Crush Your Opponents with the Best Deck for Ram Rage Challenge - Unleash Your Wrath Now!


Looking for the ultimate deck to conquer Ram Rage Challenge? Check out our top picks and dominate the arena with ease!

The Ram Rage Challenge in Clash Royale is one of the most exciting and challenging events that players look forward to. It's a game mode where players have to build a deck with only ram cards and spells, and battle it out against others who are equally skilled and competitive. To succeed in this challenge, you need to have the best deck that can withstand your opponents' attacks while dealing devastating blows. In this article, we'll be discussing the best Ram Rage Challenge deck that will help you dominate the competition.

The first card you'll want to include in your Ram Rage Challenge deck is the Battle Ram. Its charge ability makes it an excellent offensive option that can take down towers quickly. You'll also want to include the Bandit, which can dash through defenses and deal massive damage to enemy troops. Both these cards work great when paired with the Ram Rider, which can stun enemies and immobilize them for a short period, allowing your other cards to do their work.

Another critical card for your deck is the Electro Wizard, which can stun and reset inferno towers, making it easier for your ram cards to get through. The Zap spell is also an important addition, as it can clear out swarms of enemy troops that might slow down your progress. The Fireball spell is another useful tool, as it can deal significant damage to enemy towers and wipe out enemy troops that might be blocking your path.

When building your Ram Rage Challenge deck, it's important to remember that defense is just as crucial as offense. The Mega Knight is an excellent defensive card that can clear out enemy troops and deal significant damage to tanks. The Inferno Dragon is another useful option, as it can melt down enemy tanks quickly and efficiently. The Tornado spell is also an excellent tool for defense, as it can group up enemy troops and pull them towards your towers, where they can be easily dealt with.

One of the most effective strategies in the Ram Rage Challenge is to build up a massive elixir advantage and overwhelm your opponent with a flurry of ram cards. The Elixir Collector is an essential card for this strategy, as it allows you to generate extra elixir and keep up the pressure on your opponent. The Ice Spirit is another useful card that can freeze enemy troops and give your ram cards time to do their work.

Another critical consideration when building your Ram Rage Challenge deck is the synergy between your cards. For example, the Bandit and the Battle Ram work exceptionally well together, as the Bandit can dash through enemy defenses and clear the way for the Battle Ram to charge through and deal massive damage. The Ram Rider and the Electro Wizard also have excellent synergy, as the Electro Wizard can stun enemy troops and allow the Ram Rider to immobilize them with her snare ability.

The Goblin Gang is another card that can be useful in your Ram Rage Challenge deck, as it can distract enemy troops and allow your ram cards to get through. The Mega Minion is also an excellent option, as it can deal significant damage to enemy tanks and clear out swarms of enemy troops. Finally, the Barbarian Barrel is another useful spell that can take out enemy troops and deal significant damage to enemy towers.

In conclusion, the Ram Rage Challenge is one of the most exciting and challenging events in Clash Royale. To succeed in this challenge, you need to have the best deck that can withstand your opponents' attacks while dealing devastating blows. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this article, you'll be able to build a deck that can dominate the competition and lead you to victory!


Clash Royale is a popular mobile game that has captured the hearts of many players worldwide. One of the most challenging aspects of this game is the Ram Rage Challenge, which tests players’ strategic abilities and deck-building skills. In this article, we will discuss the best decks for the Ram Rage Challenge.

The Ram Rage Challenge

The Ram Rage Challenge is a special event in Clash Royale where players must build their decks around the Ram Rider Card. This card is a unique troop that rides on a ram and delivers devastating hits to enemy towers. The challenge requires players to win 12 matches in a row against other players who are also participating in the event.

Deck Building Strategies

When building a deck for the Ram Rage Challenge, there are several strategies to consider. Firstly, it’s important to include cards that have synergy with the Ram Rider Card. For example, cards that can slow down or freeze enemy troops can help the Ram Rider deal more damage to enemy towers. Additionally, cards that can provide support to the Ram Rider, such as healers or ranged troops, can be very effective.

Strategy 1: Defensive Cards

Defensive cards are essential in any deck, but they become even more important in the Ram Rage Challenge. Cards like the Inferno Tower, Tesla, and Cannon can help to defend your towers while your Ram Rider charges up for an attack. Other defensive cards that work well in this challenge include the Goblin Cage, Mega Knight, and Skeleton Army.

Strategy 2: Support Cards

Support cards are also crucial in the Ram Rage Challenge. These are the cards that will help your Ram Rider deal maximum damage to enemy towers. Cards like the Ice Wizard, Electro Wizard, and Baby Dragon can slow down enemy troops and allow your Ram Rider to get more hits in. Additionally, cards like the Heal Spirit or Magic Archer can provide healing or ranged support to the Ram Rider.

Strategy 3: Spell Cards

Spell cards are another important aspect of any deck, but they become even more critical in the Ram Rage Challenge. Cards like the Fireball, Poison, and Zap can help to clear out enemy troops and give your Ram Rider a clear path to the enemy towers. Additionally, spells like the Freeze or Tornado can help to slow down enemy troops and allow your Ram Rider to deal more damage.

The Best Decks for the Ram Rage Challenge

Now that we’ve discussed some strategies for building a successful deck for the Ram Rage Challenge, let’s take a look at some of the best decks that players have used to win this challenge.

Deck 1: Ram Rider, Inferno Tower, Ice Wizard, Poison, Skeleton Army, Zap, Firecracker, and Electro Wizard

This deck is an excellent combination of defensive and support cards. The Inferno Tower and Skeleton Army can defend your towers while the Ram Rider charges up for an attack. The Ice Wizard and Electro Wizard can slow down enemy troops and provide support to the Ram Rider. The Poison and Zap spells can clear out enemy troops, and the Firecracker provides ranged support to the Ram Rider.

Deck 2: Ram Rider, Goblin Cage, Mega Knight, Royal Delivery, Heal Spirit, Magic Archer, Fireball, and Tornado

This deck is focused on defensive and support cards. The Goblin Cage and Mega Knight can defend your towers while the Ram Rider charges up for an attack. The Magic Archer and Heal Spirit can provide support to the Ram Rider, while the Fireball and Tornado spells can clear out enemy troops. The Royal Delivery spell can also provide additional defensive support.

Deck 3: Ram Rider, Tesla, Ice Wizard, Poison, Electro Wizard, Skeleton Dragons, Heal Spirit, and Zap

This deck is focused on defensive and support cards. The Tesla and Skeleton Dragons can defend your towers while the Ram Rider charges up for an attack. The Ice Wizard and Electro Wizard can slow down enemy troops and provide support to the Ram Rider. The Poison and Zap spells can clear out enemy troops, and the Heal Spirit provides healing support to the Ram Rider.


The Ram Rage Challenge is a difficult event that requires players to build decks with strategic synergy and effective card combinations. By following the strategies and using the decks outlined in this article, players can increase their chances of winning this challenge and earning valuable rewards. Good luck and have fun!

Introduction to Ram Rage Challenge

The Ram Rage Challenge is a special event in Clash Royale that requires players to build a deck around the Ram Rider card. This challenge tests the skills of players in terms of balancing offensive and defensive cards, utilizing spells, and synergizing different cards to create a formidable strategy.The Ram Rider is a legendary card that combines the abilities of a Hog Rider and an Ice Golem. It has moderate hitpoints and deals decent damage to both ground and air troops. Its unique ability is to stun enemy troops and buildings upon impact, making it an effective tool for breaking through defenses and disrupting enemy strategies.In this article, we will discuss the best deck for the Ram Rage Challenge, including tips and strategies on how to win matches and outsmart opponents.

Understanding the Role of Ram Rider in the Deck

The Ram Rider is the centerpiece of the deck and should be used primarily as an offensive card. Its speed and stun ability make it a great option for rushing towards enemy towers and disrupting enemy defenses. It can also be used to distract enemy troops and pull them away from your own towers.It is important to note that the Ram Rider should not be sent alone towards enemy towers. It is vulnerable to swarm troops and buildings, so it needs support from other cards to clear the way and protect it from harm.

Balancing Offensive and Defensive Cards

A successful Ram Rage Challenge deck should have a good balance of offensive and defensive cards. While it is important to focus on attacking the enemy towers, neglecting defense can lead to quick defeats.Defensive cards such as the Inferno Tower, Tesla, and Tombstone can help defend against enemy pushes and buy time for your own troops to counterattack. These cards can also be used to distract enemy troops and lure them away from your towers.Offensive cards such as the Bandit, Goblin Gang, and Mega Knight can deal significant damage to enemy towers and clear the way for the Ram Rider. These cards are also effective at taking out enemy troops and buildings that may pose a threat to your push.

Incorporating Spells for Maximum Impact

Spells are an essential part of any deck and can be used to deal damage to enemy troops and buildings, clear the way for your own troops, and support your push.The Zap spell is a great option for stunning enemy troops and resetting their attack. It can also be used to finish off low-health troops and buildings. The Fireball and Poison spells are effective at dealing area damage to enemy troops and buildings, while the Log can be used to push back enemy troops and clear the way for your own push.It is important to use spells strategically and not waste them on insignificant targets. Timing is also crucial when using spells, as they can turn the tide of a battle in your favor if used correctly.

Synergizing Ram Rider with Other Cards

Synergy between cards is important in any deck and can amplify the effectiveness of individual cards. The Ram Rider can be paired with other cards to create devastating pushes and overwhelm enemy defenses.The Battle Ram is a great card to pair with the Ram Rider, as it can charge towards enemy towers and deal significant damage if left unchecked. The Electro Wizard can stun enemy troops and reset their attack, allowing the Ram Rider to push through and deal damage.Other effective combinations include the Ram Rider with the Bandit, Miner, and Lumberjack, all of which can quickly take out enemy troops and buildings or distract them from attacking the Ram Rider.

Adding Support Troops to the Deck

Support troops are essential in any deck and can provide additional damage or utility to your push. They can also help defend against enemy attacks and clear the way for your own troops.The Baby Dragon is a great support card that can deal area damage to enemy troops and buildings. It is also effective at taking out swarm troops that may pose a threat to your push. The Musketeer and Hunter are good options for dealing damage to enemy troops from a distance, while the Ice Wizard can slow down enemy troops and reduce their attack speed.Other effective support cards include the Skeleton Army, Minions, and Bats, all of which can distract enemy troops and deal significant damage if left unchecked.

Utilizing Buildings for Defense

Buildings are important in any deck and can provide a safe haven for your own troops while also defending against enemy pushes. They can also be used to distract enemy troops and lure them away from your towers.The Inferno Tower is a great defensive building that can quickly take out high-health tanks and other enemy troops. The Tesla is another effective option that can deal damage to both ground and air troops. The Tombstone can distract enemy troops and spawn Skeletons that can deal damage to enemy troops and buildings.It is important to strategically place buildings to maximize their effectiveness and not waste elixir on unnecessary structures.

Counteracting Enemy Strategies

Knowing how to counteract enemy strategies is essential in any deck and can mean the difference between victory and defeat. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of different cards can help you anticipate enemy moves and react accordingly.If the enemy is using swarm troops, the Zap spell or area damage spells such as the Fireball or Poison can be used to clear them out. If the enemy is using high-health tanks, cards such as the Inferno Tower or Mega Knight can be used to take them out quickly.It is also important to keep an eye on enemy elixir levels and not overcommit to a push if the enemy has enough elixir to counterattack.

Tips for Effective Gameplay

To effectively play the Ram Rage Challenge deck, it is important to keep the following tips in mind:- Focus on building a balanced deck that includes offensive and defensive cards, spells, and support troops.- Use the Ram Rider as the centerpiece of your push and pair it with other cards to create devastating combinations.- Utilize buildings for defense and to distract enemy troops.- Strategically use spells to deal damage and support your push.- Keep an eye on enemy elixir levels and anticipate their moves.- Practice effective elixir management and don't overcommit to a push if the enemy has enough elixir to counterattack.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

The Ram Rage Challenge is a fun and challenging event that tests the skills of players in terms of deck building, strategy, and gameplay. Building a successful Ram Rage Challenge deck requires a good balance of offensive and defensive cards, spells, and support troops, as well as effective elixir management and anticipation of enemy moves.By understanding the role of the Ram Rider in the deck, balancing offensive and defensive cards, incorporating spells for maximum impact, synergizing the Ram Rider with other cards, adding support troops to the deck, utilizing buildings for defense, and counteracting enemy strategies, players can increase their chances of winning matches and earning rewards.Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't be afraid to experiment with different card combinations and strategies until you find the one that works best for you. Good luck and have fun!

Ram Rage Challenge Best Deck - Point of View


Ram Rage Challenge is one of the most popular challenges in Clash Royale. It requires players to build a deck around the Ram and Rage spells. In this article, we will discuss the best deck for the Ram Rage Challenge, its pros and cons, and provide a comparison table for better understanding.

Ram Rage Challenge Best Deck

The best deck for the Ram Rage Challenge consists of the following cards:
  1. Ram Rider
  2. Rage Spell
  3. Musketeer
  4. Ice Golem
  5. Mini P.E.K.K.A.
  6. Fireball
  7. Goblin Gang
  8. Zap

This deck has a good balance of offense and defense. The Ram Rider is the main win condition, and the Rage Spell enhances its speed and damage. Musketeer and Mini P.E.K.K.A. are great defensive cards, while Ice Golem and Goblin Gang can distract and take out enemy troops. Fireball and Zap are essential spells for clearing enemy troops and structures.

Pros and Cons of Ram Rage Challenge Best Deck


  • The deck has a strong win condition in the Ram Rider, which can quickly destroy enemy towers.
  • The Rage Spell enhances the Ram Rider's speed and damage, making it difficult for opponents to defend against.
  • The deck has a good balance of offense and defense, with multiple cards capable of defending against enemy attacks.
  • The Fireball and Zap spells provide great utility for clearing enemy troops and structures.


  • The deck can struggle against heavy beatdown decks, as it lacks a strong tank.
  • The Ram Rider is the main win condition, so opponents may try to counter it with air troops or buildings.
  • The deck can be expensive to play, as the Ram Rider and Musketeer are both four-elixir cards.

Comparison Table for Ram Rage Challenge Best Deck

Card Pros Cons
Ram Rider Strong win condition Can be countered with air troops or buildings
Rage Spell Enhances Ram Rider's speed and damage Can be expensive to play
Musketeer Great defensive card Expensive to play
Ice Golem Can distract and take out enemy troops Not a strong offensive card
Mini P.E.K.K.A. Great defensive card Not a strong offensive card
Fireball Great utility for clearing enemy troops and structures Can be expensive to play
Goblin Gang Can distract and take out enemy troops Not a strong offensive card
Zap Great utility for clearing enemy troops and structures Not a strong offensive card


The Ram Rage Challenge Best Deck is a well-balanced deck that can perform well in the challenge. However, it has its pros and cons like any other deck. Players should practice with this deck and adjust it according to their playstyle to get the best results.

The Best Deck for the Ram Rage Challenge: A Comprehensive Guide

Dear readers,

Thank you for taking the time to read our article on the best deck for the Ram Rage Challenge. We hope that you found the information provided helpful in building a successful deck and winning the challenge.

To recap, the Ram Rage Challenge is a special event in Clash Royale where players are given a deck consisting of only Ram Rider and Rage spells. The objective is to win as many battles as possible using this limited deck. It may sound easy, but it can be quite challenging without the right strategy and deck composition.

After extensive research and testing, we have come up with what we believe to be the best deck for the Ram Rage Challenge. Our deck composition includes a mix of offensive and defensive cards that work well with the Ram Rider and Rage spells.

The first card in our deck is the Mega Knight. This card serves as a tank and can deal significant damage to enemy troops. Its spawn ability also allows it to clear out any swarms or low-health units that may be in the way of the Ram Rider.

Another important card in our deck is the Electro Wizard. This card is great for defending against enemy troops and can also reset the charge of the Inferno Tower, which can be a major threat to the Ram Rider. It can also stun enemy troops, giving your Ram Rider more time to deal damage.

The Inferno Dragon is another key card in our deck. It is great for taking out tanks and can also deal significant damage to enemy towers if left unchecked. Its flying ability also allows it to avoid ground-based attacks.

The Tornado spell is also essential in our deck. It can be used to pull enemy troops towards the Ram Rider, allowing it to deal more damage. It can also be used to group enemy troops together, making them easier to take out with area-of-effect spells like the Electro Wizard’s spawn ability or the Mega Knight’s jump.

The Skeleton Army is a great defensive card that can take out enemy troops quickly. It can also distract enemy troops, giving your Ram Rider more time to deal damage. It is important to note, however, that this card is vulnerable to area-of-effect spells like the Fireball or Poison.

The Log is a versatile card that can be used for both offense and defense. It can be used to push back enemy troops, allowing your Ram Rider to get closer to the enemy tower. It can also be used to take out low-health units or to clear swarms blocking the path of the Ram Rider.

The final card in our deck is the Fireball spell. This spell is great for taking out swarms of enemy troops and dealing significant damage to enemy towers. It can also be used to finish off a tower with low health.

Overall, our deck composition includes a mix of offensive and defensive cards that work well with the Ram Rider and Rage spells. It is important to note, however, that this deck may not work for everyone and that it is important to experiment with different cards to find the best deck for your playstyle.

We hope that our guide has been helpful in building a successful deck for the Ram Rage Challenge. Good luck and happy battling!


The Clash Royale Strategy Team

People Also Ask About Ram Rage Challenge Best Deck

What is the Ram Rage Challenge?

The Ram Rage Challenge is an event in the popular mobile game Clash Royale, where players have to create a deck of cards that can effectively use the Ram Rider and Rage spells. The challenge requires players to win 12 consecutive matches without losing three times, and if successful, they receive a special Ram Rider emote.

What is the best deck for the Ram Rage Challenge?

The best deck for the Ram Rage Challenge depends on your playstyle and card collection. However, there are a few cards that are essential for success in this challenge.

  1. Ram Rider: This card is the cornerstone of the challenge and should be included in every deck.
  2. Rage Spell: Another key card that will greatly increase the attack speed and movement speed of your troops.
  3. Electro Wizard: An excellent defensive card that can also stun enemy troops.
  4. Mini P.E.K.K.A: A strong and versatile attacker that can take down tanks and buildings.
  5. Goblin Gang: A cheap and effective swarm card that can quickly take down enemy troops.

How do I use the Ram Rider in the Ram Rage Challenge?

The Ram Rider is a versatile card that can be used both defensively and offensively. When playing defensively, use the Ram Rider to stop enemy troops in their tracks and allow your own troops to finish them off. When playing offensively, use the Ram Rider to charge towards the enemy towers and deal significant damage.

How do I use the Rage Spell in the Ram Rage Challenge?

The Rage Spell is best used when your troops are close to the enemy towers. When used at the right time, it can greatly increase your troops' attack speed and allow them to deal massive damage. Be careful, however, as the spell only lasts for a few seconds and can leave your troops vulnerable if used too early or too late.