Discover the Heartfelt Lyrics of 'Mother Knows Best Reprise' - A Tribute to Mom's Wisdom!


Discover the wisdom and warmth of motherly advice with the reprise lyrics of Mother Knows Best from Disney's Tangled.

Mother knows best reprise lyrics are one of the most powerful and captivating songs in the world of music. This song is particularly special because it is all about the power of a mother's intuition and how she always seems to know what is best for her child. It is a song that resonates with millions of people around the world, regardless of their age or gender.

At its core, the mother knows best reprise lyrics speak to the idea that there is no one who knows you better than your mother. She has been there since the very beginning, nurturing you, guiding you, and helping you become the person you are today. And even when you think you know better, she always seems to have a way of showing you that she was right all along.

One of the most powerful lines in the song comes when Mother Gothel says, Trust me, my dear, that's how fast he'll leave you. I won't say I told you so, no, I'll just let you go. This line perfectly captures the essence of a mother's love – she always wants what is best for her child, even if it means letting them make their own mistakes.

The mother knows best reprise lyrics are also a testament to the power of intuition. Mothers seem to have an uncanny ability to sense when something isn't quite right with their child, even before they are able to articulate it themselves. This intuition is what allows mothers to guide their children through life's ups and downs and help them navigate the challenges that come their way.

Of course, the mother knows best reprise lyrics are not just about the relationship between a mother and her child. They are also a reminder that we should always listen to our instincts, even when others are telling us to do something different. Just like a mother knows what is best for her child, we too have an inner voice that can guide us towards the right path.

Another powerful line in the song comes when Mother Gothel says, Rapunzel knows best, Rapunzel's so mature now. Such a clever grown-up miss. This line perfectly captures the way that mothers can sometimes try to hold onto their children and keep them from growing up too fast. But ultimately, we all need to spread our wings and fly on our own.

As we grow older, we may try to distance ourselves from our mothers and assert our independence. But even then, we can never fully escape the love and guidance that they have given us throughout our lives. The mother knows best reprise lyrics are a reminder that no matter where we go or what we do, our mothers will always be there for us, guiding us and loving us unconditionally.

Ultimately, the mother knows best reprise lyrics are a tribute to the power of a mother's love and the way that it can shape our lives in profound ways. Whether we are young or old, rich or poor, we all need the guidance and support of those who love us most. And there is no one who loves us more than our mothers.

In conclusion, the mother knows best reprise lyrics are a timeless classic that will continue to resonate with people for generations to come. They remind us of the power of intuition, the importance of listening to our instincts, and the enduring love that our mothers have for us. So the next time you hear this song, take a moment to appreciate the incredible bond between a mother and her child, and remember that no matter what happens, your mother will always know best.

Mother Knows Best Reprise Lyrics

The Song’s Context

The song “Mother Knows Best Reprise” is a part of the movie Tangled, which was released in 2010. The animated movie is a retelling of the classic story of Rapunzel, the princess with long hair. In this version, however, Rapunzel is kidnapped by an evil witch named Mother Gothel and locked in a tower for years. The song “Mother Knows Best Reprise” is sung by Mother Gothel as she tries to convince Rapunzel not to leave the tower.

The Lyrics

The lyrics of “Mother Knows Best Reprise” are both catchy and chilling. The song starts with Mother Gothel saying: “Now I'm the bad guy, that's fine / It's no fault of mine / And some justice at last will be served.” She then goes on to sing about how she wants to protect Rapunzel and keep her in the tower because the outside world is dangerous. The chorus of the song is particularly memorable: “Mother knows best / Listen to your mother / It's a scary world out there / Mother knows best / One way or another / Something will go wrong, I swear.”

The Meaning

The song “Mother Knows Best Reprise” highlights the theme of control and manipulation. Mother Gothel sings about how she knows what’s best for Rapunzel and how she’s only trying to protect her. However, in reality, Mother Gothel is using Rapunzel for her own gain, as she needs Rapunzel’s magical hair to stay young. The song also touches on the idea of fear and how it can be used to control others. Mother Gothel uses fear to keep Rapunzel in the tower, convincing her that the outside world is dangerous and that she’s not ready to face it yet.

The Performance

The song “Mother Knows Best Reprise” is performed by Donna Murphy, who plays Mother Gothel in the movie. Murphy’s performance is outstanding, as she perfectly captures the character’s manipulative nature. Her vocals are strong and clear, and she brings a lot of emotion to the song. The accompanying music is also excellent, with a haunting melody that perfectly complements the dark lyrics.

The Impact

“Mother Knows Best Reprise” has become one of the most popular songs from Tangled. The song’s catchy chorus has been stuck in the heads of many viewers since the movie’s release. The song has also been praised for its ability to convey a complex message about control and manipulation in a way that’s understandable for children. It’s a reminder that not everyone who claims to have our best interests at heart actually does.

The Message

The message of “Mother Knows Best Reprise” is an important one. It’s a warning against blindly following the advice of others, especially when those others have something to gain from our actions. The song encourages listeners to think critically about the motives of those around them and to trust their own instincts. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the people we think we can trust the most are the ones who will hurt us the most.

The Legacy

“Mother Knows Best Reprise” has become an iconic part of Tangled’s legacy. The song has been covered by countless fans and has become a staple at Disney parks and events. The character of Mother Gothel has also become one of the most memorable villains in recent Disney history. The song’s message has resonated with viewers of all ages and will continue to do so for years to come.

The Conclusion

In conclusion, “Mother Knows Best Reprise” is a powerful song that highlights the themes of control and manipulation. The song’s lyrics are both catchy and chilling, and Donna Murphy’s performance is outstanding. It’s a reminder to trust our own instincts and to be wary of those who claim to have our best interests at heart. The song has become an iconic part of Tangled’s legacy and will continue to resonate with viewers for years to come.

Mother Knows Best Reprise Lyrics: A Reflection on the Importance of a Mother-Daughter Bond

As we grow older and look back on our childhood memories, we often realize that our mothers were right all along. The lyrics of Mother Knows Best Reprise from the Disney movie Tangled perfectly capture this realization. In this article, we will delve deeper into the meaning behind the song and explore the importance of a mother-daughter bond.

Reflection on Childhood Memories

Childhood memories are some of the most treasured moments in our lives. They shape who we are and how we view the world around us. As we grow older, we often reflect on these memories and realize the wisdom of our mothers. The lyrics of Mother Knows Best Reprise capture this sentiment perfectly when Mother Gothel sings, You want to go outside? Why, Rapunzel!

This line reminds us of the times when we wanted to do something that our mothers didn't approve of. We may have thought that they were being overprotective or didn't understand us, but as we grew older, we realized that they were just looking out for our best interests.

The Importance of a Mother-Daughter Bond

The mother-daughter bond is one of the strongest bonds in the world. It is a bond that lasts a lifetime and goes beyond words. Our mothers are our first role models, our biggest supporters, and our greatest sources of strength. They teach us important life lessons, guide us through difficult times, and celebrate our successes.

The lyrics of Mother Knows Best Reprise highlight the importance of this bond when Mother Gothel sings, Mother knows best, listen to your mother. It's a scary world out there. This line reminds us that our mothers have been through the ups and downs of life and have learned valuable lessons along the way. They know what is best for us, and we should listen to their advice.

Learning from Past Mistakes

As we grow older, we realize that we have made mistakes in the past. We may have made decisions that we regret or hurt people we love. The lyrics of Mother Knows Best Reprise capture this sentiment perfectly when Mother Gothel sings, Trust me, my dear, that's how fast he'll leave you. I won't say I told you so.

This line reminds us that our mothers have been through similar experiences and have learned from their mistakes. They can offer us valuable advice and help us avoid making the same mistakes they did.

The Wisdom of Mothers

Our mothers are some of the wisest people we know. They have lived through many experiences, both good and bad, and have gained valuable knowledge along the way. The lyrics of Mother Knows Best Reprise highlight this wisdom when Mother Gothel sings, I'm just saying 'cause I love you.

This line reminds us that our mothers offer us advice out of love and concern. They want us to succeed in life and be happy, so they share their wisdom with us.

Embracing Change and Growth

Change is a natural part of life, and it can be scary at times. However, our mothers teach us to embrace change and see it as an opportunity for growth. The lyrics of Mother Knows Best Reprise capture this sentiment perfectly when Mother Gothel sings, Rapunzel, please, stop with the mumbling. You know how I feel about the mumbling. Blah, blah, blah, blah.

This line reminds us that our mothers push us out of our comfort zones and encourage us to grow. They challenge us to be our best selves and don't let us settle for less.

Finding Strength in Vulnerability

Vulnerability is often seen as a weakness, but our mothers teach us that it can be a strength. They show us that it's okay to be vulnerable and ask for help when we need it. The lyrics of Mother Knows Best Reprise capture this sentiment perfectly when Mother Gothel sings, You'll just upset me. This is why you never should have left.

This line reminds us that our mothers are there for us when we need them, even if we don't want to admit that we need their help. They offer us a safe space to be vulnerable and help us find the strength to overcome our challenges.

The Power of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a powerful tool that our mothers teach us to use. They show us that it's important to forgive others and ourselves for our mistakes. The lyrics of Mother Knows Best Reprise capture this sentiment perfectly when Mother Gothel sings, And then he'll walk through that door and see, I'm not just his little puppet anymore.

This line reminds us that forgiveness allows us to move on from our past mistakes and become stronger. It helps us let go of resentment and anger and embrace a more positive outlook on life.

Celebrating Womanhood

Our mothers are our first role models for womanhood. They teach us to be strong, independent, and confident women. The lyrics of Mother Knows Best Reprise highlight the importance of celebrating womanhood when Mother Gothel sings, Skip the drama, stay with Mama.

This line reminds us to embrace our femininity and celebrate our uniqueness. Our mothers teach us that being a woman is something to be proud of and that we should never shy away from it.

Overcoming Self-Doubt

Self-doubt can be a major obstacle in life, but our mothers teach us to overcome it. They show us that we are capable of achieving anything we set our minds to. The lyrics of Mother Knows Best Reprise capture this sentiment perfectly when Mother Gothel sings, Trust me, my dear, when it comes to the world out there, it's them, not you, who's out of order.

This line reminds us that self-doubt is often unfounded and that we should trust in ourselves and our abilities. Our mothers encourage us to push past our fears and take risks.

The Beauty of Unconditional Love

Perhaps the most important lesson that our mothers teach us is the beauty of unconditional love. They love us no matter what and support us through everything. The lyrics of Mother Knows Best Reprise highlight this unconditional love when Mother Gothel sings, Mother knows best, take it from your mumsy. On your own, you won't survive.

This line reminds us that our mothers will always be there for us, no matter what. They offer us a kind of love that is unique and unbreakable.

In Conclusion

The lyrics of Mother Knows Best Reprise from the Disney movie Tangled remind us of the wisdom and love of our mothers. They teach us important life lessons, guide us through difficult times, and celebrate our successes. As we reflect on our childhood memories, we realize the importance of a mother-daughter bond and the role it plays in shaping who we are. We learn from our past mistakes, embrace change and growth, find strength in vulnerability, and celebrate womanhood. Most importantly, we learn about the beauty of unconditional love and the power of forgiveness.

Point of View on Mother Knows Best Reprise Lyrics


Mother Knows Best Reprise is a song from Disney's animated movie, Tangled. The song is sung by the villainous Mother Gothel, who tries to convince Rapunzel not to pursue her dream of seeing the floating lanterns, and instead stay in her tower with her. The song has gained popularity due to its catchy tune and relatable lyrics.

Pros of Mother Knows Best Reprise Lyrics

1. Catchy Tune: The song has a catchy tune that stays in your head for days. It is a testament to the genius of the songwriters and their ability to craft music that resonates with people.2. Powerful Lyrics: The lyrics are powerful and relatable. They capture the struggle of a young girl trying to break free from the confines of her tower and follow her dreams.3. Emotional Connection: The song creates an emotional connection between the listener and the character of Rapunzel. It makes you root for her and want to see her succeed in her quest to see the floating lanterns.

Cons of Mother Knows Best Reprise Lyrics

1. Negative Message: The song promotes the idea that parents always know best and that children should blindly follow their advice. This is not always true and can be harmful in some cases.2. Manipulative Tactics: The song is sung by the villain, who uses manipulative tactics to convince Rapunzel to stay in her tower. This sends a negative message to children about the role of authority figures in their lives.3. Unrealistic Expectations: The song sets unrealistic expectations for children about the role of parents in their lives. It portrays parents as all-knowing and infallible, which is not always the case.

Table Comparison or Information about Mother Knows Best Reprise Lyrics

Pros Cons
Catchy Tune Negative Message
Powerful Lyrics Manipulative Tactics
Emotional Connection Unrealistic Expectations


In conclusion, Mother Knows Best Reprise is a powerful and emotional song with a catchy tune. However, it promotes some negative messages and unrealistic expectations about the role of parents in children's lives. It is important to teach children to think for themselves and make their own decisions, while also respecting authority figures.

Closing Message: Mother Knows Best Reprise Lyrics

Thank you for taking the time to read my article on the Mother Knows Best reprise lyrics from the Disney movie Tangled. I hope that you were able to gain a deeper understanding of the themes and motifs present in this song, as well as appreciate the incredible vocal talent of Donna Murphy who brought the character of Mother Gothel to life.

Throughout the article, we explored how Mother Gothel uses gaslighting and emotional manipulation to control Rapunzel, convincing her that the outside world is too dangerous and that she is incapable of surviving on her own. We also discussed the power dynamics at play in their relationship, as well as the symbolism of the lanterns and the healing power of sunlight.

It is important to recognize the harmful effects of toxic relationships like the one between Rapunzel and Mother Gothel, and to seek out healthier connections with people who truly have our best interests at heart. At the same time, it is also important to acknowledge the complexity of these relationships, and to understand that abusive behavior often stems from a place of deep insecurity and fear.

While the Mother Knows Best reprise is certainly a dark and unsettling moment in the film, it is also a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit. Despite everything that Mother Gothel has done to keep her locked away, Rapunzel refuses to give up on her dreams of seeing the floating lanterns and finding her true identity.

Ultimately, it is through her own courage and determination that Rapunzel is able to break free from Mother Gothel's grasp and become the person she was always meant to be. In doing so, she serves as a powerful example to all of us of what it means to stand up for ourselves and pursue our own happiness, even in the face of adversity.

As we reflect on the Mother Knows Best reprise lyrics and the lessons they contain, let us remember that it is never too late to break free from toxic relationships and find our own path in life. Let us also remember the importance of empathy and understanding, even for those who have hurt us in the past.

Thank you once again for reading, and I hope that this article has inspired you to think more deeply about the messages and themes present in popular media. As always, I encourage you to continue exploring these topics and engaging in thoughtful discussions with others.

People Also Ask About Mother Knows Best Reprise Lyrics

What is Mother Knows Best Reprise?

Mother Knows Best Reprise is a song from the Disney animated movie Tangled. It is sung by the character Mother Gothel, who is trying to convince Rapunzel not to leave her tower.

What are the lyrics to Mother Knows Best Reprise?

  1. Trust me, my dear, that's how fast he'll leave you.
  2. I won't say I told you so, no, I'll just let you go.
  3. Why, oh why, ask why do I know best? It's clear with every oh, my and ah, ha.
  4. You think you can stop the girl? Ha! Foolish child.

What is the meaning behind the song?

The song represents the control and manipulation that Mother Gothel has over Rapunzel. She uses fear and false love to keep Rapunzel from leaving the tower and discovering the truth about herself and her past.

Who sings the Mother Knows Best Reprise?

The song is sung by the character Mother Gothel, voiced by actress Donna Murphy.