important message of Best Part of Me is that we all have something valuable and unique to offer the world. Whether it's our talents, our quirks, or our flaws, we all have something that makes us special.

The lyrics of Best Part of Me encourage listeners to find the best part of themselves, with lines like:

And you're the best part of meThe side I hope everyone seesThe air that I breatheThe sun in my teeth

These lyrics remind us that we are all valuable and have something to offer the world. We should embrace our uniqueness and be proud of who we are, because we are all special in our own way.


Best Part of Me is a beautiful song that celebrates self-love and acceptance, encourages positive body image, affirms inner strength and resilience, recognizes personal growth and progress, fosters a sense of confidence and self-assurance, inspires others to love themselves just as they are, challenges societal beauty standards and norms, spreads a message of empowerment and self-worth, and encourages listeners to find the best part of themselves.

It's a powerful reminder that we are all valuable and unique individuals, and that we should embrace our quirks and imperfections instead of trying to fit into someone else's mold. By loving ourselves and others just as they are, we can create a more inclusive and accepting culture that promotes happiness and fulfillment for all.

Point of View about Best Part of Me Lyrics


As an AI language model, I do not have emotions, but I can analyze the lyrics of a song and provide an objective point of view about its pros and cons.

Overview of Best Part of Me Lyrics

Best Part of Me is a love song by Ed Sheeran featuring YEBBA. The lyrics describe the singer's admiration for his partner's personality and character traits, such as kindness, honesty, and humility. The chorus repeats the phrase You are the best part of me as a way of emphasizing the importance of the relationship.

Pros of Best Part of Me Lyrics

1. Positive message: The lyrics promote the idea of valuing someone for who they are, rather than their physical appearance or material possessions. This can be a refreshing change from the mainstream media's focus on shallow beauty standards.

2. Emotional depth: The lyrics use metaphors and imagery to convey the singer's feelings, such as You're the love of my life, you know I'll never leave you. This can evoke strong emotions in listeners who can relate to the sentiments expressed in the song.

3. Collaborative effort: The fact that the song features two talented artists, Ed Sheeran and YEBBA, adds to its appeal and musical quality. The harmonies and vocal dynamics between them create a unique listening experience.

Cons of Best Part of Me Lyrics

1. Lack of originality: The theme of the song, praising someone's inner beauty, is not particularly novel or groundbreaking. It is a common trope in love songs and can feel clichéd or predictable to some listeners.

2. Simplistic language: The lyrics do not use complex or poetic language, which could be seen as a positive or negative depending on personal preference. Some listeners may appreciate the straightforwardness, while others may find it lacking in depth or nuance.

3. Limited scope: The lyrics focus solely on one partner's positive qualities and do not explore the complexities or challenges of a real-life relationship. This can create an idealized or unrealistic portrayal of love that may not resonate with all listeners.

Table Comparison about Best Part of Me Lyrics

Pros Cons
Positive message Lack of originality
Emotional depth Simplistic language
Collaborative effort Limited scope


Overall, Best Part of Me is a well-crafted love song that celebrates the inner beauty of a partner. While some may find the lyrics predictable or lacking in depth, others may appreciate the positive message and emotional resonance. Ultimately, the song's appeal will depend on individual taste and personal experiences with love and relationships.

The Best Part of Me Lyrics: A Heartwarming Tribute to Love and Relationships

Dear blog visitors,

Thank you for taking the time to read my article about the Best Part of Me lyrics. As a lover of music and art, I find that songs can convey powerful messages about love, life, and relationships. The Best Part of Me is no exception, as it beautifully captures the essence of what makes relationships so meaningful and special.

At its core, the Best Part of Me is a love song that celebrates the unique qualities and strengths of each partner in a relationship. Rather than focusing on superficial qualities or material possessions, the song emphasizes the deeper, more meaningful aspects of a connection between two people.

The opening lines of the song set the tone for this heartfelt tribute to love: You're the best part of me, the side I hope everyone sees. The air that I breathe, the place where I feel complete. These words express the idea that true happiness and fulfillment comes from the love and support of another person.

The song goes on to describe the various ways in which each partner contributes to the relationship and brings out the best in the other. Whether it's offering comfort in difficult times, being a source of inspiration and motivation, or simply providing a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on, the Best Part of Me celebrates the power of love to transform our lives.

One of the most powerful aspects of the Best Part of Me lyrics is the way they emphasize the importance of accepting and embracing each other's imperfections. Rather than trying to change or fix one another, the song encourages us to love and appreciate each other for who we are.

As the chorus of the song puts it: I don't need someone perfect, just somebody who's worth it. Someone to trust, someone to love. That's the best part of me. These words remind us that true love is about accepting and loving each other, flaws and all.

Throughout the song, there are many beautiful and poetic phrases that capture the essence of what makes relationships so special. For example, the line You're the calm in the storm, the shelter from harm, the light in the dark when I'm lost beautifully expresses the idea that a partner can provide a sense of safety and security in a world that can often be chaotic and unpredictable.

The Best Part of Me lyrics also touch on the theme of gratitude and appreciation for our loved ones. In a world where it's easy to take people for granted and focus on what we don't have, the song encourages us to cherish and celebrate the people who bring joy and meaning to our lives.

As the song comes to a close, the lyrics offer a powerful message about the enduring nature of love and the importance of holding onto it through thick and thin. The final lines of the song express this sentiment beautifully: And even when the world gets crazy, and everything falls apart, I know that you'll be there to hold me, and be the best part of my heart.

In conclusion, the Best Part of Me lyrics are a beautiful and heartwarming tribute to love, relationships, and the power of human connection. Whether you're in a relationship or not, these words remind us of the importance of cherishing and celebrating the people who bring meaning and joy to our lives.

Thank you again for taking the time to read my article about the Best Part of Me lyrics. I hope that it has inspired you to reflect on the power of love and the importance of cultivating meaningful connections with the people around us.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

People Also Ask About Best Part of Me Lyrics

What is Best Part of Me Song About?

Best Part of Me is a song about loving someone for who they are, flaws and all. It's about accepting someone's imperfections and cherishing the unique qualities that make them who they are.

Who Sings Best Part of Me?

Best Part of Me is sung by English singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran. The song features American singer YEBBA.

When Was Best Part of Me Released?

Best Part of Me was released on July 12, 2019, as part of Ed Sheeran's album No.6 Collaborations Project.

What Genre is Best Part of Me?

Best Part of Me falls under the pop genre with elements of acoustic and soul music.

What Is The Meaning Behind The Chorus Of Best Part of Me?

The chorus of Best Part of Me talks about how someone's imperfections and flaws are what make them unique and special. It emphasizes the importance of accepting someone for who they are and cherishing them.

Did Best Part of Me Win Any Awards?

As of now, Best Part of Me has not won any major awards. However, it has received critical acclaim from music critics and audiences alike.

What Makes Best Part of Me Stand Out?

Best Part of Me stands out for its raw and emotional lyrics, coupled with Ed Sheeran's soothing vocals and YEBBA's powerful voice. The combination of acoustic and soulful elements in the music also adds to its uniqueness.